(Television History and Trivia)




Victor Edward Swanson,


    The material provided on this page is a service of Victor Swanson and The Hologlobe Press.  The material may be used freely by a person, if the person does not use the material for commercial purposes.  The material may be used by persons employed in the media, such as staffers of radio stations, but persons employed in the media must announce that the material has been taken from the Web site of The Hologlobe Press, the main Internet address to which is www.hologlobepress.com.  Of course, the material is provided for fun or to teach.


    Section 212(f) of the Immigration and Naturalization Act of 1952, which is a federal law created by a U.S. Congress and a U.S. president, states--"...Whenever the President finds that entry of any aliens or of any class of aliens into the United States would be detrimental to the interests of the United States, he may by proclamation, and for such period as he shall deem necessary, suspend the entry of all aliens as immigrants or nonimmigrants, or impose on the entry of aliens any restrictions he may deem to be appropriate....".  On Friday, January 27, 2017, U.S. President Donald Trump, based on federal law, issued an order to temporarily--temporarily--blocked persons from seven countries of the world, one of which was Iran, a country the funds violent terrorism, from entering the the United States of America, and the period of time was set at four months.  A good person understands that the order issued by U.S. President Donald Trump was legal and right.  On Friday, February 3, 2017, U.S. District Judge James Robart (of a U.S. District Court) issued an order that U.S. President Donald Trump's order could not be followed, such as by immigration officers.  What the judge did was making a ruling that he had no legal right to do, given the wording existing in the "Section 212(f) of the Immigration and Naturalization Act of 1952.  Then, even though what the judge had done was wrong and has no basis in real law, the Donald Trump administration went to the 9th U.S. Court of Appeals for the 9th Circuit (related to the U.S. District Court in which Judge James Robart exits) to get the judge's ruling shut down, and on Thursday, February 9, 2017, the U.S. Court of Appeals--particularly a three-judge panel for the court--ruled that it would not strike down or throw out U.S. District Judge James Robert's ruling, letting the ruling stand.  In essence, the three-judge panel noted that, for instance, aliens or non-citizens have the same rights as real citizens of the United States of America.  That is nonsense and idiocy.  By the way, the U.S. Court of Appeals also noted that the Executive Order made by U.S. President Donald Trump was racist (in a way) against Muslims, even though the Executive Order made no mention of "Muslims" and did not block Muslims from dozens of countries from all over the world from coming to the United States of America.  The entire event shows off only a little of the rottenness of the court system in the United States of America and people tied to the Democratic Party in the United States of America (a communistic-type political party), and it shows that the country is ending up with a precedence in which the courts will be able to make law about immigration (and other matters) and not a U.S. Congress and a U.S. president, and that is bad--very bad for good people in the United States of America.  Do you see how--now--a U.S. president, especially U.S. President Donald Trump, has been stopped from taking action to block bad people--non-citizens of the United States of America--from entering the United States of America?  Only a shit country has such idiocy, in which anyone can enter the country freely!  Then, on March 6, 2017, Donald Trump issued another legal Executive Order (having the legal right to do so) related in travel into the United States of America--it was another temporary ban on allowing people from only a few countries of the world in to the United States of America.  On March 15, 2017, a U.S. District Court Judge named Derek Watson issued an order designed to block the recent "Executive Order" from going into effect, and a big reason for blocking the Executive Order was that Derek Watson felt the Executive Order was a discriminatory based on what Donald Trump had supposedly meant in words spoken during the election campaign of 2016 and not on what the Executive Order said in words, and I report that Derek Watson showed off his rottenness as a person through the order given, and a few hours later, yet another judge U.S. District Judge Theodore Chuang) showed off his rottenness by issuing another order designed to help block the "Executive Order" from taking place.  The two judges are shit-head people and are enemies of good people--non-communists and non-socialists and non-Shariaists.  More idiocy related to the court system of the country showed up on May 25, 2017.  On that day, Americans learned of a ruling related to the so-called "ban" by the Fourth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, and the ruling upheld two lower court rulings--it was ten judges (all of whom had been appointed by Democratic Party related presidential administrations) against three (all of whom had been appointed by Republican Party related presidential administrations).  Here is only a bit on the nonsense from the court--especially the group of ten judges--"...The evidence in the record, viewed from the standpoint of a reasonable observer, creates a compelling case that (the executive order's) primary purpose is religious...." and "...Then-candidate Trump's campaign statements reveal that on numerous occasions, he expressed anti-muslim sentiment, as well as his intent, if elected, to ban muslims from the United States....".  The rottenness of the ten persons is out of this world.  The court is made up events and is made up of liars--Donald Trump never said he was banning all Muslims, and that is public knowledge, and Donald Trump did not show "anti-muslim sentiment".  The court made its decision based statements not related to the "Executive Order"; the court made a decision based on its feelings.  There is nothing good about the ten judges!  Each of the ten is hardly a person who could be defined as a "reasonable observer"--there was no "reasoning" based on fact in any mind of the ten.  On June 1, 2017, the Donald Trump administration asked the U.S. Supreme Court to issue a stay (as soon as possible) on the recent lower-court action related to his travel-restriction Executive Order, and the administration asked for a full hearing on the matter.  More rottenness showed up on June 12, 2017, from a court when it was made public the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals (which is based in San Francisco, California, and which has been known for being a rotten unit of the federal court system) added more idiotic weight against the Executive Order about the temporary ban, and one statement of idiocy and rottenness from the court was--"...In short, the order does not provide a rationale explaining why permitting entry of nationals from the six designated countries under current protocols would be detrimental to the interests of the United States....".  On June 26, 2017, the U.S. Supreme Court sort of reinstated Donald Trump's idea of a temporary ban (through Executive Order)--there were conditions noted by the U.S. Supreme Court, such as noting a person (from one of the six countries related to the temporary-ban order) could be blocked from entering the U.S. only if the person did not have "credible claim of a bona fide relationship with a person or entity in the United States....".  It was reported by the U.S. Supreme Court on June 26, 2017, that a full hearing on the Executive Order would begin in October 2017.

    Hate the courts and teach hate of the courts to children--the courts are the enemy of good people!

- - - T.H.A.T., Edition No. 162 - - -

    Let me see.  If you work as a plumber for a company, your company probably does not allow you to push your political views during the company time to customers.  If you work as a dress maker for a company, your company probably does not allow you to push your political views during the company time to customers.  If you work as a broaching machine seller for a company, your company probably does not allow you to push your political views during the company time to customers.  If you work as a bagger for a company, your company probably does not allow you to push your political views during the company time to customers.  If you work as a box maker for a company, your company probably does not allow you to push your political views during the company time to customers.  If you work as a concrete layer for a company, your company probably does not allow you to push your political views during the company time to customers.  If you work as a pharmaceutical sales person for a company, your company probably does not allow you to push your political views during the company time to customers.  If you work as....
    Customers who go to a company for a service or product do not expect and do not want to be sold political views by employees of the company providing the service or product.
    There is no provision in The U.S. Constitution that says an employee for a company has the "right" to push political views while working for the company on company time or on duty at the company!
    Yet, professional football players--often paid millions of dollars a year--feel they have the "right" to make political stands during football games before customers, and for about a year, people watching football games on television have been exposed to professional football players pushing their views--anti-The U.S. Constitution views, for example--during football games, and, for instance, television viewers have had to see "blacks" as players push out the "Black Power" sign (a Marxist sign), done with a fist put up to the sky, which is or was like the symbol used by The Black Panthers and The New Black Panthers and the New National of Islam.  And the football players have been "white" and "black" and whatever--now a unified front.
    And try this edition of Television History and Trivia, much of which shows up the rottenness in the professional football world today, as came on exhibit through television.

    The new broadcast television season (the 2017-2018 season) is underway.  I am not impressed.  I first became unimpressed by seeing the fall schedule in the "Fall Preview" edition of TV Guide on page 48.  I skimmed the schedule.  There was nothing on it that was nice and likable.  For instance, CBS-TV is giving viewers a show called Young Sheldon, which is a spin off of The Big Bang Theory.  The new show is really a political piece, pushing out the story of a gay boy growing up to be a scientist.  On page 24 of that issue of TV Guide, there was a story about a new show entitled The Good Doctor.  The story noted that the main character has autism and savant syndrome, and the main character is another young genius.  There was a photograph of the person playing the main character, and that person was Freddie Highmore, and he sort of looked like the person playing "Young Sheldon" (Iain Armitage), a photograph of whom was on page 35.  It made me think the doctor in The Good Doctor will be another gay character--if not, it is another feminized man at the very least.  There is Kevin (Probably) Saves the World (on ABC-TV).  Back this season is Kevin Can Wait.  Did viewers need another main character called "Kevin"?  Also Kevin Can Wait seems to be morphing in to The King of Queen.  Leah Remini is now a regular on Kevin Can Wait, the main performer in which is Kevin James.  Kevin James and Leah Remini were the main performers in The King of Queens, a series that is currently running in repeats in syndication. Will and Grace is back, featuring the performers who took part in the original version of Will and Grace.  So, that gives viewers two more gay characters and more gay story lines.  As you might know, MacGyver and Hawaii Five-0 are returning series, and both are sort of remakes of old series of the same names.  This season, some of the new shows are Dynasty and S.W.A.T., both of which seem to be remakes of sorts of Dynasty and S.W.A.T. of years past.  A new show for this season is called The Exorcist, and that show is a take-off of the old movie of years ago called The Exorcist (which featured Linda Blair).  The schedule has more super-hero types, such as those in The Gifted and Marvel's Inhumans.  A lot of shows that I consider bad shows are back for another season, such as The Mick, Life in Pieces, Empire, Madam Secretary, and This is Us.  The first new series to show up on Fox TV showed up on Sunday, September 10, 2017, and the series is The Orville.  It is a space-themed comedy-type show, and the featured performer is Seth MacFarlane (who is well-known for making cartoon series), and Seth MacFarlane wrote the script for the first episode, which was entitled "Old Wounds".  The story opened up with a woman cheating on her husband (played by Seth MacFarlane) with a blue alien, who seems to squirt well.  The episode soon brought up the subject of "penis" stuff (related to the helmsman character), and the viewer soon learned one of the officers only has to urinate once a year, and there was a robot-like officer, who is a racist.  The story had such lines as "It's gonna suck!."  By the way, the helmsman (played by Scott Grimes) was hoping to find strip clubs at the destination to which the ship was heading.  Visually the program was adequate.  The visual quality might partly be attributed to having Brandon Braga on the production team (as an executive producer).  Brandon Braga's history in television includes working on the "Star Trek" franchise for Paramount.  Incidentally, the person with the longest last name in the "above-the-line" staff of The Orville is Cherry Chevapravatourmrong," who was listed as a co-executive producer of the episode of The Orville.  Oh, the crap of 20/20 and 48 Hours is still on the fall schedule of the main broadcast television networks.  The fall schedule has The Brave, Valor, and SEAL Team, all of the same type of stuff [Note: It is as if the networks are trying to sell the idea that they are patriotic, though they are not really].  I say in jest--If you like great dialogue, such as that about "butt-hole spiders," then The Good Place (which I know is a rotten show) is for you--it is on NBC-TV.  On September 25, 2017, CBS-TV aired the first episode of Young Sheldon, and it came off as a lame affair, as did the first new episode of Kevin Can Wait.  I saw the first episode for the new season of The Mick, and it was an ugly show--the tone of the show was ugly, and the situations were ugly, and the characters were ugly.  In addition, other ugliness showed up in the sickening This is Us (on NBC-TV), Modern Family (on ABC-TV), and American Housewife (on ABC-TV); the tone of the situations was very unlikeable, especially on American Housewife, and the dialogue was off-putting or crass or depressing, and the nature of the characters was icky.  The first episode of the new Will and Grace aired on NBC-TV on September 28, 2017, and, bascially, the episode was used as a hit piece on U.S. President Donald Trump [Note: There is that deal again in which makers of a television production were so busy pushing rotten politics in their product that the entertainment got pushed aside].  One main storyline of the episode of Will & Grace gave Grace a chance to redecorate the Oval Office of the White House, and as a part of that storyline, one character (a staffer at the White House) said while being in the White House--"...Rules don't mean anything in this place anymore....".  That quoted line was designed to sell the idea that Donald Trump is violating laws regularly.  The line died in the mind of a good person, who is well aware Barack Obama regularly violated the "rule of law," such as through issuing Executive Orders that should not have been issued and should not have been followed by anyone, being unconstitutional.  Also the Oval Office storyline pushed a joke that hinted there was a Russian to English dictionary (visa versa) in the room, suggesting Donald Trump is colluding with and did collude with the Russians to make the last general election corrupt.  The episode of Will & Grace was rotten (and I have not even gotten to the issue about ugliness--the ugliness of the personas of the main characters).  This television season has a lot of characters on television shows who are snarky and arrogant, and that is especially true of the characters--usually twentysomethings--who are being pushed a geniuses, and it is ugly stuff.   On Sunday, October 1, 2017, Fox TV aired the first episode of Ghosted, and in an early scene, the audience got to see a bum peeing in a fountain, and on the same day, the first episode of the new season of Family Guy showed up, and the theme was "transexual" stuff, such as cutting off the penis.  [I wonder how much other "penis" crap is going to show up this fall on television.]  One of the ugly and dark and depressing shows is Ten Days in the Valley.  It has been shown, in 1989, Lyle and Erik Menendez did kill their parents--rich parents [Note: That is real-life stuff].  In 1994, viewers saw a made-for-TV movie about the family, and the movie was called Menendez: A Killing in Beverly Hills.  In June 2017, Lifetime had a movie entitled Menendez: Blood Brothers for viewers.  Other television programs have covered the Menendez family over the years.  Now, NBC-TV feels viewers just cannot wait to see a series about the Menendez family.  That series is entitled Law & Order True Crime: The Menendez Murders.  I say to that--"No thank-you.".  On September 25, 2017, Megan Kelly TODAY debuted on NBC-TV--it is a weekday morning show on the network--and, for instance, on September 27, 2017, the show presented a segment in which Megan Kelly by telephone interviewed Lyle Menendez (who was in prison), and I found Megan Kelly's style of interviewing sickening [that discription covers the tone and the questions].  I state that the broadcast schedule for the broadcast television networks is boring and icky and too political, pushing, for example, themes of socialism.  I guess I will still be spending more time with shows broadcast on subchannel networks, such as Cozi TV, MeTV, MOVIES!, Get TV, Buzzr, Decades, This, H&I....  Hold it!  This summer, LATV disappeared from broadcast channel 14.1 in the Detroit area, and an infomercial network showed up for a while.  Recently, Light TV showed up on 14.1, and Light TV is a network that has the Flipper series of the 1960s and the Flipper series of the 1995-1996 television season (of syndication), which features, for instance, Jessica Marie Alba, and the network has Green Acres and Highway to Heaven, cartoons, and movies.  You may have seen the Holyfield Black TV network (a subchannel-like network) on Channel 33.4 earlier this year.  Holyfield Black TV was on the channel on an intermittent basis--it was on one day and off another and on yet another and off again....  Now, Holyfield Black TV is gone for good it seems (but maybe not).  Hold it!  I did see one nice bit of television on an episode of a new series for broadcast television season so far.  On September 25, 2017, CBS-TV aired the first episode of Me, Myself and I, and it was near the end of the episode when there was a restaurant scene featuring actors John Larroquette and Sharon Lawrence, in which the characters that they were playing had a romantic moment and kiss, and my research shows that so far--with at least four episodes of the series made--that niceness is going nowhere and is not being continued it seems (Note: The remainder of the first episode of Me, Myself and I was not off-putting).
    [Note: Because this edition of T.H.A.T. is really long, I will save talking about blackish till the next edition, and when I talk about it, I will also talk about The Amos 'n Andy Show, which ran on CBS-TV in the 1951-1953 period, and I will show why The Amos 'n Andy Show is much superior to blackish.]

    Oh!  I have reported in documents that I have available on the Internet that we are in "The Pseudo Information and the Age of Ignorance," and I urge you to see some ignorance pushed along by Neil deGrasse Tyson recently by seeing my document informally called Idiot Thought.  You may know Neil deGrasse Tyson, who is considered a "genius" related to science or really space science (or, as I think it should be, spacy science), from his work on television, such as on the 2014 Cosmos television presentation.  In Idiot Thought, I show more of the nonsense about manmade climate change pushed along by Neil deGrasse Tyson.  To see the document, use this link--Idiot.  (Look for the Neil deGrasse Tyson section near the end of the document.)  [Note: On September 25, 2017, CBS-TV aired the first episode of the new season of The Big Bang Theory, and the episode gave a nod to Neil deGrasse Tyson, working to sell the idea that the man is a genius.]

    Over the last few years, I have shown up the rottenness of the people who work for the Detroit Free Press who also get seen somewhat regularly on Detroit-area television stations, such as the shit-head people known as Stephen Henderson, Rochelle Riley, and Mitch Albom, all of whom I would call out as communists in public if I were ever to run across them.  Of course, I could also call Rochelle Riley and Stephen Henderson "black racists", which they are, as I have proven in the past.  The members of the Detroit Free Press promote as good "socialism" and "communism," both of which are the same thing.  The difference between a "socialist" and a "communist" is the "communist" is more willing to inflict pain on others to gain more in life--such as power and money and social standing--than the "socialist" is--the socialist hurts other people, but, for example, the socialist has not the mind set to really take a knife and stab someone else to get more from life.  The Democratic Party in the United States of America promotes as good the ways of life of socialism and communism, which are forms of government in which only a few get to rule over others, using lies and corruption and violence.  Today, Debbie Dingell is a "Democrat" and a U.S. Representative related to Michigan (she is married to the highly rotten former U.S. Representative John Dingell, a hard-line communist).  On September 18, 2017, Debbie Dingell was a guest on a radio program entitle The Frank Beckmann Show on WJR-AM, Detroit, and she pushed along her rottenness, such as the idea that people should "tone down the demonization" of others when they disagree about politics.  I say that that is a bullshit idea!  Communism and socialism have no good ideas, and both lead to death of societies.  I say--You beat up on crap.  Boy, I wish I could meet Barack Obama in public to call him out as a rotten man--a shit-head man, a communist, a freak, a killer.  Did you hear this?  On September 14, 2017, people were learning through the media that the president of Venezuela--Nicolas Manduro, who is a communist and a supporter of communism--was urging people of his country to raise rabbits and eat their rabbits to help the hunger crisis in the country, and even communistic-based news entities could not completely ignore the story ["Venezuela's 'Plan Rabbit' encounters 'cultural problem'." BBC News, 14 September 2017.; Gilespie, Patrick.  "Can Rabbit meat save Venezuela from going hungry?"  CNN Money, 14 September 2017, 1:45 p.m. ET.].  Remember--Barack Obama as the U.S. president treated the rulers of Venezuela, such as former president Hugh Chavez--as great people, while Barack Obama was putting down the United States of America.  On September 19, 2017, U.S. President Donald Trump spoke before the people in the General Assembly of the United Nations, which is mostly made up of "communists" and "socialists."  One thing that Donald Trump said was--"...We have also imposed tough calibrated sanctions on the socialist Maduro regime in Venezuela, which has brought a once thriving nation to the brink of total collapse.  The socialist dictatorship of Nicolas Maduro has inflicted terrible pain and suffering on the good people of that country.  This corrupt regime destroyed a prosperous nation by imposing a failed ideology that has produced poverty and misery everywhere it has been tried.  To make matters worse, Maduro has defied his own people, stealing power from their elected representatives to preserve his disastrous rule.  The Venezuelan people are starving and their country is collapsing.  Their democratic institutions are being destroyed.  This situation is completely unacceptable, and we cannot stand by and watch...." and "...The problem in Venezuela is not that socialism has been poorly implemented but that socialism has been faithfully implemented....".  I state that Donald Trump was willing to be a man and speak about the rottenness of socialism and communism to the leaders of all the countries in the world in one place and in public.  Did your favorite television newscast report the words from Donald Trump that I have reported?  It probably did not, showing the newscast is useless really.  By the way, on September 20, 2017, the Detroit Free Press had no story at all about Donald Trump's appearance before the General Assembly of the United Stations, but the Detroit Free Press had done reports on Barack Obama's several appearances at the United Nations while Barack Obama was the president of the United States of America.  On September 20, 2017, the Detroit Free Press did have a story about Donald Trump--The story was an attack piece, working to put down Donald Trump's wishes to have a wall set up at the border between Mexico and the United States of America [Ryman, Anne, Dennis Wagner, Rob O'Dell, and Kristen Crow.  "TRUMP'S WALL." Detroit Free Press, 20 September 2017, pp. 1A and 9A.}.  That shows the rottenness in the minds of the people at the Detroit Free Press.  On September 20, 2017, Debbie Dingell was once again a guest on The Frank Beckmann Show, and once again, she worked to get people to tone down attacks on people like her, socialists and communists.  For instance, Debbie Dingell pushed out the idea that people should be more "diplomatic."  There was a bit of talk between Frank Beckmann and Debbie Dingell about the speech by Donald Trump at the United Nations, and Debbie Dingell--who worked to say that she likes to work to "protect and secure our democracy" [which is a lie and crap from Debbie Dingell]--said that Donald Trump was "bombastic" and that she disliked that.  Debbie Dingell pushed out the idea that she dislikes "demonization" of people.  I say too bad to you, Debbie Dingell.  I demonize "Democrats" because their way of life for people hurts people and even kills people, and I teach people to see all Democrats as rotten people, and big on the shit list is the staff at the Detroit Free Press, some of whom get to push their crap on television in Detroit on a regular basis.

    Mitch Albom--a pusher of socialism and a supporter of Barack Obama, such as by backing Barack Obama in the "Joe the Plumber incident," is on television regularly.  Hey, Mitch Albom, you are a shit-head!  I will tell you that in public if I ever meet you.

    On Sunday, September 17, 2017, some people in the United States of America watched the Emmy telecast on television.  It was like a collection of socialists and communists, and most of the people who were nominated for Emmys this year are socialists and communists, as I could determine by looking at a list of the nominees.  The program had such communists and socialists appearing on stage as Alec Baldwin, Lily Tomlin, Jane Fonda (whose support for communism goes way back to the 1960s at least), and Julia Louis-Dreyfus.  The event was used by many to attack U.S. President Donald Trump, calling him, for instance, a "sexist" and an "egotist" and a "bigot."  The Emmys telecasts have really gone to shit since the 1960s.  [I guess that socialists and communists in truth do not hold to the theme of not "demonizing" the people with whom they disagree but they push the idea that good people (non-socialists and non-communists") should hold to the idea of being nice.]

    On Wednesday, September 19, 2017, I saw more crappy people on television.  For a few moments, I tuned into Channel 33 (broadcast), WHPR-TV, and the Get Up, Stand Up show was on the air, and that program made me aware of a man named Dr. Umar Johnson.  It was about 8:35 p.m.  Dr. Umar Johnson--whose main job in life seems to be to promote "black" nonsense--noted that, in the United States of America, hospitals are involved in getting blacks to sign away their organs before they die so that the organs can be used for "whites" who have a lot of money).  Dr. Umar Johnson pushed along the idea that there is a big "white" conspiracy-like thing going on in which "whites" are paying big bucks to get donated organs (from blacks).  The regular host of the program was hosting on this day--Malik Shabazz, another rotten black of Detroit.  By the way, I saw more crap from Dr. Umar Johnson through video clips on YouTube, such as the one entitled "Dr. Umar Johnson Discusses Inter-Racial Marriage, President Trump, Self-Hatred & More".  In that video reported in the previous sentence, Dr. Umar Johnson, who pushes the idea that his has "six degrees," said a lot of nonsense, such as the "NRA is the new KKK" [Note: "NRA" stands for the "National Rifle Association" and the "KKK" stands for the "Ku Klux Klan].  Incidentally, the "KKK" is in the history of the Democratic Party!  Dr. Umar Johnson pushed out the idea in the video that "blacks" created "every civilization."  I say, then, why have African countries been crap for centuries?  [Note: I know why the countries in Africa have been crap for centuries, but I have not time to pass along the logic here, and, anyway, I have talked about the reason in the past.]  I report that the interviewing people in the video were the hosts of a show called The Breakfast Club.  On the microphone-holding unit, the word "REVOLT" was showing.  The video just looked like a bunch of slug people sitting around flapping gums.  And I note that it is commonplace for Malik Shabazz to pass along crap!  On September 21, 2017, I happened to tune into the opening of another edition of Get Up, Stand Up on Channel 33 in the evening.  It was the seven o'clock hour in the evening.  Early in the show, Malik Shabazz pushed out the idea that he is a supporter of the "Marcus Garvey Movement" or, in essence, "The Black Panther Movement."  The Black Panthers and related groups are racist blacks and thugs, who have been around for decades.  They are the types of people--rotten people--who might put their black fists up in the air, showing their support for the "black-Marxist" movement.

    Over the last few years, the United States of America has been trending greatly to communism and socialist, pushed along by such rotten people as Barack Obama and every one in the Democratic Party in the United States of America, which is made up of most of the "blacks" in the country.  A number of "blacks" in sports over the last few years have been refusing to stand for the "National Anthem" (really, "The Star-Spangled Banner") at the start of games, and some of those are tied to the National Football League, especially players.  On September 10, 2017, the new football season for the Detroit Lions football team began, and on that day, Channel 2.1, WJBK-HD, fired up its weekly Fox 2 Lions Gameday Live show, which is hosted by Dan Miller.  On September 24, 2017, I happened to catch the opening of that weekly show, and the first main topic of the host and the two co-hosts--Jamie Samuelsen and Rob Wojnowski (also know as "Wojo")--was Donald Trump's recent theme noting a wish that the NFL players who do not stand during the playing of the "National Anthem" should be fired.  Look at what shit came out of the mind of Jamie Samuelsen during the discussion.  Jamie Samuelsen pushed out the idea that players are protesting because they are protesting the "black brutality" done by police.  Hey, Jamie Samuelsen--you piece of shit--that "black brutality" theme is mostly made up of lies, such as the "hands up don't shoot" crap (of the Ferguson, Missouri, shooting case of August 2014).  That means players are basically protesting based on a false premise.  Rob Wojnowski--whom I see as a "white" fat boy or "white" fat head--pushed out the crap that there is a lack of leadership in Donald Trump.  While the three jackasses were on the topic--yes, Dan Miller supported the statements by "Wojo" and "babyboy Jamie"--they pushed out the statement that Martha Firestone Ford (who is the main owner of the Detroit Lions) attacked Donald Trump for what Donald Trump had said.  Remember--Martha Ford is a supporter of the Democratic Party, which is a communistic-based political party today.  That shows the rottenness of Martha Ford.  By the way, another big-name owner of the NFL--Robert Kraft, a hard-line communist, supporting, for instance, Barack Obama--put down Donald Trump.  When you watch Fox 2 Game Day Live, understand you are seeing a lot of shitty people.

    Hey, have you noticed this?  When Sunday Night Football shows the starting players who are playing the game, you can see how the offensive players seem smarter than defensive players are based on the way in which the players talk.  I have had that in mind for decades.  Defensive players often come off a stupid thugs.  But, of course, defensive players do not have to know as much as offensive players do--many are only hired to run fast and smash someone.  [Note: It is amazing that most players on NFL teams went to university or college, and yet they speak like gutter kids.  Exactly what education did they receive?]

    History shows that football players are stupid people!

    On Sunday, September 24, 2017, I caught a bit of the open of Fox NFL Kickoff, which is a weekly pregame show aired by Fox TV, and it features such persons as Charissa Thompson (the host), Colin Cowherd, Dave Wannstedt, Tony Gonzalez (who, in the past, has shown himself to be a big supporter of the Democratic Party), and Michael Vick, and they all put down Donald Trump.  During the segment that I saw, the producers showed how dozens of players--taking part in a game in London, England--knelt during the "National Anthem".  The scene look like a collection of "black" racists--not unlike those of the New Black Panthers or the New Nation of Islam.  Yes, a lot of pieces of shit knelt during the playing of the "National Anthem" at that football game, though the underlying theme of the movement is all based on a lie.  And that is the shit that is the National Football League.  Hey, football players, stick it up your ass!  I am tougher than you and I will tell you that to your face!  You big fat shit-heads!

    Yes, the football players have the so-called right to speak their mind (in the proper place), and when they speak shit and stand for shit, I can speak out too.

    Where were the NFL players when daily Barack Obama (while the U.S. president)--the communist and black racist--lied to the American public?

    Then noon came for the Detroit area on September 24, 2017, and The NFL Today showed up on CBS-TV, and Fox NFL Sunday showed up on Fox TV.  I watched the open of both programs, and I saw a collection of shit-head hosts.  Here is only some of the crap that came out of the minds of the guys.  Charles Barkley--a former professional basketball player--was a guest on the CBS-TV show, and he noted how he thought the people who applauded Donald Trump when Donald Trump made the statements in Alabama that are being protested against are "ignorant" Alabamans; the event in Alabama was on Friday, September 22, 2017, and one thing that Donald Trump pushed to the audience was--Would not you like to have NFL owners "get that son of a bitch off the field" who protests during the "National Anthem" and get fired.  Former Coach Bill Cowher (who is on the CBS-TV program) pushed out the crap that people can be "unified" though they "think differently."  Hey, Bill Cowher, I do not support and get unified with people who push for communism and socialism for the country!  I am not unified with a communist or a socialist (both of whom are "enslavists").  I do not unify with people who want the federal government to have ultimate control of my health care, given politicians are rotten as a rule.  You are a shit, Bill Cowher!  If you have a problem with that, see me in person!  The word "divisive" came up while I watched the shows.  It was pushed that Donald Trump was being "divisive"  So, you pieces of shit, you want people opposed to the country becoming a communistic entity to be non-divisive.  I state--It is the players who are protesting who are being divisive, since they are pushing for communism and socialism and are pushing along a lie tied to the "Black Lives Matter" movement, which was started officially by three communistic women and is a socialistic entity (which is, incidentally, anti-police).  At one point, the Fox TV program played an interview with the coach of the Pittsburgh Steelers--Mike Tomlin--another black shit.  Mike Tomlin said that his team will not take part in the "National Anthem" segment at all on this day (September 24, 2017).  I could show more of the crap from the people of The NFL Today and Fox NFL Sunday, but I have done enough--they are all shits, from Boomer Eliason to Nate Burleson to James Brown to Michael Strahan (who is a super-big-supporter of the Democratic Party) to Terry Bradshaw to Curt Menefee....  They are piss-ass boys!

    At 1:00 p.m. (or so), on September 24, 2017, the "National Anthem" was done for the start of the Detroit Lions/Atlanta Falcons football game.  The performer was a shit-head man named Rico LaVelle.  The man knelt down and put up his fist in the black-racist salute or the "Black Power Salute," which is a theme that really began to show up in the 1960s!  I then hoped the Detroit Lions--owned by Mrs. Ford--would get the shit beat out of them during the game, not that I am a supporter of the Atlanta Falcons players.  The NFL is full of shits!  By the way, the players during the performance of the "National Anthem" held arms in a line or linked arm-in-arm (that covered both teams), which now is another way of promoting "Black Lives Matter" and the communists and the socialists.  Fuck you, you shits!  The Detroit Lions need to get beaten to shit every week!  I wish for it.  I state--The war is now on against every one of the shits in the NFL or tied to the NFL.  And the more who get hurt in the games, maybe permanently, the better it is, because, for one, it removes bad people from the national spotlight, where there is an opportunity to teach rottenness, such support for Marxism, through the media, such as television--when you side with communists, socialists, and Shariaists, making good people expendable, you can be treated as expendable and should be treated expendable.

    When what you stand for leads to the hurt for millions, such as from communism and the "Black Power Movement," I get to hurt you first for self-protection!

    Games all afternoon around the country on September 24, 2017, had the rotten football players linking arm-in-arm and showing support for crap, even "whites" paid like Matthew Stafford, the main shit for the Detroit Lions.

    And then on Sunday, September 24, 2017, Sunday Night Football showed up in the evening on NBC-TV, which is a television network highly supporting communism and socialism; for instance, it promoted as true the lies of Barack Obama and the Democratic Party while Barack Obama was the U.S. president, and the NBC News did fake news and doctored real audio tape, one case of which worked to push out the idea that a man who killed a black kid was a racist, attacking based on racism.  Actually, it was the pregame show for Sunday Night Football that began the crap on NBC-TV in the evening for football viewers, and the pregame show began at 7:00 p.m. (Detroit time).  The weekly pregame show is entitled Football Night in America, and the main host is Mike Tirico.  The first fifteen minutes or so of the program for Sunday, September 24, 2017, was loaded with crap, and then there was a bit more later in the program.  The first people to pass along crap were Al Michaels and Cris Collinsworth (the broadcast team members for the football game that was set to air a bit later).  Al Michaels put down Donald Trump sort of nicely and pushed out the idea that there is a "new level of unity" in the NFL.  I say that there is a new level of unity but that unity has brought people together to help promote the lie, such as the idea that police are killing blacks on a daily basis in the country.  At one point in the opening block, Tony Dungy (a former professional football coach) talked with Michael Thomas and Kenny Stills, two blacks who were, in essence, in at the beginning of the protest stuff starting in the 2016 football season.  The two men interviewed passed along the idea that they were protesting in 2016 because of the injustice being done to blacks.  Yes, back in 2016, Michael Thomas and Kenny Stills were protesting based on the bullshit pumped up by the media, such as the "Ferguson" shooting incident.  So, in 2016, Michael Thomas and Kenny Stills had their heads up their asses.  Tony Dungy reported in the show that he was disappointed with Donald Trump.  It must be remembered, though, that Tony Dungy supported Barack Obama, the communist and rotten man, who was, for instance, a perpetual liar and who, when in other countries, such as Venezuela, put down the United States of America to people in those lands and even seemed happy when foreign leaders, such as Hugo Chavez, put down the United States of America in public [Note: And now look what has happened to Venezuela.]  Tony Dungy pushed the idea that Donald Trump was putting down everyone in the NFL, and that means Tony Dungy lied--Donald Trump had shown his disappointment for those who, for example, knelt down during the playing of the "National Anthem".  Remember--Donald Trump is the U.S. president, and if he feels citizens are disrespecting the country, he can make his feelings known.  Barack Obama outwardly disrespected the United States of America and worked to "fundamentally" change the country into something else, particularly a communistic-type society.  And Barack Obama even showed his support for Sharia (Islamic Law), which is a highly rotten political system masquerading as a religion.  Von Miller--in a recorded segment--showed his crappy mind, saying that Donald Trump did an assault on "freedom of speech" by pointing out those who were protesting during the playing of the "National Anthem".  That is idiocy from Von Miller.  There was no blocking of freedom of speech [Note: Go back and look at the opening paragraph of this document to see why Von Miller had his head up his ass with his statement].  Jim Caldwell is the coach for the Detroit Lions, and the program had a video clip of Jim Caldwell pushing out the crap that there are no "s.o.b.'s in this league."*  I say that that is bullshit!  I can say that the protesters supporting the "Black Power" fist shown at the game between the Detroit Lions and the Atlanta Falcons are sons of bitches.--There was no big outrage presented by players at the stadium when Rico LaVelle showed the "Black Power" fist during his time as the performer for the "National Anthem".  You are a son of a bitch, Jim Caldwell!  Tony Dungy in a later segment on the show pushed out the idea that the NFL players are "patriotic."  If they are or were "patriotic," why did they not shout out loudly against Barack Obama's shitty ways?  The logic of the day presented by the supporters of the protesters was rotten.  Tony Dungy also presented the idea that he believed the NFL really had a good day because of the coming together in unity to protest Donald Trump.  And I say and can say that all the protesting is based on a lie!

    * Okay, Jim Caldwell--you piece of shit--try this one.  On Sunday, September 24, 2017, the New York Giants played the Philadelphia Eagles in a football game, and, of course, the game was shown on television, and I did not see the game (I do not waste money on ways in which to see games not broadcast in the area in which I live).  At one point in the game, Odell Beckham Jr. scored a touchdown, and then he did a celebration event.  In essence, Odell Beckham Jr. got down on all fours like a dog and lifted his right leg as if he were showing a sign that he is peeing.  That is the sign of a son of a bitch, Jim Caldwell!  Yes, Odell Beckham is a young black son of a bitch, whose father--it seems--did a shitty job on making Odell Beckham Jr. become like a real man when Odell Beckham Jr. was growing up.  Odell Beckham Jr. is just a piss-ass little boy in a man's body.  I bet Odell Beckham Sr. was proud of his shitty-ass punk of a kid.  By the way, I wonder what parents with children told their children after their children had seen Odell Beckham Jr. act like a dog--I bet the parents were unable to fully and correctly explain the rottenness exhibited by the mind of Odell Beckham Jr.  [Note: After having heard about the Odell Beckham Jr. incident on The Rush Limbaugh Program on radio on Monday, September 25, 2017, I went looking for video to see what Odell Beckham Jr. actually did.]  [McQuade, Dan.  "Odell Beckham Jr. Celebrates a pair of Touchdowns By Peeing And Protesting." Deadspin, 25 September 2017, 3:42 p.m.]
    [Note: Odell Beckham Jr.'s action reminded me of a event that had taken place at a Meier store the Detroit area a few weeks previously.  A man was shopping with several small children, one of whom was a boy of about eight years of age.  The boy was wining and pouting because, it seems to me, he was not able to get something.  I saw the boy pulling off that crap for at least ten minutes, seeing him down this aisle and then another aisle.  The man, who happened to be "white," was a screw-up.  The man did little to shut the boy down.  A good man would have said in a tough voice--"Cut that crap out!".  The man at the store was a mush-head and feminized man.  Odell Beckham Jr. reminds me of the boy, whose father did not teach him to "cut that crap out."]

    If the NFL players "care about their country," why did they have their heads up their asses during the days of Barack Obama as the U.S. president--look at all my documents on the Internet that show the crap that Barack Obama is and did.

    The NFL had a terrible day on September 24, 2017.

    Television can show the real rottenness in the country, and it is doing that for good people, who can see the true nature of those on television, especially in sports.

    By the way, Guy Gordon (a former Detroit televison newscaster and reporter) was subbing for Frank Beckmann on The Frank Beckmann Show of WJR-AM on Monday, September 25, 2017, and Guy Gordon showed himself to be a mush-head and dumb-ass, often working to tone down callers who were standing up for Donald Trump and putting down the NFL players--It could be said it was sneaky how Guy Gordon was sort of siding with the players.  For instance, when one caller told Guy Gordon that she was disappointed with the players and that the players should donate half their big salaries (often millions of dollars) to community things, Guy Gordon tried to hold her back, saying players--as Coach Jim Caldwell had suggested--do good things in the community.  I state that it matters not what the players donate to the community and what they do to help the community on the surface--if what they stand for in the long run, such as the "Black Power Movement" and communism (the Democratic Party) and other crap, hurts people, then they are crap.  Guy Gordon is yet another idiot!
    [Note: On Monday, September 25, 2017, when I put some of the material into this document, I heard a news report on WJR-AM, and the newscaster played an audio clip of the black racist known as the Reverend Jesse Jackson, who expressed his view that Donald Trump sees the NFL players as a "plantation", and that means the Reverend Jesse Jackson implied the players were nothing more than slaves to Donald Trump.  That is more bullshit from the Reverend Jesse Jackson.]

    Let me jump in with this information.  You may hear people in the NFL say that they are protesting police butalilty.  During the days of Barack Obama as the U.S. president, Barack Obama outwardly attacked local police organizations around the country, and what that did was promote attacks on police in the country and led to police holding back on doing their jobs.  [Note: Look it up!]  By the way, Barack Obama also changed the rules for engagement for U.S. soldiers, setting up crap, which soldiers who were black, soldiers who were white, and soldiers who were whatever had to follow--and it was more idiocy from Barack Obama.  On Monday, September 25, 2017, the federal government released crime figures related to the country, and on Tuesday, September 26, 2017, the Detroit Free Press did a story about the releasing of the data (Baldas, Tresa.  "FBI: Detroit most violent in U.S."  Detroit Free Press, 26 September 2017, pp. 1A and 5A.), and the story was mostly used to push Police Chief James Craig's idea that the figures were wrong and other cities lied about their figures to the federal government (James Craig is the head of the Detroit Police Department).  It was not till the end of the newpaper story that national crime figures showed up--"...Murder and non-negligent manslaughter offenses increased 8.6% from 2015 to 2016..." and "Aggravated assault and rape offenses increase 5.1% and 4.9%, respectively, and robbery increased 1.2%...".  Based on federal-government information, I can state that, generally speaking, the murder rate in the country was steadily going down from the early 1990s to late in the run of Barack Obama as the U.S. president, and the figure went up sharply in the last two years of data, covering days of Barack Obama as the U.S. president [Berman, Mark.  "Violent crimes and murder increased in 2016 for a second consecutive year, FBI says." The Washington Post, 25 September 2017.).  Did your favorite television newscast pass that stuff along to you?

    Early in this document, I brought up the man known as Stephen Henderson (who works for the Detroit Free Press and WTVS-TV (Channel 56) in Detroit, a highly "liberal" television station associated with PBS).  On Sunday, September 24, 2017, Stephen Henderson got to spout out some of the crap in his mind on national television.  The producers of Meet the Press with Chuck Todd (a weekly program broadcast by NBC-TV, the communistic-based television network) brought in Stephen Henderson to take part in its attacks against Donald Trump and the country.  At one point during the program, Stephen Henderson said this crap--"...Some of the words of the National Anthem are, are, are white supremacist..." and "...I think this, I think this is a country whose history is racist, whose history is steeped in white supremacy, and the National Anthem reflects that in its, in its very words....".  I state that "white supremacy" had nothing to do with the "National Anthem" or has any ties to the "National Anthem"*.  No thought to "white supremacy" was involved in the choosing of the "National Anthem", and, in fact, "white supremacy" was not a set of words that a person could ever hear in the early years of the United States of America (the set of words is z fairly new set of words pushed along communists and Marxist and black racists).  Stephen Henderson, whom I have shown over the years through articles that I have on the Internet to be a black racist (whose main work in life is calling "whites" racist on a regular basis, creating nothing and making nothing and doing nothing valuable), defied logic by making his statements.  There is a point when statements made by a person are so wild that, it shows sickness in the mind of the speaker of the statements and the evilness in the mind of the speaker.  Never since I was born have I ever thought about "white supremacy" in relation to the "National Anthem".  Stephen Henderson teaches shit to people, such as "blacks" who play football, some of whom are on the Detroit Lions, and Stephen Henderson's rottenness knows no bounds it seems.
    [* Note: On July 4, 1776, colonists in North America declared independence from England (the King of England), and in 1781, the United States of America was officially founded, and then in 1778, the country had a true main governing document (The United States Constitution).  On September 14, 1814, the British were attacking a fort in the United States of America called Fort Henry while the War of 1812 between the United States of America and England was going on.  On that day, the United States of America was several decades old.  The attack on Fort Henry inspired a man named Francis Scott Key to write a poem entitled "Defence of Fort Henry."  A person of today would be hard pressed to it to think Francis Scott Key was thinking about pushing "white supremacy" or "we whites are the great" or "we whites are better than blacks"  through his poem that was written when Americans were under attack from the English.  The lyrics would become a part of the "National Anthem" for the United States of America but not immediately.  The music that is now a part of the "National Anthem" was not written by Francis Scott Key; the music came from a British tune--yes, a British tune--written by John Stafford Smith.  It was not till 1887 that the "National Anthem" was officially adopted, which was about one-hundred years after the country had been founded.  The roots of the "National Anthem" are not tied to the founding of the country.  The "National Anthem" has several stanzas, and I can find no words that really show the "National Anthem" was written for the purpose of pushing "white supremacy."]
    [Note: Several minutes after I had composed this section, I was listening to The Sean Hannity Show (a national syndicated radio show) when a former professional football player named Spencer Tillman was a guest (with Dan Bongino).  Spencer Tillman pushed out the shitty idea that "racism" is "prejudice plus power."  It is more bullshit from a football-type player.  Spencer Tillman even lied.  Spencer Tillman implied that Donald Trump called all football players, especially "blacks," sons of bitches.  That is bullshit!  Spencer Hillman's logic was defective, and his whole argument failed, based on pseudo intellectual nonsense [Note: For that matter, much of what Spencer Tillman pushed was round-about and convoluted nonsense].  Spencer Tillman is another black piece of shit in America, teaching and pushing crap to blacks and whites and others.  And Stephen Henderson is a black racist, and it has no ties to the theme of "prejudice plus power."]
    [Note: By the way, on September 11, 2017, a black woman who was working as a sports anchor for ESPN--Jemele Hill--passed along her thoughts about Donald Trump through Twitter--"...[Donald Trump] is a white supremacist who has largely surrounded himself w/other white supremacists...." and "...Trump is the most ignorant, offensive president in my lifetime.  His rise is a direct result of white supremacy.  Period...He is unqualified and unfit to be president.  He is not a leader.  And if he were not white, he never would have been elected...."  The text shows of the mind of a female black race baiter, promoting "white" hatred.  I say--Where was Jemele Hill's put-downs of the highly rotten Barack Obama, a known supporter of communism and Sharia?  And It was many "whites"--I should say "screw-ups"--who helped make the rotten Barack Obama (a black man) a U.S. president.  Jemele Hill's logic and thoughts are defective.  Hey, did your favorite television newscast pass along to you what Jemele Hill texted?  It probably did not.  [Manzullo, Brian.  "Jemele Hill on the Trump comments."  Detroit Free Press, 28 September 2017, p. 3C.]]

    Let me jump in here with history, which it seems your favorite television newscast will not tell you about or remind you about.  The Unites States Constitution is, in essence, an anti-enslavism document, which can be called also an anti-communism document.  In the fall of 2016, Colin Kaepernick, who was a quarterback for the San Francisco 49ers, was the first NFL player to kneel down during the playing of the "National Anthem" at a professional football game.  That same fall, Colin Kaepernick showed his support for communism several times, such as through his wearing of clothing that showed praise for Fidel Castro (who had been the leader of Cuba as a communist for decades) and other communists or Marxists, such as The Black Panthers.  Also that fall, while praising communism through clothing worn, Colin Kaepernick had clothing that showed such a line of text as "Like minds think alike".  By the way, on Monday, September 25, 2017, the Reverend Jesse Jackson was in Detroit, and he held a press event in which he pushed the idea that people should boycott the NFL till some team hires Colin Kapernick (the communist supporter).   [Butler, Alex.  "Colin Kaepernick praises 'Good things" done by communist Fidel Castro."  UPI.com, 27, November 2016, 8:04 p.m.; NFLMemes.  "Colin Kaepernick Wears Shirt Idolizing Communist Leader Castro." DailySnark.com, 30 August 2016.; Terry, Nicquel.  "Rev. Jesse Jackson slams Trump, encouurages NFL boycott."  The Detroit News updated 25 September 2017, 11:16 p.m. ET]]

   Announcement for the novice again (reworked in May 2017): To get useful television-delivered news or Internet-delivered news, WorldNetDaily.com, "The Drudge Report," and CNS News (which is on the Internet and which was launched on June 16, 1998), since the entities do not blindly support Barack Obama-type people (communists and Shariaists), as do CNN, MSNBC, NBC-TV, CBS-TV, and ABC-TV (Note: To learn about bad journalism, you might tune in to CNN, MSNBC, NBC-TV, CBS-TV, and ABC-TV from time to time to see how they differ from the better places mentioned).  I note that Fox News Channel is evolving into a rotten channel, becoming like those that I have put down in this paragraph.  If you are unclear of my intentions, I say in different words that you should boycott CNN, MSNBC, NBC-TV, CBS-TV, and ABC-TV and even now much of what is on the Fox News Channel and hope they lose more ratings and advertising revenues, since they are expendable, and it is time for you to find the guts to be mean and heartless and cancel them--since they are hurting you.  [Note: Everyone in the Democratic Party in the country is rotten, and the Republican Party establishment has shown itself to be socialistic and communistic within the last few years, and only a few of the rotten people are U.S. Senator Mitch McConnell, U.S. Senator John McCain, Jeb Bush, and Chris Christie.]

    "For the record," I note that on September 24, 2017, Alejandro Villanueva of the Pittsburgh Steelers was the only Pittsburgh Steelers player to be on the field (sort of) during the performance of the "National Anthem" at the stadium in which he was about to play football, and maybe you saw that on television.  So there was one "man" in the bunch that made up the Pittsburgh Steelers--maybe.  It is not surprising to me that there was only about one man since the "Feminist Revolution" has resulted in the creation of a lot of shit man in the United States of America, especially in football, where there are a lot of mollycoddled and spoiled baby boys who have actually done nothing in life and yet who pretend to be men (based on their big size).  And Football Night in America did not mention Alejandro Villanueva.  [Note: I guess the remainder of the Pittsburgh Steelers were hiding in the locker room with a thumb in their mouth and a thumb up their butt, and they switched hands from time to time.]
    Then, on Monday, September 25, 2017, people learned Alejandro Villanueva was a mush-head, too.  It was reported that Alejandro Villanueva supported the players whose goal is to protest.  It was also reported that Alejandro Villaneuva had not intended to come out so far from the tunnel, allowing himself to be seen as the only player taking part in the playing of the "National Anthem", and it was reported that Alejandro Villaneuva apologized to teammates.  I state that, ultimately, even Alejandro Villaneuva is a screw up!  ["Steelers Player Who Stood For National Anthem Defends Athletes Who Took A Knee."  HuffPost, 26 September 2017.]

    Hey, did your favorite television newscast pass this along to you.  On Monday, September 25, 2017, a company called Nike, which provides (by selling) a lot of athletic equipment to the sports industry, showed support for the rottenness of the protest movement of the professional football players.  Nike issued this statement--"Nike supports athletes and their right to freedom of expression on issues that are of great importance to our society." [Roberts, Daniel.  "Nike, an NFL sponsor, takes clear side in Trump vs NFL."  Yahoo! News, 25 September 2017.].

    Announcement: There comes a point when a so-called man, such an NFL football player, makes a judgment error so great or takes such a rotten stand on a topic that a good person should never forgive the so-called man (the jackass or piece of shit)--for all time, the jackass should be seen as rotten, even if the jackass tries to walk back or apologize.  In essence, when Barack Obama was screwing up the country by pushing his ways of communism and Sharia, the NFL was quiet or almost all the players were quiet [Note: My webiste shows much of the crap that Barack Obama was doing, proving Barack Obama was and is shit].  Now Donald Trump has shown is disapproval of a few players in the NFL, those who were supporting the ways of, for example, Colin Kaepernick (a communism supporter), and almost all the NFL players felt they should go on attack and put down Donald Trump.  That is a screw up from NFL players--blacks and whites and whatever--that cannot be forgiven!

    On September 23, 2017, I watched the football game of Fox College Football, one team playing of which was Michigan State University.  I watched the show because a friend of mine had gone to the school many decades ago, long before the school had turned into an entity that supports socialistic and communistic themes.  While the football game was playing, MeTV was playing an episode of Svengoolie, which was showing the 1931 movie entitled Frankenstein.  When football season is not on, I regularly watch Svengoolie when I am in the Detroit area.  By the way, MeTV airs on Channel 4.3 in the Detroit area.  Boris Karloff played the monster in the movie.  After doing a bit of research, I found that Frankenstein was yet shown in theaters, such as drive-in theaters, in the Detroit area from between 1950 and 1957.  For the moment, I am under the impression that Frankenstein was first shown on television in the Detroit area on Channel 7, WXYZ-TV, on Saturday, March 8, 1958, and it was aired under the umbrella title for the local showing of movies entitled Shock Theater, and the movie was shown starting at 11:30 p.m..  Here is some television trivia.  On October 26, 1962, a television series entitled Route 66, which aired on CBS-TV in a portion of the 1960s and which is airing in repeats on a subchannel network existing in the Detroit area today, had a new episode for viewers, and the episode was entitled "Lizard's Leg & Owlet's Wing".  The stars of the series were George Maharis and Martin Milner (the latter of whom would later go on to perform on Adam-12), and some of the guest stars were Martita Hunt, Jeannine Riley, and Conrad Nagel.  Peter Lorre and Lon Chaney (Jr.) were guests, and, for instance, Lon Chaney ended up in wolfman makeup for a bit of the episode (he had played the "wolfman" and even the Frankenstein monster in movies for Universal Pictures in the past).  The special guest star for the episode of Route 66 was Boris Karloff, and Boris Karloff was made up to look like the "monster" of Frankenstein in the episode of Route 66.  You can find that episode on YouTube.  If you find the new television season on the broadcast networks to be sort of like crap, hunt down the episode of that old series entitled Route 66 that is the focus of this paragraph.  Incidentally, I went to Wayne State University (Detroit) and not Michigan State University, and that is why I have no allegiance to Michigan State University, but I have no allegiance to any university, even Wayne State University, which is another piece of crap entity in Detroit.  [I ended up with a BA from Wayne State University, focusing on radio, television, and film).

    On Sunday, September 24, 2017, CBS-TV (another broadcast television network that is going to shit), aired a special called Who Shot Biggie & Tupac?, which was about two rotten black guys in the entertainment industry some years ago--Tupac Shakur and Biggie Smalls.  Who cares who did the shootings?  Why would a good person waste time with such a crappy show?  That show is what qualifies for a "special" in this day and age, and the theme is sure a long way in quality from what was offered by CBS-TV as specials in the 1950s and 1960s.

    On Sunday, September 24, 2017, CBS-TV aired the first episode of the new season of 60 Minutes, the communistic-based news magazine, which has been around for about 50 years.  The first segment was used to talk about hurricanes hitting the United States of America and push along the myth of manmade climate change that is leading to the death of the planet [Note: One piece of crap was the "altered background" idea about the climate today, as it was presented].  The second segment focused on U.S. Senator John McCain, who calls himself a "Republican" but is really a communist, as I have shown in documents that I have on the Internet.  The third main segment was hosted by new regular Oprah Winfrey, the female black racist and a big supporter of the Democratic Party (the communistic party) and a super-big supporter of Barack Obama, and her segment was used to, ultimately, put down Donald Trump.  It was a shit show!

    On Tuesday, September 26, 2017, I became aware of a video entitled "Our County is an Embarrassment In the World", which showed the coach of the San Antonio Spurs (a professional basketball team) talking during "media day," which had been on Monday, September 25, 2017.  That video I found on NBA.com.  In the video, the coach--Gregg Popovich--mostly used about seven minutes to put down Donald Trump; during much of the time, he passed along bullshit, such as by implying that people [maybe like Donald Trump) are working to take voting rights away from some types of people [which a good and smart person should understand means "blacks" to Gregg Popovich and knows is idiot thought], and Gregg Popovich said such nonsense as--we have to find an "...organic way to fight that...." [Note: What the hell is an "organic way"?  That sounds like pseudo-intellectual crap.].  Gregg Popovich put down a man named Richard Petty (of race-car fame), because Richard Petty had told Gregg Popovich that he (Richard Petty) would not mind buying Greyhound bus tickets to ship the haters of the country out of the country [Note: Shipping them out is fine with me--let the communists and Marxists, either black or white, go to the countries they like, such as maybe Cuba or Russia].  Gregg Popovich also put down the people who voted for Donald Trump in the election of November 2016.  Gregg Popovich stated--"We know the racism that exists" [in the country]."  And Gregg Popovich noted that "Our country is an embarrassment in the world.".  The video showed the rottenness and ignorance of Gregg Popovich, another sports-related figure.

    The NFL-"National Anthem" event is making all the rotten blacks and whites tied to the sports industry show themselves for what they are--rotten.  Let me go to WFAA-TV in Texas this time.  There is a sports anchor--an old white man--called Dale Hansen at that station.  He is an ignorant rotten man, who simply flaps his gums with no real knowledge of what is the driving force of the event and the ugliness driving the event.  On Monday, September 25, 2017, Dale Hansen presented a sports editorial related to the event on the television station, and the editorial was filled with crap and idiocy.  Consider one section of it--"..The young black athletes are not disrespecting America or the military and taking a knee during the Anthem.  They are respecting the best thing about America.  It's a dog whistle to the racists among us to say otherwise.  They and all of us should protest how black Americans are treated in this country, and if you don't think white privilege is a fact, you don't understand America....".  Such bullshit that is!  I have proven in this document that the entire protest is driven by communists and socialists, such as the people who are involved with "Black Lives Matter," who dislike The United States Constitution and the United States of America.  Dale Hansen's theme defies logic and facts about the kneeling and such.  Dale Hansen lied in the video, such as by saying Donald Trump as U.S. president is putting down all Muslims through the Executive Order travel ban [Note: Go up and see the preface to this document, appearing before the start of this document proper].  Dale Hansen is a bullshitter and a liar, teaching shit!  The ugliness of the sports industry runs very deep, and Dale Hansen is a part of it.

    I have to insert information about a professional basketball player here--LeBron James of the Cleveland Cavaliers.  I found a web page on the Internet on September 26, 2017, that has video of LeBron James speaking about Donald Trump, calling, him, for instance, a bum, and about the NFL protests, which LeBron James has support for.  It was video from "media day" for the basketball team; the day was September 25, 2017.  The page was entitled "LeBron James gave one of the most powerful speeches of his career about anthem protests, Trump, and the state of the country" (which was on a posted on September 25, 2017 at 3:01 p.m., written by Tyler Lauletta, and tied to Business Insider).  I watched the video presented at the web page, and LeBron James did not come off to me as powerful, and, in fact, LeBron James, who has not really attended a university or college to get a degree of some sort, sounded like an uneducated man, having a hard time speaking.  Consider one piece of speech--"...I salute the NFL, the coaches, the players, the owners, ah, the fans--everyone that had anything or any association with the NFL yesterday was unbelievable.  It was solitary, solidarity, and, ah, there was no divide, no divide, even from, uhm, even from that guy that continues to divide us as people...."  I state that, for one, "everyone that" should have been "everyone who", and LeBron James put out "solitary" and then had to say "solidarity" since he goofed up.  He dragged on as he spoke, seemingly having a hard time putting together thought.  There was "that guy that" instead of what should have been--"that guy who".  If you look closely at the quote material, you will see other goof-ups.  Later, LeBron James said--"...It's okay.  I mean I've done things for my kids and realized I shouldn't have gave my daughter that many damn skills....".  He goofed again.  He used "have gave" when it should have been "have given".  I had to point to the goofs, proving LeBron James no great speaker.  You would have to see the video to really understand the low-level thinking and speaking process that LeBron James has.  If the speech was LeBron James's most powerful speech ever, it hints his other speeches must really be crappy.  LeBron James is no genius, and this words have no great value.  If your favorite television news or sports show did not show the video stuff to you, which would show LeBron James's low-level ability, look it up and see the nonsense for yourself.  LeBron James is only a basketball player, which requires little brain power really.  [Note: I have heard other defective speaking from LeBron James, but the purpose of this edition of T.H.A.T. is not designed to do a full disection of LeBron James, so you have to find the stuff for yourself.]  Oh, here is another one of LeBron James's defective lines--"I don't think a lot of people was educated.".  I say that LeBron James has yet to be educated.

    On September 27, 2017, people in the country learned through a national service on the Internet--Yahoo!--that a professional football player named Delanie Walker (of the Tennessee Titans) says that people who are against the protesters in the NFL and boycott the NFL can go away from the NFL.  People also learned Delanie Walker says that the protesting is about "equal rights" and is not about disrespecting the military.  A good person who has read this document up to this point can deduce the protesting is not about "equal rights" and that Delanie Walker is another phony and liar.  There is a logic problem in Delanie Walker's thinking.

    The crap just keeps on coming.  On Wednesday, September 27, 2017, M.L. Elrick was the substitute host for Frank Beckmann on The Frank Beckmann Show on WJR-AM, Detroit.  M.L. Elrick is a reporter for WJBK-HD, Channel 2.1, in Detroit, and he was once an employee for the Detroit Free Press.  In the past, I have talked about M.L. Elrick, and I have shown his rottenness.  On September 27, 2017, M.L. Elrick once again sold as good the Detroit Free Press, doing that, for instance, by talking with the new managing editor of the Detroit Free Press, Peter Bhatia, who in the past worked at Arizona State, tied to the Cronkite School of Journalism [Note: "Cronkite" stands for Walter Cronkite, who was a famous news anchor for CBS-TV and was socialist at least*].  Soon after talking with Peter Bhatia, M.L. Elrick worked to sell as great the entity known as the Citizens Research Council of Michigan, trying to make it seem the entity was a nonpartisan place and a good place, and M.L. Elrick talked with Eric Lupher, who is the president of the Citizens Research Council of Michigan.  One part of the talk between M.L. Elrick and Eric Lupher focused on the annual dinner for the entity, which was set to take place in East Lansing that evening.  One of the highlights for the dinner was going to be a discussion of sorts about fact-based research and news, and one of the participants scheduled for the event was Rochelle Riley, the black racist from the Detroit Free Press.  I have proven a number of times through documents that I have on the Internet that Rochelle Riley is a liar and pushes fake news, but the Citizens Research Council of Michigan believes Rochelle Riley has something useful to say at an annual dinner for the entity.  That shows the true nature of the Citizens Research Council of Michigan, and since M.L. Elrick pushes the entity as good, it shows the rottenness again of M.L. Elrick.
    [Note: On September 24, 2017, the Detroit Free Press had an article about Rochelle Riley's being selected for an honor (Gross, Allie.  "Rochelle Riley wins '17 Pulliam Fellowship honor." Detroit Free Press, 25 September 2017, pp. 4A and 5A.], and the beginning of the article was---"Detroit Free Press columnist Rochelle Riley has been selected for the 2017 Pulliam Editorial Fellowship, a prestigious honor that comes with $75,000 to help an editorial writer or columnist 'broaden his or her journalistic horizons and knowledge of the world'....".  So, Rochelle Riley is a liar and a pusher of fake news, as I have shown, and Rochelle Riley gets money to broaden her "journalistic horizons and knowledge of the world".  Does that mean Rochelle Riley will not be less likely to write stories with fake news and lies?  I doubt it!  Such crap the Pulliam Fellowship thing is.  I wonder what Rochelle Riley would say about the following information.  On October 1, 2017, Reuters (an international news entity) put out a story entitled "Three Miami Dolphins players defy Trump order to stand during anthem" (Radnedge, Christian.  "Three Miami Dophins players defy Trump order to stand during anthem."  Reuters, 1 October 2017, 10:29 a.m.), and a good person can see that Reuters was lying and putting out fake news.  It is fact that U.S. President Donald Trump gave no "order" that requires NFL players to stand during the playing of the "National Anthem".  Many readers of the headline would probably not read the full story and would probably think Donald Trump did make an "order" and people refused to follow the order, and that results in bullshit being put in minds by Reuters.]
    [Note: Here are false-news events related to Rochelle Riley's employer--Detroit Free Press--showing the rottenness of the newspaper.  On Wednesday, September 27, 2017, the Detroit Free Press published a story about the head of the Michigan State Police, Colonel. Kriste Kibbey Etue, who had on Sunday, September 24, 2017, posted on her Facebook page such material related to the NFL protesters as--"...a bunch of rich, entitled, arrogant, ungrateful, anti-American degenerates...." (Egan, Paul.  "MSP director: Anthem protesters 'degenerates'." Detroit Free Press, 27 September 2017, pp. 4A and 8A.).  On September 28, 2017, the Detroit Free Press published a story noting that Governor Rick Snyder (of Michigan) was not removing the head of the Michigan State Police from her job (Egan, Paul, and Kathleen Gray.  "MSP chief in hot seat over NFL protesters."  Detroit Free Press, 28 September 2017, pp. 1A and 11A.).  I have shown in the past that a woman named Nancy Kaffer, who is an editorial writer at the Detroit Free Press, is a hard-line communist, and on September 28, 2017, Nancy Kaffer had an editorial piece focusing on Colonel Kriste Kibbey Etue published in the newspaper (Kaffer, Nancy.  "Now we know the real MSP director." Detroit Free Press, 28 September 2017, p. 9A.), and here is some of the crap presented by Nancy Kaffer (which shows her us use of race baiting)--"...For the leader of that state police organization to call those protesting police brutality, most of whom are African Americans, 'degenerates' is breathtaking, even if you don't take into account that the state police have recently been heavily criticized following the death of an African-American teen hit with a taser by a state trooper.  For a white woman to imply that black men or anyone who holds a political position she doesn't agree with 'hate America" says clearly that to Etue, America is us, not them.  For any public servant to thus imply whom she feels merits citizenship, and the respect and the rights that status confers, is a dereliction of duty.  Lady, you're the problem.  When you decide who does and doesn't deserve the right to speech, who can and can't object to mistreatment, who is and isn't entitled to claim this country, you decide who has value.  If degenerated NFL players hate America, they must not be very American--and that's the kind of conclusion that clears the way for the assumption that 'they,' those non-Americans, are maybe not quite as entitled to the rights recognized in us all by our founding documents....".  The material from Nancy Kaffer--hard-line feminist communist--is bullshit and defective.  For one, I prove in this document that the protesters are protesting based on a lie and are supporting a communistic movement (such as "Black Lives Matter" and Fidel Castro).  There was no racism presented in Colonel Kriste Kibbey Etue's statement.  I have shown Donald Trump's statement tied to "son of the bitch" had nothing to do with racism.  In addition, if a person supports communism, then the person is anti-American and anti-United States Constitution.  That is simple logic.  Also, Colonel Kriste Kibbey Etue has no power to stop others from speaking, and the players did speak, and Colonel Kristie Kibbey Etue is allowed to speak back, given NFL players are saying that they are allowed to speak their minds at football games (though they actually do not have the "right" to protest at the stadiums during business time), such as by showing support for The Black Panthers (with a fist in the air).  Hey, Nancy Kaffer, most of the first protesters were blacks, and they were supporting communism, and that means the protesters just happen to be shit blacks, and that conclusion is only logical!  Then on Sunday, October 8, 2017, the Detroit Free Press passed along more fake news and bullshit in a story, which happened to be a front-page story (Egan, Paul, and John Wisley.  "Did MSP trailblazer set agency back?."  Detroit Free Press, 8 October 2017, pp. 1A and 11A.).  Notice the title of the article--"Did MSP trailblazer set agency back?".  That refers to Ms. Kriste Kibbey Etue's being the first female director of the Michigan State Police.  Now, notice the subtitle--"Racially charged post fuels critics; supporters say flap is overblown".  Here are the first lines of the article--"...Col. Kriste Kibbey Etue overturned nearly a century of male leadership and made a mark for diversity in 2011 when she became the first woman to lead the Michigan State Police.  But today, as Etue awaits the results of an internal investigation into a racially insensitive post on her personal Facebook page, she stands accused of moving the MSP backward in its stepped-up efforts to shed its image as a police force of white men and damaging already tense relationships with residents and leaders of Detroit and other large Michigan Cities....".  That is more bullshit and fake news from the Detroit Free Press.  There was no "racially insensitive post"--it never existed and it does not exist.  Rochelle Riley's precious employer is lying!  That is fake news!  In essence, the Detroit Free Press is selling shit to blacks in the Detroit area!  It is fostering racial hatred!  And it shows more of the rottenness of the so-called bipartisan Citizens Research Council of Michigan, given, for example, I have shown over the last eight years or so the lies and fake news published by Rochelle Riley's employer, Detroit Free Press.]
    [* Note: You are urged to see my document called T.H.A.T. #65, which shows how Walter Cronkite is linked to the communist leaders of the Soviet Union during the time that Ronald Reagan was the U.S. president, and the document can be reached by using this T.H.A.T. #65 link.  The story told in the document shows how work was being done to hurt U.S. President Ronald Reagan and the United States of America.  It was true "collusion" between the Democrats in the United States of America, such as U.S. Senator Edward Kennedy, and the communists of the Soviet Union.]

    "For the record," I note.  On Thursday, September 28, 2017, CBS-TV and the NFL Network aired the football game between the Chicago Bears and the Green Bay Packers.  Fans who were at the game had been urged to join arms in "unification" during the playing of the "National Anthem" (I ask--The "unification" was to be in support what really, given the linking arms thing had already been created as an alternative to kneeling by NFL players?).  Some people in the stands were shown by the camera people during the playing of the "National Anthem", and the number of people with the hand on the heart (which is formal tradition) was more than the people linking arms it appeared to me.

    On Saturday, September 30, 2017, very early in the morning, I happened to be running through the television channels when I ended up on an episode of Tavis Smiley (of PBS).  In the past, I have shown Tavis Smiley to be a highly rotten man--a black racist and communism supporter.  On the episode were two members of a fairly new musical-type group called Prophets of Rage.  I have to make an aside here--In the 1960s, people in America really began to believe musical performers were geniuses and had genius-like thoughts to present in songs and interviews, and I can attribute that to people--especially young persons in college and university--taking up with following, for example, The Beatles as fans, believing collections of words in songs from The Beatles were high-thought material [Note: Songs as a rule only last a few minutes and the amount of words in most songs would not even add up to the number of words presented in this paragraph so far].  I have learned over the years that musicians are not geniuses--they simply have the ability to make tunes, and their skill in anything else is basically nothing; it is that old rule that I have about geniuses--Geniuses are so versed in one particular field that they are defective in other fields.  One of the guests on Tavis Smiley was Chuck D, and the other was Tom Morello.  I knew nothing of either man, but in moments, I understood--based on my knowledge gained since birth--that they were idiots and foolish and shallow thinkers and promoted rottenness (types of people whom Tavis Smiley regularly has on his program).  Tom Morello is one of those educated-sounding types, using usually good sentences, and when he presented the thought that he has an "ivy-league degree," I bet myself that the degree was from Harvard University (a university that is highly communistic and that Barack Obama and at least one of his children has ties to--I have shown in the past the rotten-type of people who have gone to Harvard University, and the evidence is in other documents that I have available on the Internet).   I watched Tavis Smiley to the end, knowing it would be easy to find bullshit being presented.  A lot of the talk was flap doodle, filler.  Of course, the two guests put down Donald Trump, and Chuck D pushed out the idea that ''...Musicians are important, musicians matter....".  Chuck D's selling the theme about musicians I knew to be idiocy, of course.  Tom Morello pushed out the cliché and crap that racism is in "the DNA" of this country, meaning the country was founded to be a racist place on earth [Note: I ask--Tom Morello, is the DNA idea shown in "National Anthem"?].  I note that that idea is pushed out regularly by communists, such as communistic blacks, to promote racial hatred of "whites," and, in essence, the tactic is a race-baiting tactic (and Barack Obama used it while he was the U.S. president).  Later in the morning--on what I could call Saturday, September 30, 2017, proper--after I had risen for the day, I went looking for information about Tom Morello, who had been shown to be the leader of the Tom Morello/Chuck D teaming on Tavis Smiley.  I found Tom Morello earned at BA in "social sciences" (in truth, a useless degree) and his history reminded me much of the history of Barack Obama, having ties to socialists and such (Remember--Barack Obama's parents--real and such--were socialists and communists and Marxists) ["Tom Morello." Wikipedia, 19 September 2017.].  Fame really came to Tom Morello in a musical group--a communistic group or "leftist" group--known as Rage Against the Machine, which was formed in 1991 (it was later disbanded, and Tom Morello went on to other things).  Tom Morello's current group is known as Prophets of Rage, which was formed in 2016.  I found one article on the Internet that had photographs related to the fairly new group, such as one in which it showed Prophets of Rage performing, and the photograph showed the group on stage performing with the "black-power fist" symbol in the background [Lynsky, Dorian.  "Prophets of Rage: 'We're the soundtrack to the resistance!'."  The Guardian, 27 September 2017, 01:00 EDT.].  In essence, that is the symbol of, for instance, The Black Panther-type people, highly rotten people.  The quoted material in the title of the article in The Guardian made me wonder what the "resistance" was fighting against and is fighting against--it is vagueness.  I found another article, an artricle that noted what Tom Morello said on Real Time with Bill Maher on HBO recently [Burris, Sarah K.  "'It's the same flag that flew over slavery': Musician Tom Morello tells Bill Maher why Trump is missing the point on NFL protests."  Rawstory.com. 27 September 2017, 22:52 ET.}.  One thing reported in the story was this set of words--"...There's two sides of the flag.  There's the flag that flew over the founding of our democracy and over soldiers who fought in our wars, and emblazoned on the uniforms on the heroic 9/11 first responders.  It's the same flag that flew over slavery and the genocide of the Native American population, the napalming of Vietnamese civilian hospitals.  It's also on the uniform of every police officers who has killed an innocent African-American person.  It's also the flag that is in every courtroom of every Judge who has let every one of those cops go free....".  The quotation shows Tom Morello's sneaky way of pushing rottenness in to the minds of people, especially to blacks.  There are logic troubles in what Tom Morello said.  In the quoted material, Tom Morello pushed out the idea that the flag is good because it is tied to the founding of the democracy, but I show that Tom Morello believes racism is in the "DNA" of the country.  That shows a conflict in logic in Tom Morello's overall presentation and teaching.  Tom Morello talks about slavery, but Tom Morello does not make it clear that slavery is tied to the history of southern states and that slavery and desegregation is tied to the history of the Democratic Party (by the way, former U.S. Robert Byrd (1917-2010) was once a high-ranking member of the Ku Klux Klan and a high-ranking member of the Democratic Party--and he was praised at his death, such as by people like Barack Obama).  Remember--In war, sometimes civilians get killed.  During World War II, the allies bombed towns and civilians in Germany and Japan to work to an end to the war (in essence, even before the atom bombs were dropped on Japan during the war, the U.S. had napalmed Japan, killing millions of Japanese), and that is the nature of war.  Tom Morello used, for instance, the false narrative of the Ferguson incident--it was implied--to push the idea that police are regularly killing blacks*.  [Wake up and understand--the protesting by NFL people is tied to today only and not the past.]  Were Native Americans--what I call American Indians--hurt in the past?  They were; for instance, a search of history can find how one type of American Indian took up war against another type during the early decades of this country, and American Indians were enslaved by other American Indians over the history of American Indians, and some whites hurt American Indiana.  What happened to people decades ago has no connection to the protesters of the NFL today and what people they are protesting--The NFL people who are protesting are protesting something of today, such as the citizens of the country.  And the protesters are protesting based on a main premise that is a lie, such as the part about the events of "Ferguson"!  I went to YouTube to get more of an impression of Tom Morello, and one video that I found was entitled "Tom Morello: I would choke Donald Trump's ass out" (which was posted on June 11, 2016 and which comes from an appearance of Tom Morello on Real Time with Bill Maher).  In essence, to me, Tom Morello showed himself to be a person supporting anarchy and no government at all in the video.  In the video, Tom Morello pushed out--"...Someone has to make the sausages, but, but I think that, to cast your ballot into the void every four years and hope someone's gonna wave a magic wand and make the country to your liking is not the way progressive, radical, or revolutionary change happens.  It always comes from below....".  What can a person make of that last quoted material?  Exactly what does Tom Morello want for government or a government?  It cannot be determined clearly through the material what Tom Morello really wants for a government in structure or a way of life for a civilization.  I state that there is no way in which to not have a government in a civilization (containing rules and such).  Tom Morello pushes out dream stuff--not grounded to anything that can be analyzed for faults and defects.  However, I have shown that Tom Morello pushed out the idea of "progressive" stuff or "progressivism," which is tied to Marxism (a type of government really, which is rotten).  Ultimately, it can be said that Tom Morello wants Marxism!  Hold it!  Let me add additional thought related the previous video mentioned.  Tom Morello was asked if he was an anarchist.  Tom Morello did not make a clear answer, though he hinted he might be through his actions.  A good and smart person knows the push for "anarchy" actually leads to an enslavism form of government for people, in which it is the person or the entity with the most weapons or the strongest weapons who rules (it is nothing more than a society run through perpetual violence).  That is a shit way for good people. There is no such thing as a group of people grouped together with no government of any kind--such thing cannot exist.  Another video that I found on YouTube was entitled "Michael Moore on Broadway" (and the posted date was September 25, 2017).  That video had this line from Tom Morello--"...Lots aim for a real world we really want, like a world of equality, of freedom, of justice for every one, where every single kid has an education--not just here but everywhere....".  That is dream stuff that Tom Morello is pushing, and it is used by Tom Morello to get people to follow, really, his unstated real wish, tied to Marxism.  I understand Tom Morello talks in vague terms, though his presentation is good, talking smoothly and quickly, to give the impression to listeners that he is saying something useful.  I state that a good person can deduce Tom Morello pushes "activism" for the sake of "activism"--simply to fight against something and to have something to do in life, the ultimate goal of which is never defined in anything that he does or says, but a smart person knows is "Marxism" stuff.  Tom Morello supports the NFL protesters, and I can argue well Tom Morello supports the protesters because they are protesting what is not Marxism, and I say that when a rotten man--who supports Marxism--supports you, you had better understand well what you are protesting against and for.  And, incidentally, I did see the presentation--the so-called "music video"--on YouTube entitled "Prophets of Rage--Unfuck the World (Music Video)" (which was posted on June 1, 2017), and it was a collection of useless images and themes promoting nothing logical, and it was like something from an insane man, who in the end urges you to know--"The world is not going to change itself.  That's up to you.".  And I ask--What is supposed to be the end thing?
    [Note: I bet Tom Morello well understands the rules presented in Rules for Radicals (by Saul Alinsky, the communist), given Tom Morello went to Harvard University to learn social-sciences stuff, and has read The Communist Manifesto, which is nothing more than a collage of nonsense, as I have found.]
    [Note: Generally speaking, television newscasts, even on the television stations in Detroit present useless information mostly, and, by the way, in Detroit, some of the main newscasters are highly rotten people, such as Devin Scillian (the Cuba lover), who works at WDIV-HD, and Stephen Clark (who a number of years ago did a rotten report series related to health care in Canada and the United States of America, promoting, in essence, national health care as good through lies), who works for WXYZ-HD.  Even though the newscasts have useless information and even lies regularly, they can at times be helpful.  It is commonplace in Detroit for the main commercial television stations (WJBK-HD, WDIV-HD, and WXYZ-HD) to do stories that regularly show killings in Detroit, and it mostly ends up being black-on-black crime.  Detroit is a city mostly populated with blacks.  Now forget Detroit a moment.  Where are all the stories about police killing blacks in the Detroit area?  If it is happening all the time, where are the stories?  Or are the television stations, mostly in control of socialists and such, hiding the stories?  The police killing blacks all the time is bullshit, which is being pushed along by the players in the NFL, and that shows rottenness in the NFL!]

    When the socialists and communists in the media come together to push out lies about, for example, Republicans, a good person can expect Bob Costas to take part.  Bob Costas has been associated with NBC in some way for decades; for example, he works regularly today for NBC Sports in particular.  Bob Costas likes to inject socialistic politics into sports; for instance, on December 3, 2012, Bob Costas presented an anti-gun speech to viewers of Sunday Night Football on NBC-TV.  On September 25, 2017, Bob Costas got to spout nonsense to television viewers in an interview segment with anchors Allsyn Camerota and John Berman on CNN (the so-called news network).  Bob Costas pushed out lies in the interview.  One of the biggest lies from Bob Costas, which was about Donald Trump, was---"...When you call people sons of bitches across the board, uhm, that offends everybody....".  That refers to Donald Trump's statement of September 22, 2017, and that set of words from Bob Costas is a lie, given Donald Trump did not put down all the NFL players as sons of bitches.  Incidentally, while working to put down Donald Trump in the interview, Bob Costas was working to put Colin Kaepernick in the best light that he could, even suggesting Colin Kaepernick was being a "patriot" by taking a knee and protesting during the playing of the "National Anthem".  That is idiocy!  Logic shows that a person cannot be a patriot of the United States of America if the person promotes such people as Fidel Castro and communism.  In addition, Bob Costas presented the rotten idea that, because the protesters have mostly been "blacks," Donald Trump was a racist by calling out the players as sons of bitches, pushing out the idea that really Donald Trump was calling all the black players sons of bitches; for instance, Bob Costas said--"...But do you want a president of the United States who--even if you're giving him the benefit of that doubt--is tone-def to racial implications of this....".  If Bob Costas was a useful reporter, even a sports reporter, he would have seen actual video of Donald Trump presenting the son-of-a-bitch idea, and Bob Costas would have seen he could not make the case that Donald Trump was talking about all the players or even most of the players in the NFL.  It can be seen that Bob Costas was pushing a lie.  By the way, Bob Costas is tied to the television network that was unwillingly forced to relieve Brian Williams from his hosting duties of NBC Nightly News (on NBC-TV) for having made up news or having created fake news.  [Note: I found the interview involving Bob Costas on YouTube days after it had happened live, and the video was called "Bob Costas on NFL protests and patriotism (full CNN interview)", which was uploaded to YouTube on September 25, 2017.]

    I say again--It is very easy to find rotten people or pieces of shit on television in this day and age.  Here is an example of a piece of shit of a man.  The man is a black man known as Michael Che, who talks like a gutter slug (and he even looks like a man on drugs when he speaks as a newscaster-like person).  Michael Che acts as one of the anchors of the comedy bit--comedy?--called "Weekend Update" on Saturday Night Live, the weekly show on NBC-TV.  I now focus on the episode for Saturday, September 30, 2017, which was about two weeks after terrible weather last had hit Puerto Rico.  When all the terrible weather hit Puerto Rico--another socialist-welfare state--this summer/fall, the place was already in economic trouble because of corruption and ineptitude and more that is defective (and even "liberal" news entities had pointed that out over the years previously, such as CNBC [Novak, Jake. "Socialism killed Puerto Rico too." CNBC, 2 July 2015, 12:34 ET]).  When the last bad weather was nearing Puerto Rico, FEMA had staffers at the island already--the federal government under U.S. President Donald Trump was ready to act.  The weather hit and went away, and aid started to be given.  For one, the electricity grid was, in essence, destroyed, but it already had been defective before the bad weather hit [Vives, Ruben, and Molly Henessy-Fiske. "Puerto Rico's debt-plagued power grid was already on life support before hurricanes wiped it out."  Los Angeles Times, 28 September 2017, 5:30 p.m.].  I have to make an aside here.  Puerto Rico is an island, and to get a lot of materials to the island, such as to repair electricity systems, it takes a lot of ships and air planes (it is not as if materials can be moved easily by rail or trucks, as can be done in relation to the mainland of the United States of America).  Around Saturday, Septembr 30, 2017, Democrats in the United States of America and some politicians in Puerto Rico were pushing the idea that Donald Trump was hindering the issuing of aid to Puerto Rico (such as because Donald Trump is racist against the people of Puerto Rico); for example, Mayor Carmen Yulin Cruz of San Juan, Puerto Rico, said--"...We are dying here.  If anybody out there is listening to us, we were dying, and you [Donald Trump] are killing us with the inefficiency...".  Also around Saturday, September 30 2017, some people--good people at least--were seeing and understanding an article written by a business man of Puerto Rico--Jorge Rodriguez--and published in The New York Post on September 30, 2017 [Rodriguez, Jorge.  "'Inept' Puerto Rican government 'riddled with corruption': CEO,"  The New York Post, 30 September 2017, 5:18 p.m.].  Mr. Jorge Rodriguez pointed out, for instance, how the government in Puerto Rico put a curfew of six to six and then seven to five on the people of the island after the bad weather had hit--so trucks could not move gasoline to gas stations in other hours, which led to lack of gas at places and waiting lines.  Jorge Rodriguez knowing how defective the government on the island was urged the federal government of the United States of America  to carefully control aid funds to the island and not let the government on the island have full control.  Of course, Donald Trump Tweeted his disapproval to Carmen Yulin Cruz's idea that the federal government---particularly Donald Trump--was doing a bad job in providing aid.  On Saturday Night Live, on September 30, 2017, Michael Cre attacked Donald Trump in a way that showed Michael Che is a black racist.  Michael Che pushed out the idea that Donald Trump is a racist, suggesting Donald Trump gave aid to "white people" twice and now was holding back on the people of Puerto Rico since the people were not white.  And Michael Che said such things as "...Oh, really, Donald?  You bitch!...." and "...Write a check with our money, you cheap cracker!....".  Michael Che was pushing more lies and hate!  [It would not surprise me to learn Jim Caldwell and many football players think Michael Che is a hero, though I say that Michael Che is a shit-head.]
    [Note: Logic shows that a person who supports a rotten person is also a rotten person.]

    On the evening of October 1, 2017, I was busy doing things, but I had the television set on, and at one point (around 6:30 p.m.), I had WJBK-TV, Channel 2.1, on, and Huel Perkins (the main news anchor for the station) and Charlie Langton were hosting a talk segment.  The segment that was on when I joined the station was a "Let It Rip" segment, in which a bunch of guys were flapping gums about the NFL-kneeling theme, but I joined in on the broadcast too late to really come up with something to put in this document about the segment, but I did hear idiocy in the few moments that I caught.  Then I went away from the television set for a few minutes.  [Here is an aside--Communism and socialism are rotten political systems, and the history of man shows that as fact.  Look at Venezuela.]  So, the next segment hosted by Huel Perkins and Charlie Langton had U.S. Representative Debbie Dingell and U.S. Representative Dave Trott as guests.  This segment taught crap, and it was done by the four persons.  Dave Trott, for instance, mentioned the idea about immigration and how there are "extremes in each party" so it is hard to get anything done.  What did Dave Trott mean by that?  Anti-communism and anti-socialism--hated by Debbie Dingell and her husband (the former U.S. Representative John Dingell)--are not extremists, and no "Democrat" is an anti-communist or anti-socialist.  Debbie Dingell and Dave Trott pushed the idea that anti-communists and anti-socialists [who, if they are tied to a political party, are never in the Democratic Party] should work with communists and socialists (who often say that they are "patriots," though logic shows that they are not), and the show even pushed out the idea that most Americans want bipartisan solutions from politicians, especially those in the U.S. Congress.  I say that, if most Americans want bipartisan solutions, then the country is rotten on the whole.  Consider--Why would any good person want communists and socialists to set up the rules for a health-care system in a country, as happened with the enacting of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (a.k.a. "Obamacare"), which is designed to ultimately have the federal government control completely the health-care system in the country.  It is commonplace for Democrats to be liars, and a good example is Barack Obama (whom I have proven to be a shitty man in numerous documents that exist on the Internet).  Only a jackass would want rotten people--Democrats as government people--to control their health care, determining when they get care, how much should be paid, what drugs should be issued, when they should die, et cetera.  A good person does not wish for compromise between the group known as anti-communists and anti-socialists and the group known as communists and socialists (like Debbie Dingell).  The second segment taught the audience idiocy and showed the rottenness in the minds of two politicians.  In essence, the NFL players were backing the Democrats--such as Marxists--really, and that means they support having the federal government determine when people get health care or not, even though as a rule politicians are stupid or corrupt or liars or crooks, and that shows the true stupidity of the NFL players.  In addition, it seems to me the NFL players are so stupid that they are some of the stupidest people on the planet, finding it okay that, if a person does not buy a health-care plan--which has to meet federal government rules--the person gets find or put in jail.  That idea really means, if the person does not let the government determine when the person gets health care or how much health care or when the person gets to die, the person gets punished.  Yet, Debbie Dingell and Dave Trott pushed the idea that is it good to have compromise in government.  It is fact the health-care system under "Obamacare" rules is rotten in the long run, and the NFL players supported the types of people who want "Obamacare" to exist--Colin Kaepernick, a supporter of Marxists, like Fidel Castro, a mass killer.  I bet the idiots on "Let It Rip" never talked about the "Obamacare" idea and particularly the idea that the federal government gets to fine you or imprison you if you do not let the federal government determine when you get to live and die when discussing the kneeling theme.
    [Note: I urge you to see my document informally titled It's a Matter of Self-Defense, which can be reached through this Self Defense link.  I did not give the federal government the "right" (such through a signature on a document) to control which doctor I choose, how I pay for health care, how much I will pay for health care, et cetera.  A person who believes it is okay is shit and is my enemy, and I will tell that to the person in person!]

    I say in jest--Yes, television viewers all over the world got to see the NFL players take a knee and link arms in support of Colin Kaepernick, and they are heroes!

    Let me change the subject for a moment.  On Sunday, October 1, 2017, a man used guns to killed 59 persons and injured more than 500 in Las Vegas, Nevada [Note: I am surprise he did not also use molotov cocktails and other weapons, though maybe he wanted to push for more gun control in the country, taking away weapons from good people so that the good people cannot defend themselves, such as from those wishing to make the country a communistic country].  Immediately after the event had happened, many people pushed the idea that gun-control laws were the answer to stopping such gun violence, which I say is the thinking of idiots.  Jimmy Kimmel, the host of Jimmy Kimmel Live (seen weeknights on ABC-TV), did political talk on his comedy show on October 2, 2017, and October 3, 2017, to push for more laws.  It was on October 3, 2017, that Jimmy Kimmel pushed his tactic to a highly rotten level, by saying-"...But I do want to say something to these nuts who spent most of the day on television, on line attacking those of us who think we need to do something about the fact that fifty-nine innocent people were killed.  They say it's inappropriate to be talking about it because it's to soon.  Well, maybe it's too soon for you because deep down inside you know in your heart, you know you bear some responsibility for the fact that almost anyone can get any weapon they want--now you want to cover yourself until the storm of outrage passes, and you can go back to your dirty business as usual....".  The words put forth as a whole from Jimmy Kimmel--who supported communistic Barack Obama wholeheartedly--are rotten, showing off a rotten mind.  For instance, to push the idea that "because deep down inside you know in your heart, you know you bear some responsibility for the fact that almost anyone can get any weapon they want--now you want to cover yourself until the storm of outrage passes, and you can go back to your dirty business as usual...." is garbage.  For instance, I do not belong to the NRA (the National Rifle Association), but I belong to no entity pushing for guns to be kept available to citizens in the country, but I know laws do not stop rotten people from killing others with guns, whether the weapons used are stolen or bought [Note: A person can make guns if the person has the right tools, such as a metal lathe].  I am not "responsible" in any way for a person's using a gun to kill others, even if the amount ends up in the dozens--the killer has all the responsibility.  Jimmy Kimmel's tactic is rotten, suggesting others have responsibility in the shooting in Las Vegas on October 1, 2017, and making others take up believing they were involved in the killing indirectly by being gun supporters.  The killer did it all!  That is life!  And Jimmy Kimmel once again showed his rottennes!
    [Note: You are urged to see my document entitled Guns for Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness: A Lesson about Guarding Against Enslavism, Bad Politicians, and Barack Hussein Obama, which can be reached through this Guns link, and you are urged to see my document entitled It is All about Barack Obama and His Self-Preservation and "Freedom": That is Why Barack Obama Must Take the Guns from "We, the People", which can reached through this Guns2 link.]

    What Donald Trump said about a few NFL players on September 22, 2017 was exactly--"...Wouldn't you love to see one of these NFL owners when somebody disrespects our flag say--Get that son of a bitch off the field right now, he's fired, fired!....".  Donald Trump never put down as a group the NFL players, and that shows all the NFL players who sided against Donald Trump had their heads up their asses, having, for example, not the ability to understand the meaning of the words used by Donald Trump or purposely not wanting to understand the words.  The NFL players showed off their stupidity on television for the entire country and the entire world to see.  In addition, each person in the media who reported or suggested that Donald Trump put down all the players in the NFL or was, in essence, ordering NFL players to be fired shows stupid or rottenness or shows stupidity and rottenness.  The set of words from Donald Trump was like a wish piece tied to his audience and their possible feelings--"wouldn't you love" is the key to the thought.  Yet, most media people purposely did not look at the quote to understand what was said, or looked at the quote and lacked the ability to understand the material, or purposely lied about the quote to their customers.  Everyone whom I put down in this document deserved the attack, and I enjoyed it--I beat up in shitty people, even if the person is 320 pounds and plays football (just a big piece of crap).

    Oh, yes, I am working to push "division" in this country and make good people put down and fight back against rotten people, like those often pushing shitty ways through television, such as Stephen Henderson, Barack Obama, Mitch McConnell, Debbie Dingell....

    And I have to point out two things.  First, Rico LaVelle does not have a good singing voice, and his presentation at the football game featuring the Detroit Lions and the Atlanta Falcons on September 24, 2017, was rather weak.  Second, the Detroit Lions lost the game on September 24, 2017, and the score does not matter to me--they lost, getting killed off by a ten-second-run-off rule.  May the futures for Rico Lavella and the Detroit Lions be all bad!

    Remember: The Prisoner with Patrick McGoohan was a television show that was produced across the pond and shown on CBS-TV in the late 1960s, and I urge you to find The Prisoner on DVD, maybe from a library, and watch it, and you should show it--all the episodes--to teenagers, or buy it as a present for teenagers.

Stay well!


    P.S. #1:  On Friday, September 29, 2017, I sent through the United States Postal Service a paper version of this document (as the document existed at the time) to the Detroit Lions, particularly to Mr. Jim Caldwell (the coach of the team).  I reported that Jim Caldwell should read the document and pass it on.  I also reported that anyone at the Detroit Lions could send a response to my document to me, as part of a try to discredit what I was written in my document.  At the time, I did not expect a response, given the document is long (and might be beyond, for instance, the stamina of any of the players' minds) and given I was well aware any response document could not discount anything that was in my document (since my document was not lies).  If I do receive a reply to my document, designed to shoot me down, I shall publish the document in a future T.H.A.T. edition, and the reply will be accompanied by my tearing down of the reply, showing any lies and bullshit in the reply.  "For the record," I sent the same edition of this document to Mr. Frank Beckmann (the host of the The Frank Beckmann Show on WJR-AM) and Mr. Dick Haefner (the news director for WJR-AM).  I need no reply from them.  I sent them the version of the document so that there would be a sort of a record that notes I sent a version of this document to the Detroit Lions.  I cannot wait to see a reply from the Detroit Lions so that I can show what will certainly be idiotic thinking of the writer of the reply.

    P.S. #2: You are urged to see my document entitled One of "The Rules of Man"--A Rule About Health Care that No Politician May Supersede with Law, which can be reached through this Rule1 link.  I have deduced that all the Democrats and most Republicans support the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010 and have no intention of killing it, though it should be killed for violating, for one, "The Rules of Man."  For example, Republicans Jeb Bush and Christ Christie support the rotten law, and that is one reason that I define them as stupid men and not men who are good enough--in this day and age--to be the U.S. President.  I note that the "mandate"--which forces everyone to buy government-approved health-care insurance--violates one of "The Rules of Man," and it is a rule that is attacked in the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010.  Anyone who supports the "mandate" is not a good enough person or a smart enough person to be the U.S. president--the mandate is "enslavism," and the "mandate" allows government people--who are often and usually bad people, as history shows--decide what health care a person can get, and that is bad.

    P.S. #3: Yes, this edition had a lot of profane language, but that is the type of language that is deserved of the bad people whom I showed up, and it is the type of language used by the people whom I showed up as rotten--they are not to be spoken of in soft terms and nice mushy phrases, for what they stand for and promote is evil.

copyright c. 2017
Date published: October 10, 2017
    Note: This document was first published on the Internet--in preview form--on Tuesday, September 26, 2017, and then it was updated several times, and the final version was put on the Internet on October 10, 2017.

The Hologlobe Press
Postal Box 5263
Cheboygan, Michigan  49721
The United States of America

To see the next edition of T.H.A.T.,
    click on: T.H.A.T. #163.
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    click on: T.H.A.T. #161.
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    the country and its failures and its betrayal of
    the American public, click on: T.H.A.T. #55.
To go to the main page of The Hologlobe Press,
    click on: www.hologlobepress.com.
For further reading, you should see the document
    entitled Never Forget These Media Darlings ? --
    A Guide for the Individual in the United
    States of America, which can reached by
    using this link: Media.
For further reading, you should see the document
    entitled Film and Television Production
    Tax Credits: The Bad Side of the Issue,
    which can be reached through this link:
    Tax Credits.
For further reading, you should see the document
    AMERICA for the individual woman and the
    individual man, which can be reached by
    hitting this link: Thoughts.
For further reading, you should see the document
    LOGIC for the individual woman and the
    individual man, which can be reached by
    hitting this link: Logic.
For further reading, you should see the document
    entitled Political Lessons for the Individual Woman
    and the Individual Man in the United States of
    America, which can be reached by hitting this
    link: Lessons.
For further reading, you should see the document
    entitled Nonsense Statements and Quotations
    of Barack Obama, which can be reached at
    this link: Quotes.
For further reading, you should see the document
    about censorship, Fairness?: A Guide for the
    Individual Woman and the Individual Man
    in the United States of America, which can be
    reached at this link: Fairness.
For further reading, you should see the document
    entitled National Health Care and Mass Failure:
    The Reasons it is a Dead Issue, which can be
    reached at this link: Health.
For further reading, you should see the document
    entitled  A Collection of Words--Just Words--
    That Show Dangerous People, which can be
    reached through this link: Words.

Keep in mind: T.H.A.T. documents and Michigan
    Travel Tips documents published since the middle
    of 2008 contain more quotations and statements
    of Barack Obama's that you should see.  To see
    the editions of Michigan Travel Tips, you should
    go to the catalog page, which can be reached by
    hitting this link: Travel.
