(Television History and Trivia)




Victor Edward Swanson,


    The material provided on this page is a service of Victor Swanson and The Hologlobe Press.  The material may be used freely by a person, if the person does not use the material for commercial purposes.  The material may be used by persons employed in the media, such as staffers of radio stations, but persons employed in the media must announce that the material has been taken from the Web site of The Hologlobe Press, the main Internet address to which is www.hologlobepress.com.  Of course, the material is provided for fun or to teach.

- - - T.H.A.T., Edition No. 191 - - -

    I open this edition of Television History and Trivia with a talk about radio and television in relation to Monday, March 2, 2020, a day on which I made a long-distance drive in Michigan that resulted in my listening to broadcast radio stations for a number of hours.  On this day, the U.S. Supreme Court reported that it was going to hear, for one, a court case in the near future related to the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010, and the theme was whether or not, in essence, the law was or was not constitutional, especially in relation to the "individual manadate."  For a short while, I listened to WJR-AM 760 in Detroit, particularly The Guy Gordon Show (which is hosted by Guy Gordon, a famous radio and television guy of the Detroit area, who--I report--is a mush thinker), and Guy Gordon held a segment in which he was taking telephone calls from listeners, who were supposed to give out ideas about why or why not the entire law (the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010) should be removed from law, and Guy Gordon gave me the opinion he was not for completely killing the law [Note: I report that there was no reason to create the entire law--covering almost everything about health care in the country--when all that was really needed to be made maybe was a law related to "preexisting conditions," but the Democrats wanted to get the country on a health-care system completely controlled by the federal government, which is a rottten system to have).  Later in the day, I listened to the nationally syndicated radio show known as The Mark Levin Show, and much of the show was devoted to showing why U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders is a rotten man, a type of man that I call a "society killer."  Mark R. Levin played a lot of audio clips of U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders, showing the idiocy and evilness of Bernie Sander's mind and thinking process.  Also, Mark R. Levin read an article to listeners entitled "Inside the Cuban Hospitals That Castro (and Bernie) Doesn't Want Tourists to See" [Marty, Belen.  "Inside the Cuban Hospitals That Castro (and Bernie) Doesn't Want Tourists to See."  panampost.com, 27 February 2020.], and the article gave facts about how rotten the Cuban medical system--completely controlled by the Cuban government--is, and the article talked about the dirtiness of hospitals and about the lack of medical equipment and transportation and medicines tied to the system.  In addition, Mark R. Levin talked on the telephone with Americans whose heritage is tied to Cuba, and they talked about their experiences with the rotten medical system in Cuba.  By the way, some people have the impression that the Cuban health-care system--a "free" system for all supposedly--is great, and that is often based on the highly defective and evil documentary called Sicko, which was made by Michael Moore (a communism) and was released in 2007 [Note: By the way, Michael Moore has been associated with an annual film festival at Traverse City, Michigan, which is a socialistic-type town.]; through the documentary, Michael Moore put down the American medical system and pushed out support for other systems, such as the Cuban system and the system of Canada.].  Even later in the day--of March 2, 2020--I watched a portion of "7&4 News" (of WPBN-TV) of the Traverse City area of Michigan, and the main anchor was Marc Schollett, and at one point, Marc Schollett introduced a recorded report (from NBC News seems) about the Canadian health-care system, and the report, which was probably broadcast by many NBC-TV affiliated stations around the country on the same day, pushed out the idea that the Canadian system was good, except that there can be long waiting periods to get treated (which it seems Canadians are working to get rid of so that the system in Canada will be perfect).  The recorded report was highly one-sided, and it reminded me of some things that I have talked about in the past.  For example, I thought about the rotten series of news reports done by Stephen Clark when he was the main news anchor of WXYZ-TV in October 2009 that were designed to make the Canadian health-care system look good, and it was one-sided rottenness [Note: To see what I said about the reports, you should see T.H.A.T. #67, which can be reached through this T.H.A.T. #67 link, and I note that Stephen Clark works with JoAnne Purtan on WOMC-FM of the Detroit area today.], and I thought about the television special of September 30, 2013, entitled Understanding Health Care Reform, which was hosted by Marc Schollett and others for the "7&4 News"-related television stations, which was a rotten show [Note: I talked about the special television program in T.H.A.T. #115, which can be reached through this T.H.A.T. #115 link.], and I also thought about a news report done by PBS NewsHour for February 25, 2020, which showed off the hellish nature of the health-care system in Venezuela (a dead country) today, which had started out in 1999 as something that Hugo Chavez (a communist and the leader of the country) said was a "free" health-care system for all [Note: I was surprised that the PBS NewsHour was willing to air the report, given the entity promotes socialism and communism as good and great daily.].  None of the reports tied to Guy Gordon, Marc Schollett, and Stephen Clark showed why a health-care system of a country completely controlled by the federal government is a rotten idea and leads to death of a society, but I have talked about the rottenness of the idea through such document as Democrats--And You Think They Would Not Kill You [A commentary about "Medicare For All"], which can be reached through this Think link, and To Have Fun and Win at Life, the "Democrat" Regularly Chooses to Hurt and Even Kill Other People (A Lesson about the "Democrat"), which can be reached through this Lessons3 link.

    Let me talk about a "freak."  However, I have an aside first.  For centuries, man has been using cows (and other farm animals) as meat to eat, and farmers have been milking cows daily so that the cows do not have problems, and, in fact, man has been getting milk from cows (and goats) for centuries, so it is nothing new that man takes milk from cows today (it is not something started in the United States of America and the modern world recently).  Keep that in mind!  On Sunday, February 9, 2020, another Oscar or Academy Awards Show was broadcast on television, and I missed the show purposely, having not seen any of the movies nominated.  I have not seen a movie at a movie theater since The Man from U.N.C.L.E. was in movie theaters several years ago.  In 2019, a movie called The Joker was released, and when it was released, I saw commercials for it on television, and the commercials featured Joaquin Phoenix as a character called "The Joker," and I found the commercials to be ugly and "The Joker" to be an ugly character, and it seemed the movie was just another ugly movie for the movie theaters, and, yet, later, Joaquin Phoenix got nominated for an Academy Award for "Best Actor" for being in the movie.  On February 9, 2020, Joaquin Phoenix won the Oscar award for "Best Actor."  On that night--before the television cameras during the Oscar show--Joaquin Phoenix made statements, and I have one here--"...We've become very disconnected from the natural world, and many of us are guilty of an egocentric world view, and we believe that we're the center of the universe.  We go into the natural world, and we plunder it for its resources.  We feel entitled to artificially inseminate a cow and steal her baby, even though her cries of anguish are unmistakable   Then we take her milk that's intended for her calf, and we put it in our coffee and our cereal....".  I say that that is a statement from a freak, who had played a freak in a movie, and it can be said that the freak simply played himself in a movie, and that is not much in the way of acting.  Why did Joaquin Phoenix (a real freak) get an acting award for playing a freak and  then get to be on television?

    I have to talk about another "freak,"and the "freak" is a society killer, whose mind is geared to Marxism and communism and socialism and the like, all of which are political systems that lead to death for good people.  If you do not go along with the pushers of Marxism and communism and socialism and the like, you are to be hurt or killed by the pushers, and that is what history shows.  For decades, U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders (a "Democrat") has promoted as good the harming or killing people through government, and that can be said because he has always pushed Marxism and communism and socialism and the like as good, and he has always put down the ways of The United States Constitution.  Yet, people vote for him to be a political leader, such as as a U.S. Senator, and on February 11, 2020, U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders gave an acceptance speech related to the New Hampshire primary election involving the Democratic Party, which he had won.  Of course, during the speech he put down rich people, candidates who receive money from rich people, and more.  As expected, Bernie Sanders put down U.S. President Donald J. Trump (a non-communist and a non-socialist) by saying--"...We are going to unite together and defeat the most dangerous president in the modern history of this country....".  A good and smart person has to ask the self--How is U.S. President Donald J. Trump the "most dangerous president"?  A little later, U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders said---"...Now our campaign is not just about defeating Trump, it is about transforming this country!....".  A good and smart person has the ask the self--If the country is transformed from a country with The United States Constitution to something else, what can the something else be but a country without The United States Consttitution with, for example, "The Bill of Rights" (which allows, for instance, the ability of citizens to have free speech against the government)?  What does U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders want to transform the country into?  U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders does not say exactly what he wants, but if he does not want a country in which politicians are blocked from doing at least some things, then all that the country could change into is a country in which the government controls everything and has unrestricted politicians.  Through television, people saw U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders give his speech, and during the speech, U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders clearly showed himself to be what people who support government forms related to Marxism and communism and socialism and the like are--a "society killer" or, really, a "killer."  U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders has the nature and the mind of a killer!
    [Note: Proof that U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders has the mind of a freak and a killer can be found by seeing the article from The Federalist entitled "Don't Forget New Hampshire Winner And Dem Frontrunner Bernie Sanders Has A Lot Of Crazy Plans," which shows nineteen things that U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders would like to happen to "transform" the country (Jashinsky, Emily, and Madeline Osburn.  "Don't Forget New Hampshire Winner And Dem Frontrunner Bernie Sanders Has A Lot Of Crazy Plans." thefederalist.com, 12 February 2020.).  If you do not think U.S, Bernie Sanders would kill you, you had better think again.  And U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders is running against other Democrats for the U.S. presidency who have the same mind set--that is, that of a killer.]

    And now I have to talk about a "society killer" and even a "killer," given the person supports all types of abortion.  The person is U.S. Senator Chuck Schumer (a Democrat related to New York), who is a supporter of communists and socialists and progressives and other like rotten people.  On March 4, 2020, U.S. Senator Chuck Schumer said some words in public that I bet your favorite television newscasters, maybe the mush-head Huel Perkins (of WJBK-TV, Detroit), Devin "Cuba Lover" Scillian (of WDIV-TV, Detroit), and mush-head Carolyn Clifford (of WXYZ-TV, Detroit), failed to report to you, maybe purposely.  The words spoke by U.S. Senator made up a clear threat statement against two justices of the U.S. Supreme Court--U.S. Justice Neil Gorsuch and U.S. Justice Brett Kavanagh.  The words are certainly something that would get an average citizen investigated by authorities and such.  U.S. Senator Chuck Schumer was at an pro-abortion event tied to the Center for Reproductive Rights (a communistic entity), and U.S. Senator Chuck Schumer spoke the words outside the building for the U.S. Supreme Court in Washington, D.C.--"...Over the last three years, women's re, ra, ra, reproductive rights have come under attack in a way we haven't seen in modern history!  From Louisiana to Missouri to Texas, Republican legislatures are waging a war on women--all women!  And they're taking away fundamental rights.  I want to tell you, Gorsuch, I want to tell you, Kavanagh--you have released the whirlwind, and you will pay the price!  You won't know what hit you if you go forward with these awful decisions!....".  A smart and good person well understands U.S. Senator Chuck Schumer pushed forth a threat, particularly a threat to intimidate justices of the U.S. Supreme Court to vote his way on upcoming court cases--or be destroyed.   The words should have been broadcast by television newscasters all over the country--even by local television newscasters-- because the event was hideous and was a part of national concern.
    [Note: Over the last three years or so, many in the main-media press people have pushed out the lie that U.S. President Donald J. Trump has threatened the press and is threating free speech by the press, and it has been pushed as a lie that U.S. President Donald J. Trump has attack the U.S. Supreme Court and made threats against it, and now that you have the statement from U.S. Senator Chuck Schumer in mind, you have a true threat in mind, and it can be compared with anything from U.S. President Donald J. Trump that press people have tried to sell as being a threat in nature, and, in the end, you will find U.S. President Donald J. Trump has made no threats.]

    On Tuesday, February 11, 2020, ABC-TV launched a new weekly series for television viewers.  My question is--Why should anyone watch?  The series, which is called For Life, is yet another one of those socialistic pieces or social-justice pieces, and, in this case, a black guy, who is in prison for a crime that he did not commit, is doing lawyer work, such as, in the first episode, to help a Hispanic-type guy who is in prison.  Such crap the series is!  So television viewers have another dark and unpleasant thing to see at the end of a hard day (given it airs at 10:00 p.m.).  For Life should get life in the dark and be off the air!

    My editions of Television History and Trivia talk about television and talk about people who get to be on television, though maybe not on a regular basis, and sometimes, an edition presents some information about a person who gets to be on television but has presented something in print instead of on television.  On Thursday, February 13, 2020, Bill Sternberg, who has been on television (such as as a guest on MSNBC) and who has been the editor of the editorial page of USA Today since 2015, had a piece published in the Detroit Free Press, which showed more of the rottenness of his mind (Sternberg, Bill.  "Coronavirus shows importance of whistleblowers."  Detroit Free Press, 13 February 2020, p. 14A.), and, by the way, it was in 2016, when the newspaper for the first time took up sides in an election run.  Through the article, Bill Sternberg worked to sell as truth that Donald Trump's actions related to the now famous "whistleblower" tied to the impeachment process were like the actions of the Soviets' hiding the Chernobyl nuclear reaction event of 1986 and the actions of the Chinese's "coronavirus" event of current history.  Bill Sternberg presented this material in the article--"...Last summer, after an unidentified National Security Council aide raised alarms through proper channels on President Donald Trump's arms-for-dirt deal with Ukraine, the administration tried to suppress the complaint.  Failing that, it assailed the whistleblower.  Never mind that subsequent testimony thoroughly confirmed the whistleblower's allegations.  And never mind that Republican members of Congress used to be big champions of whistleblower protections.  Trump attacked the whistleblower on Twitter and retweed articles that purported to reveal the person's identity....".  Hold it !  I stop right there with the article.  The "whistleblower" was Eric Ciaramella.  The "whistleblower" was not really a "whistleblower," since, for one, Eric Ciaramella was not a direct participant in the now-famous July 25, 2019, telephone call between U.S. President Donald J. Trump and the president of Ukraine, but other persons--somewhere around two dozen--were, such as by listening in live.  Bill Sternberg passed along lies and crap in the article.  I can blow him away and beat him down easily with several documents that exist on the Internet at the website for The Hologlobe Press.  To see what a piece of shit Bill Sternberg is--in essence, a society killer or a killer--see these documents--A Review of What Television Controlled by Socialists and Communists Worked to Sell as Truth in Relation to the U.S. President Donald J. Trump Impeachment (which can be reached through this Impeachment Review link), The Letter to Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi from U.S. President Donald J. Trump (December 17, 2019) (which can be reached through this Letter link), and U.S. Senator Willard Mitt Romney--Yet Another Socialist and Society Killer Whose Defective Thinking Spread Rottenness about the Impeachment Trial of U.S. President Donald J. Trump to Millions (which can be reached through this Romney2 link).  What Bill Sternberg--a media man--presented in his article was "fake news."  If you see Bill Sternberg (of USA Today) on television, see him as your enemy, a "Democrat" (such as a communist or a socialist), a liar, a man to be hated, and a society killer.
    [Note: History shows that Eric Ciaramella did not go through the proper "whistleblower" channels or procedures, so Bill Sternberg lied about that.  No "allegations" were confirmed, as Bill Sternberg tried to sell as truth, so Bill Sternberg lied again.  And no comparison can be made between (1) U.S. President Donald J. Trump event (a non-event) and (2) and the Soviets and Chinese events, so Bill Sternberg worked to sell another lie.  You are also urged to see my document entitled To Have Fun and Win at Life, the "Democrat" Regularly Chooses Hurt and even Kill Other People (A Lesson about the "Democrat"), which can be reached through this Lesson3 link.]

    On Sunday, Feburary 16, 2020, I fired up the computer that was tied to the Internet, and I was exposed to a bunch to idiotic stories on the "Yahoo!" main page, and here I have to talk about a couple of the items.  One story was "Why this professor's climate-crisis solution is rankling Twitter: The worst thing you can do is have a child" [Greenfield, Beth.  Why this professor's climate-crisis solution is rankling Twitter: The worst thing you can do is have a child"  Yahoo.com, 13 February 2020, 10:53 a.m. EST.]  The story was about Patricia MacCormack, who currently has a book-like thing out in publication, which  is entitled The Human Manifesto: Activism for the End of the Anthropecene, and the person is associated with Anglia Eoskin University (Cambridge, England).  The woman considers herself an "old school goth."  Patricia MacCormack may be a "goth"-type person, but she looks like a freak--Patricia MacCormack is really thin, looking like a vegan and a person with an eating disorder [Special commenary: It seems very unlikely that some guy would want to have a child with her and be with her to raise the child for years, given her freaky looks and sickly looks, so that it good for the world.].  Yes, something is not right with her.  That is all that will say about her.  Yahoo! also had a story about Sam Donaldson, who has been a newsman under hire with ABC News or ABC-TV for years, and that story was entitled "Sam Donaldson Makes Rare Democratic 2020 Presidential Endoresement" [Moran, Lee.  "Sam Donaldson Makes Rare Democratic 2020 Presidential Endoresement." Yahoo.com, 15 February 2020, 3:32 a.m. EST.].  In the story, it was noted that Sam Donaldson while being a guest for Anderson Cooper on CNN the previous Friday said that he is endorsing Michael Bloomberg in the U.S. presidential race in relation to the Democratic Party.  I report that Michael Bloombierg, once the mayor or New York City, New York, is a rich--very rich--socialist and that Michael Bloomberg has shown himself to be a enslavist and society killer.  In T.H.A.T. #188, I talked about things that Michael Bloomberg had said whiile being a guest on Firing Line (of PBS), and one thing that Michael Bloomberg pushed forth was that the leader of China (Xi Jinping) is not a "dictator" [Note: To see quotes from Michael Bloomberg that are in T.H.A.T. #188, use this T.H.A.T. #188 link.].  On Tuesday, February 4, 2020, Michael Bloomberg was in Detroit, Michigan, and one thing that he said in Detroit was--"...This is a campaign for change, for sanity, for honesty, for inclusion, and for compassion and human decency...." [Gray, Kathleen.  "Bloomberg says his campaign for sanity, human decency."  Detroit Free Press, 5 February 2020, p. 5A.].  [To see more why Michael Bloomberg should make a person fearful, see my document entitled To Have Fun and Win at Life, the "Democrat" Regularly Chooses to Hurt and even Kill Other People (A Lesson about the "Democrat"), which can be reached through this Lessons3 link.]    In the interview on CNN, Sam Donaldson noted that U.S. President Donald J. Trump is a "...sick, ignorant man....".  Sam Donaldson thinks U.S. President Donald J. Trump is a "..sick, ignorant man....", and, yet, Sam Donaldson would like Michael Bloomberg, who likes China (a communistic country and a rotten country), to be the next U.S. president.  Through television, Sam Donaldson proved he is another freak.

    Hold it!  On Saturday, February 8, 2020, I saw the two "XFL" games presented on broadcast television (ABC-TV and Fox TV), and at about 5:18 p.m. (during the second game), I saw a commercial for Michael Bloomberg, and the main theme in the commercial from Micahel Bloomberg pushed for the idea that, with Donald Trump as the U.S. president, the country will be destroyed, saying "...What's a stake is nothing less than America!".  So during an XLF game, I had to see crap being pushed by Michael Bloomberg.  [I note that the XFL game on ABC-TV on February 8, 2020, was okay, and the XFL game on Fox TV on February 8, 2020, was a little flat in the end, and the XFL game on Fox TV on February 9, 2020, was okay, and the game on ABC-TV on February 15, 2020, was flat, and the game on Fox TV on February 15, 2020, was okay, and so far, the broadcasters do not sound like jackasses, as did the announcers as a rule for the first "XLF" version.]

    And now I have to show up main-media people--such as socialists and communists, who are "society killers" or simply "killers."  I begin by noting that you can find survey information of the past that shows that most main-media people have been on the attack against U.S. President Donald J. Trump from day one, and, by the way, I have showed in the past some of the rottenness of main-media people in documents that I have put on the Internet.  A man named Byron York had an article at washingtonexaminer.com on May 19, 2017, and the article was entitled "Byron York: Harvard study: CNN, NBC Trump coverage 93 percent negative" [York, Byron.  "Byron York: Harvard study: CNN, NBC Trump coverage 93 percent negative." washingtonexaminer.com, 19 May 2017, 02:21 p.m..], and it showed results covering the first 100 days for U.S. President Donald J. Trump, and it showed how much negative press the press had pushed out.  You can find that investors.com had an article entitled "Media Trump Hatred Shows In 92% Negative Coverage Of His Presidency: Study" for October 10, 2018 ["Media Trump Hatred Shows In 92% Negative Coverage Of His Presidency: Study."  investors.com, 10 October 2018, 06:10 p.m. ET.], and it showed information about coverage of U.S. President Donald J. Trump, and the coverage was almost all negative, and the information was from the Media Research Center.  Other articles show the same theme--that in which the main-media has had nothing good to say about U.S. Donald J. Trump.  In addition, history shows that the main media as a rule as failed to show up the rottenness of the Donald J. Trump impeachment theme, which went on for years.  On February 23, 2020, a woman name Margaret Sullivan (a socialist or even communist and a so-called journalist) had some of her thoughts presented in The Washington Post (a socialistic-entity), and, for one, Margaret Sullivan pushed out the idea that she is taking a stand for "democracy" and pushing to beat down U.S. President Donald J. Trump more since he is running an "autrocracy."  I report that her entire theme in the article showed off her rotten mind.  One portion of the article was--"...I'm talking about the kind of fairness that serves the public by describing the world we report on in honest and direct terems--not the phony kind of fairness that tries to duck out of difficult decisions by giving both sides of an argument equal time, regardless of their truth or merit....".  Remember--Many in the main media have been biased and doing nothing but negative reporting on U.S. President Donald J. Trump.  The quoted material from Margaret Sullivan was part of the idea of having the media take up being even more biased and having the media pass along even more lies, given--in her mind--U.S. President Donald J. Trump has been involved in "extreme actions and statements" that go against the country (though history shows her theme is a lie).  Now I have pass along thoughts of other so-called main-media people, and specifically I am covering three persons who were seen on CNN (the socialistic-based news entity) on February 27, 2020, which was one day after U.S. President Donald J. Trump had held a press conference in relattion to "coronavirus 19," which up to that day had not yet killed anyone in the United Startes of America.  Maggie Haberman--an employee and so-called journlist for The New York Times--was on CNN, and Maggie Haberman noted in talking about the press conference of the previous day such things as--"...But the President, John, as we know, likes to try to will things into existence...." and "...We have talked any number of times on this show and all of us, ah, more broadly as a press corps about the need for credibility by the administration...." and "...But the sure volume of things that are not true that have been said by this president and by some of his aids does not inspire credibility...." and "...Most of the controversies this White House has dealt with have been of the President's making--not all--but most....".  Incidentally, Maggie Haberman was being interviewed by two show hosts (a male and a female), and the male pointed out that about "point one percent" die of flu and that about "two percent" have died because of the coronavirus.  Stop here!  The information is defective.  There were no deaths on record in the United States of America for coronavirus on February 27, 2020, and the death information about the flu is data tied to the U.S., so the anchor (the male) was trying to compare things not related to the U.S. (deaths in other countries) with things related to the U.S. [Note: China, where there had been deaths from coronavirus, does not have a good a system of health care, as the U.S. does.].  Maggie Haberman also pushed out the idea that U.S. President Donald J. Trump was working to down play the coronavirus--the deaths and such--so that he could boost himself up in relation to the next election, though the press conference of the previous day had shown things were being done by U.S. President Donald J. Trump and his associates.  Also on February 27, 2020, John Harwood appeared on CNN to push out crap, and John Harwood said such things as--"Well, I think you have to make a distinction between what, ah, aids in the White House think and what the President, ah, thinks.  And I think what we saw last night at that news conference was President in front of all of us--we could all see it--struggling to accept the reality of the situation...." and "...And what you have seen today and last night when Dow Futures fell while that press conference was going on is a, ah, no confidence vote from financial markets--that got a lot of money on the line--in what the administration is doing...." and "...The administration has not, ah, got its act together....".  By the way, John Harwood pushed out the idea that Thump had made cuts to agencies related to health, such as NIH and CDC, but history shows that John Harwood's information is defective, given there has been a rise with, for instance, the CDC.  And Don Lemon is a regular host of a show on CNN, and on February 27, 2020, at one point in the day, Don Lemon was talking about the press conference with three other persons, and in relation to U.S. Vice President Mike Pence (and a statement about praying) and the press conference, Don Lemon said such things as--"...I have a problem with someone who's, who's allowing people to die because he doesn't want to look at science and to save lives.  I don't have a problem with anyone's praying on anything....".  I heard more "fake news" from main-media people, but I shall leave more of the information unreported, since I could go on and on and on.
    [Note (repeated): To see what a piece of shit that the so-called journalists mentioned in the previous paragraph are, see these documents--A Review of What Television Controlled by Socialists and Communists Worked to Sell as Truth in Relation to the U.S. President Donald J. Trump Impeachment (which can be reached through this Impeachment Review link), The Letter to Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi from U.S. President Donald J. Trump (December 17, 2019) (which can be reached through this Letter link), and U.S. Senator Willard Mitt Romney--Yet Another Socialist and Society Killer Whose Defective Thinking Spread Rottenness about the Impeachment Trial of U.S. President Donald J. Trump to Millions (which can be reached through this Romney2 link).

    Hey, since I published the previous edition of Television History and Trivia, the Democrats have held two more televised debates, both of which had socialists and communists running off crap ideas, and, really, they were pushing ideas that kill societies.  For instance, in the debate of Feruary 19, 2020, which was broadcast by NBC-TV (a socialistic/communistic entity), U.S. Senatior Bernie Sanders (a "society killer" of the highest order) said such things as--"...I believe in Democdratic Socialism for working people...." and "...We are living in many ways in a socialist society right now.  Problem is as Martin Luther King reminded us--We have socialism for the very rich, rugged individualism for the poor...."  I state that U.S. Bernie Sanders, like the others, passed along idiocy and nonsense and illogic, given, for one, "socialism" is not democratic--it is government control, government control, government control.  The debates showed more why Democrats have minds willing to kill citizens so that they can get what they want--there is no autruism with socialists and communists, even with the smiley ones.
    [Note: You are urged to see my document A Collection of Simple Lessons about Democrats (a.k.a. Enslavists (like "liberals" and "progressives"))--It is a Warning about "Society Killers" (which can be reached through this Lessons3 link).]
    [Note: By the way, I went on YouTube recently, and it coughed up a video of Dick Van Dyke (a comedian and actor), who was showing his support for U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders, and Dick Van Dyke was urging more people his age--such as in their eighties--to vote for the communistic U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders for U.S. president, and, recently, I saw information from Walter Koenig (whose claim to fame is being an actor in Star Trek), who was pushing out the idea that, because Donald J. Trump is the U.S. president, it is a "particularly heinous moment in American history," and I state that that shows you two rotten humans (nothing more than stupid actors), whose beliefs can lead to the death of millions, and I state that you should see them as your enemies and hate them.]

    Every time I turn on Amanpour and Company, I come across Democratic Party people as guests, and I never seem to come across anti-Democratic Party people.  Since I published the previous edition of T.H.A.T., I saw a bunch of crappy people on several days on the program, which is seen on weekday evenings on PBS-associated stations, and I took notes on the people and saved the notes, and then I threw the  notes out, having enough to talk about in this document.  I do have one rotten man to talk about here.  On March 4, 2020, David Plouffe, a former Barack Hussein Obama campaign manager was a guest when I tuned into Amanpour and Company, and, for one, he pushed out the crap that "democracy is threatened by Trump."  Of course, it was not reported why a non-communist and non-socialist--U.S. President Donald J. Trump--is a threat to democracy, and so the idea from David Plouffe was more crap shown on television, given communists and socialists, like Joseph Biden, are a true threat to democracy, as communists and socialists are all over the world.  In other words, David Plouffe passed along garbage about communism and socialism and showed that he is yet another enemy of good people, whom good people have to hate.

   Announcement for the novice again (reworked in March 2019): To get useful television-delivered news or Internet-delivered news, try Breitbart News Network (the history of which goes back to 2007), WorldNetDaily.com, Newsmax TV (which was started up in 2014), and CNS News (which is on the Internet and which was launched on June 16, 1998), since the entities do not blindly support Barack Obama-type people (communists, socialists, progressives, liberals, and Shariaists), as do CNN, MSNBC, NBC-TV, CBS-TV, and ABC-TV (Note: To learn about bad journalism, you might tune in to CNN, MSNBC, NBC-TV, CBS-TV, and ABC-TV from time to time to see how they differ from the better places mentioned).  I note that Fox News Channel is evolving into a rotten channel, becoming like those that I have put down in this paragraph.  If you are unclear of my intentions, I say in different words that you should boycott CNN, MSNBC, NBC-TV, CBS-TV, and ABC-TV and even now much of what is on the Fox News Channel and hope they lose more ratings and advertising revenues, since they are expendable, and it is time for you to find the guts to be mean and heartless and cancel them--since they are hurting you.  In 2019, "The Drudge Report" was sold, and it should be treated as suspect for now.   [Note: Everyone in the Democratic Party in the country is rotten, and the Republican Party establishment has shown itself to be socialistic and communistic within the last few years, and only a few of the rotten people are U.S. Senator Mitch McConnell, Mitt Romney, Jeb Bush, and Chris Christie.]

    I have a "for the record" segment here, and it is about CW50 News at 10, which I noted in the previous edition of T.H.A.T. would be talked about in this edition of T.H.A.T..  On Wednesday, January 22, 2020, WKBD-TV, Channel 50.1, began carrying a half-hour newscast on weekdays at 10:00 p.m. (actually, it airs at 10 p.m. and gets a repeat showing at 10:30 p.m.).  The newscast is produced at KTVT-TV in Dallas/Fort Worth, Texas.  The first show that I caught was the show for January 30, 2020, which had Ken Molestina as the anchor (and had Ken Molestina subbing for Katie Johnston), and Ken Molestina did the anchoring well, standing all the time, and there were reports from CBS News.  CW50 News at 10 has local inserts, such as from Detroit-area-based reporters, such as Cryss Walker and April Morton.  The local weather insert is normally anchored by Karen Carter (but April Moss will probably do fill-in duty from time to time).  By the way, the history of newscasts at 10:00 p.m. on Channel 50 go back to Monday, September 9, 1968, and that newscast was done seven days a week, and the first weekday anchor was Tim O'Brien.  Since 1968, newscasts in the evening on Channel 50 have been intermittent, meaning the station has had them for a while and then has ended them and then has started them up again and then has ended them...., and the newscasts have been either locally produced (such as with anchor Byron MacGregor) or nationally produced (such as from Independent Network News).  CW50 News at 10 is not bad, but do viewers need yet another newscast?

    On Tuesday, February 4, 2020, U.S. President Donald J. Trump did the annual "State of the Union" speech, which was, for instance, broadcast on television, and during the event, U.S. President Donald J. Trump gave Rush Limbaugh (of the nationally syndicated radio show called The Rush Limbaugh Program) an award, the Medal of Freedom, which was put around his neck by Melania Trump (U.S,. President Donald J. Trump's wife), and, here, I present--"for the record"--a bit of media history about Rush Limbaugh.  For this paragraph of history, I note that, in August 1988, The Rush Limbaugh Show (as it was then called)--a radio show--began to be distributed on a national basis through the ABC Talkradio Network, airing from noon to 2:00 p.m. (Detroit time) on weekdays.  The show was not picked up by any radio station in the Detroit area till the summer of 1989, and it was on WXYT-AM (1270).  Around September 1992, the radio show was still on the air, such as on WXYT-AM, and on September 14, 1992, a television series featuring Rush Limbaugh began to be shown in syndication, and the half-hour show--entitled Rush Limbaugh--began to be seen in the Detroit area on WJBK-TV, Channel 2.  The show ran for four television seasons (ending in September 1996), and during that time, the show was mostly seen in the early mornings on weekdays in the Detroit area on WJBK-TV, airing at such times at 6:00 a.m., 6:30 a.m., and 5:30 a.m., but for a short while starting in January 1995, the show was shown at 11:30 a.m..  The sydication market had a lot of programs around the period of from 1992 to 1996, so the television show with Rush Limbaugh could not get a lot of good time slots over the years [Note: I can argue today that the syndication marketplace is not much of a marketplace, since television stations air a lot of local programs, such as many hours or so-called news blocks, and I can say that the syndication marketplace has evolved into a "subchannel-programing marketplace."].  For the Detroit area, The Rush Limbaugh Program (the radio show) moved from WXYT-AM to WJR-AM (760) in March 2001, and the program is still on the air in the Detroit area on WJR-AM from noon to 3:00 p.m. on weekdays.  [Note: In some markets of the country, Rush Limbaugh's radio show is broadcast on weekends as "best-of" shows.]  Since 1988, Rush Limbaugh has broadcast programs focusing on beating down socialism and communism and liberalism and progressivism and like rotten political forms and philosophies.  The award known as the Medal of Freedom is about "freedom"--such as freedom from communism (which "Democrats" in the country support)--and Rush Limbaugh deserved receiving the medal, given he has been involved in promoting real freedom for decades.
    [Note: Barack Hussein Obama was awarded the 2009 Nobel Peach Prize, which he formally accepted, such as through a public speech, on December 10, 2009, and Barack Hussein Obama, a supporter of communism and socialism, had done nothing to show that he deserved such a prize.  Barack Hussein Obama's background shows that he was and is nothing but a useless "activist" and a talker and a liar.  Barack Hussein Obama should have been given the "Peace of Shit Prize.]

    Announcement: Recently, I have added some new documents to the collection of my documents at the website for The Hologlobe Press.  One of the documents is entitled A Document that Dispels Myths and Nonsense of Science-Fiction Books, Movies, and Television Shows (A Logic Puzzle), which can be reached through this Myths link.  Another document is And So You Think You're Going to the Moon, Mars, or the Stars..., which can be reached by using this Moon link.  And yet another of the documents is entitled And the Stupid Women Shall Lead--and Lead Ever Good Individual into Shit, Driven on by Communism, Feminism, and Defective Female Beliefs and Little-Girl Thinking, which can be reached through this Stupid Women link.  And here are other documents--A Review of What Television Controlled by Socialists and Communists Worked to Sell as Truth in Relation to the U.S. President Donald J. Trump Impeachment (at Impeachment) and T.H.A.T. Special Edition--The First Helicopter-based Traffic Reporters on Radio for the Detroit area of Michigan (at Helicopter Traffic).

    I got a surprise on Febuary 11, 2020.  I was in northern Lower Michigan.  A new subchannel showed up.  Now, Channel 10.4 now broadcasts Laff TV.  So, the channel 10 group now has CBS-TV (and local television stuff) on Channel10.1, Fox TV (and local television stuff) on Channel 10.2., MeTV on Channel 10.3, and LAFF on 10.4.

    Hey, it is baseball time again!  On June 3, 1947, commerical television broadcasting began in Detroit, and the first commercial station in Detroit was WWJ-TV, Channel 4, which has been known as WDIV-TV since the late 1970s, and on June 3, 1947, television viewers got to see a Detroit Tigers baseball game on Channel 4.  In the spring of 1949, television viewers in the Detroit area got to see regular reports from training camp (in Lakeland, Florida) for the Detroit Tigers for the first time.  In that spring, a film crew for WXYZ-TV, Channel 7, went to the training-camp facility and made filmed reports, and those reports were sent back to the station by airplane, where they were aired on Wednesdays and Fridays at 7:15 p.m. (for 15 minutes each time) in most of March 1949 and early April 1949.  In the spring of 1950, WXYZ-TV once again went to Florida to film the Detroit Tigers in training, and filmed shows usually aired at 6:30 p.m. on weekdays from March 27, 1950, to April 17, 1950.  Over the years, WJBK-TV, WWJ-TV or WDIV-TV, WKBD-TV, and WMYD-TV aired baseball games of the Detroit Tigers as locally produced broadcasts, and it has been thirteen years since a broadcast station in Detroit has done a local broadcast of a Detroit Tigers baseball game (then done in association with the local Fox Sports Detroit channel, a cable entity).  In relation to commercial television history in Detroit and to television-station broadcasting of Detroit Tigers baseball games, the first baseball game was between the Detroit Tigers and the New York Yankess at Detroit (on June 3, 1947) and the last game (shown on WJBK-TV) was between the Detroit Tigers and the New York Yankees (on August 26, 2007) at Detroit.

    As you should expect, I have another Looking at the Movies feature for you, presented through this edition of Television History and Trivia.  Recently, I saw several movies from England that had a character called "Old Mother Riley," and I had had no knowledge of the character before I saw the movies.  By the way, I saw the movies on the Detroit-area television channel (a broadcast channel) known as "Television Drive-In" (Channel 14.6), which is one of my favorite channels to watch when I am in the Detroit area and which is a part of the WHNE-TV group of channels.  I went looking for information on the Internet about the movies and the character, after seeing the movies.  It looks as if the character was very popular in England in the period from about 1934 to 1954 (at least), and there were such movies as Mother Riley Meets the Vampire (which featured Bela Lugosi) and Old Mother Riley, M.P..  Old Mother Riley was played by a man--Arthur Lucan--and he played the character in 17 movies.  Around 1950, some movies from England were shown by television stations in the Detroit, and what was surprising to me is no movie with "Old Mother Riley" ever showed up on a Detroit-area television station till 1991 and 1992.  For a short while, WXYZ-TV (Channel 7) aired a few of the movies, and they were aired late a night, such as at 3:00 a.m. on Sunday, which is why I never saw one of the "Old Mother Riley" movies till recently.  When I saw the movies on "Television Drive-In", I thought I could use one for Looking at the Movies, but Looking at the Movies only covers movies that were aired on Detroit-area television stations from 1947 to about 1955.  So I had to get another movie to present.  The movie for Looking at the Movies this month is Amateur Gentleman, which was released in 1936.  It was on Sunday, January 14, 1951, when some people in the Detroit area saw the movie on television, and it was shown by WWJ-TV, Channel 4.  The main performer in the movie was Douglas Fairbanks Jr., and two other performers were Elissa Landi and Gordon Hacker, none of whom I know anything about, but the movie was a British movie and not an American movie.  Pretend it is dark outside--the sun having gone down--turn out the lights, and watch Amateur Gentleman (which can be found on YouTube).  By the way, you might come across one of the movies with "Old Mother Riley" through the Internet, and you could decide to see it, too.

    Remember: The Prisoner with Patrick McGoohan was a television show that was produced across the pond and shown on CBS-TV in the late 1960s, and I urge you to find The Prisoner on DVD, maybe from a library, and watch it, and you should show it--all the episodes--to teenagers, or buy it as a present for teenagers.

Stay well!


    P.S.: You are urged to see my document entitled One of "The Rules of Man"--A Rule About Health Care that No Politician May Supersede with Law, which can be reached through this Rule1 link.  I have deduced that all the Democrats and most Republicans support the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010 and have no intention of killing it, though it should be killed for violating, for one, "The Rules of Man."  For example, Republicans Jeb Bush and Chris Christie support the rotten law, and that is one reason that I define them as stupid men and not men who are good enough--in this day and age--to be the U.S. President.  I note that the "mandate"--which forces everyone to buy government-approved health-care insurance--violates one of "The Rules of Man," and it is a rule that is attacked in the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010.  Anyone who supports the "mandate" is not a good enough person or a smart enough person to be the U.S. president--the mandate is "enslavism," and the "mandate" allows government people--who are often and usually bad people, as history shows--decide what health care a person can get, and that is bad.

copyright c. 2020
Date published: March10, 2020

The Hologlobe Press
Postal Box 5263
Cheboygan, Michigan  49721
The United States of America

To see the next edition of T.H.A.T.,
    click on: T.H.A.T. #192.
To see the previous edition of T.H.A.T.,
    click on: T.H.A.T. #190.
To see the catalog page for T.H.A.T. editions,
    click on: T.H.A.T..
To see information about the news business in
    the country and its failures and its betrayal of
    the American public, click on: T.H.A.T. #55.
To go to the main page of The Hologlobe Press,
    click on: www.hologlobepress.com.
To see information about the impeachment trial
    of U.S. President Donald J. Trump, which shows
    why Democrats have the minds of killers, click
    on: Impeachment Trial.
For further reading, you should see the document
    entitled Never Forget These Media Darlings ? --
    A Guide for the Individual in the United
    States of America, which can reached by
    using this link: Media.
For further reading, you should see the document
    entitled Film and Television Production
    Tax Credits: The Bad Side of the Issue,
    which can be reached through this link:
    Tax Credits.
For further reading, you should see the document
    entitled Political Lessons for the Individual Woman
    and the Individual Man in the United States of
    America, which can be reached by hitting this
    link: Lessons.
For further reading, you should see the document
    entitled Nonsense Statements and Quotations
    of Barack Obama, which can be reached at
    this link: Quotes.
For further reading, you should see the document
    about censorship, Fairness?: A Guide for the
    Individual Woman and the Individual Man
    in the United States of America, which can be
    reached at this link: Fairness.
For further reading, you should see the document
    entitled National Health Care and Mass Failure:
    The Reasons it is a Dead Issue, which can be
    reached at this link: Health.
For further reading, you should see the document
    entitled  A Collection of Words--Just Words--
    That Show Dangerous People, which can be
    reached through this link: Words.

Keep in mind: T.H.A.T. documents and Michigan
    Travel Tips documents published since the middle
    of 2008 contain more quotations and statements
    of Barack Obama's that you should see.  To see
    the editions of Michigan Travel Tips, you should
    go to the catalog page, which can be reached by
    hitting this link: Travel.
