(The 120th Edition)


Victor Edward Swanson,



    The reports and stories contained on this Web page have been put together with information taken from "The Victor Swanson Fabulous Files of Places to See in Michigan and Wisconsin" and with information obtained from operators and staffers of tourist attractions and from press releases, Web sites, and other sources.  The reports and stories are provided as a public service by Victor Swanson and The Hologlobe Press.  Almost all persons and entities, such as staffers of radio stations, may freely use the materials; neither AAA Michigan nor any employee of AAA Michigan may use, distribute, download, transmit, copy, or duplicate any of the material presented on this page in any way or through any means.

- - - Travel Thoughts for Everyone - - -

    When you travel, especially on long-distance trips, in Michigan, do you usually talk about fluff when you do talk?  Fluff--that is the stuff that is non-controversial or non-political, especially that which reveals the rottenness of Barack Obama, Barack Obama's associates, the Democratic Party and the leaders in the Republican Party, all of whom can be considered "enslavists" (followers or supporters of, for example, the ways of socialism and communism, which are political systems that enslave most of the citizens of a country and allow leaders to live the good life or rich life through government positions).  I sometimes talk about fluff, such as maybe talking about the breasts of a gal that I have seen (maybe like one who might be like one of the gals that I like that I show in my document entitled Barack Obama's Women -- Ugly Women Through and Through: Facts, Information, and Opinion (A Lesson for Hoped-to-Be Men), which can be reached through this Ugly link) or television shows.  I often talk about serious subjects--not being a mush-head man--especially that which deals with the rottenness of Barack Obama and other rotten people and what the rotten people are destroying.  I even speculate at times, based on facts that I know.  For instance, a person can see big problems are ahead for the country and the world because of what Barack Obama and his associates are doing to the military.  In essence, Barack Obama has been working to reduce the size and effectiveness of the U.S. military.  For one, a smaller military will give Barack Obama more safety--the military will not be a big a threat to him as he becomes more a dictator.  In addition, a smaller U.S. military will mean the U.S. military will be less likely to defend or help defend good countries in the world from bad countries in the world, such as Russia, China, and Iran, and pushers of Sharia, and, for example, that means more of the Middle East can become brought together under the rule of terrorist types who are pushing Sharia for the world and that means Russia can do more to create an entity like the former Soviet Union (such as by getting the Ukraine under the control of Russia directly) and that means China, which recently grabbed a portion of the East China Sea as its own, can expand its territory in Southeast Asia, and the U.S. will be able to do nothing useful.  The talk about the reducing the size of the U.S. military can include talk about Barack Obama's work to increase the size of the Internal Revenue Service, which can be used more and more as a part of a civilian-type police force, which can coerce the good citizens of the country, like me, and the talk can include information about how the federal government has been acquiring bullets and stockpiling bullets, and the talk can also include other facts and information about how Barack Obama seems to be working to make reality his statement made years ago about creating a civilian military force that is as strong and well-funded as the U.S. military is, which a smart person can understand would be an entity beholden only to him.  Also, by cutting back on the pay of military people, which is happening, Barack Obama and his associates in the federal government happen to be encouraging people to leave the military and get back to civilian life or encouraging people not to sign up to be a part of the military, their knowing how the pay is being cut back and how the military is being made smaller, and I say that it is very likely that Barack Obama and his associates are working to get lower-quality people into what military there will be, such as dumber people, so that the military will be less capable, and I say that it is very likely that Barack Obama is working to get people loyal to him in the military (people who are working to help push communism and such on the country will go into the military, even though the military is being made smaller and pay is being cut so that they can act as his soldiers--soldiers loyal to Barack Obama's rotten way of life).  Unlike some men, I talk about such serious ideas to even beauties like those noted in Barack Obama's Women -- Ugly Women Through and Through: Facts, Information, and Opinion (A Lesson for Hoped-to-Be Men), and I must note that, if I meet women who do not like the talk, they do not get to come with me and they are not allowed in the vehicle or are quickly removed, being useless women.  A woman who does not see the rottenness of Barack Obama is indeed a useless woman, and I have seen such women in Michigan, so remember that when you travel in Michigan.  By the way, at Lansing, a person can find the Michigan Women's Historical Center & Hall of Fame.  Be aware--some of the women honored there are not or were not good, such as Grace Lee Boggs, who was inducted into the Hall of Fame in 2009, though she had a Marxist (communistic) background (remember, 2009 was when Barack Obama--a Marxist type--entered the White House as the U.S. President for the first time).  So let me take you traveling somewhere, and it will not be to the Michigan Women's Historical Center & Hall of Fame, even if it might relate stories about some good women of the past, since the entity by saluting, for example, Grace Lee Boggs is to be treated as a failed entity.

    Oh, I have to add--In the above paragraph, I did not note that Barack Obama, when he was a U.S. Senator, worked to reduce greatly the arms that the Ukrainians had [Martosko, David.  "Flashback: Senator Obama pushed bill that helped destroy more than 15,000 TONS of ammunition, 400,000 small arms and 1,000 anti-aircraft missiles in Ukraine." Daily Mail (United Kingdom), 5 March 2014, 01:58 EST (updated: 5 March 2014, 02:06 EST).].

    Warning announcement!  Because of incidents at schools for children and incidents at other places for people in general tied to "Sharia" or "Islamic Law" or even the religion/political system known as "Islam," I now regularly have this paragraph as a part of each edition of Michigan Travel Tips.  The governmental system of the United States of America based on The U.S. Constitution and "Sharia" or, informally, Islam law, are not compatible and cannot co-exist, and one reason is "Sharia" (et cetera) is a political system, in which there is one-party rule, and that one party is basically made up or controlled by religious leaders who base all the ways of their culture or society on "Sharia" or "Islamic Law."  Those who uphold and practice "Sharia" have no tolerance for the existence of Christianity or Buddhism or Hinduism or non-religion, and that is a fact, and "Sharia" is a political system in which women are second-rate human bodies and in which clergy can be involved in determining  business transactions, and there is no "freedom of speech" tied to politics in a society related to "Sharia."  When you travel around Michigan and in other states of the country, watch for signs that rotten people are trying to teach you or family members, especially children, that "Sharia" is good and "Allah" is good and teach you or family members that the United States of America is bad and that, for instance, Christianity and Buddhism and Hinduism are bad, which I have evidence is happening and which is being brought about by people who are clearly working to make "Sharia" and "Islamic Law" a dominant political system in the world (it is a political system as rotten as socialism and fascism and communism are, since it promotes violence and thuggery and coercion and killing under the face of religion).  By the way, a society based of "Sharia" really creates nothing in the long run and does not advance the human society as a whole since it is too busy suppressing the ideas of people and keeping that ideas of the society based of ways of only a few minds up front (the political leaders, whose main purpose is too keep themselves enriched through  the work of others, the many)--it is a gang-run society really.  Yes, if you run across people pushing the idea that Muslim-stuff is better than U.S. is, especially to little children, go public and make it known to other good people and fight back against it!

    I have reported in past issues of Michigan Travel Tips that I am an "expert" (for lack of a better word) on The Mackinaw WAGB-83, which is now a museum at Mackinaw City, Michigan, and one fact that shows my authority on the ship is I have collected over 2,030 articles from newspapers about the ship, and it has almost reached the point where you could give me a date between December 1944 and June 2006, and I can tell you where the ship was, as I recently showed Mark Thompson, who is in charge of the Presque Isle County Museum, Rogers City, Michigan (I am a little weak on dates between 1980 and 2006 because, I have yet to do more research about the period, which was a period when newspapers were reporting less and less from year to year).  On Wednesday, March 12, 2014, I was at the library at Cheboygan, Michigan, going through microfilm reels of the Cheboygan Daily Tribune (in the 1950s) and looking for newspaper stories about the former icebreaker, and I came across unexpected stories.  At Indian River (of Cheboygan County of the Lower Peninsula of Michigan), there is a famous statue, which depicts Jesus on a cross.  The place is called "The National Shrine of the Cross in the Woods."  On March 12, 2014, I found information about the cross--A story in the Cheboygan Daily Tribune noted that, on Friday, July 31, 1959, the cross was raised into the standing position for the first time ("Raising Statue of Christ on Cross at Indian River Shrine.  Cheboygan Daily Tribune, 1 August 1959, p. 1.).  With the short story were three photographs.  It was reported that the statue was 31-feet high and weighed three tons, and it was reported that the cross was 55-feet tall and made of redwood.  [Another photograph/story published on Monday, August 3, 1959, showed the cross in an upright position ("Scaffold Removed from Cross."  Cheboygan Daily Tribune, 3 August 1959, p. 1.)]   I came across another old story about a tourist attraction in Michigan on March 12, 2014.  The Cheboygan Daily Tribune had a story about a new tourist information station in the edition for Monday, May 18, 1959 ("Mackinaw City Information Station Dedicated."  Cheboygan Daily Tribune, 18 May 1959, p. 1.).  The sign for the place in a photograph actually showed "Highway Information Station."  Today, the place is known as a "Welcome Center."  At the dedication were a number of persons, such as Murray D. Van Wagoner and John C. Mackie, who were shown in the photograph.  Also there was Miss Dawn Derhammer--"Miss Michigan State Highway."  Wow, I did not know there was once a "Miss Michigan State Highway!"   I do not know how many persons were at the dedication for the Highway Information Station, but I know a little over 400 persons saw the cross with the statue of Jesus raised on July 31, 1959.

    By the way, I can report that, on May 18, 1959, The Mackinaw was traveling from Bay City (Michigan) to Cheboygan (Michigan) on Lake Huron (the ship had been at Bay City for an Armed Forces Day celebration), and the ship showed up at Cheboygan either very late on May 18, 1959, or very early on May 19, 1959, and I am not really sure where the ship was on July 31, 1959, but my guess is she was at Grand Haven (Michigan) or about to get to Grand Haven (which is along Lake Michigan) to take part in an annual Coast Guard Festival, where, on Sunday, August 2, 1959, the ship was open for public tours from 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. and from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m..

    Oh, today, the Mackinaw City Welcome Center is a place for travelers to get travel and tourist information about the State of Michigan, such as free maps of Michigan.

    When you travel in Michigan, keep this thought in mind--Over the few days after the Russians--using military forces--invaded Ukraine on Saturday, March 1, 2014, U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry was giving public statements, and, for instance, he talked about how Russia should respect the borders of Ukraine, and, yet, John Kerry's boss--Barack Obama--does not respect the borders of the United States of America, as shown by Barack Obama's unwillingness to hinder and block foreigners from entering the United States of America illegally in great numbers at the border between the United States of America and Mexico and from staying in the United States of America, though the people are criminals, having violated U.S. federal law.

    Enjoy your safe traveling in Michigan, which exists in a world where communists are taking over other countries again, getting help from Barack Hussein Obama, a communist and what is worse than a communist is.

    Stay well!


    P.S. #1: Remember: While you travel in Michigan, remind your children or grandchildren that they should never pledge to be a "servant to Obama" or a servant to any politician or sing the praises of Barack Obama, and to help you remember other matters that you should teach children about bad politicians, such as Barack Obama (who can be described as an "enslaver"), see such other documents of mine as Conservatism for Children and What Conservatism Means (which can be reached through this link: Conservatism) and Lessons for Children about Politics and Dangerous People (which can be reached through this link: Children).  (Note: I first passed along the subject of not being a "servant to Obama" and the like in the publication entitled T.H.A.T. #58, which can be reached through this link: T.H.A.T. #58.)

    Your travel tips in this edition of Michigan Travel Tips are:

    The Mackinaw City Welcome Center, Mackinaw City, along I-75, the Lower Peninsula.

    The National Shrine of the Cross in the Woods, Indian River, Cheboygan County, the Lower Peninsula.


- - - Contact Information - - -

The Hologlobe Press
Postal Box 5263
Cheboygan, Michigan  49721
The United States of America

copyright c. 2014
File date: 10 April 2014

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For further reading, you should see Conservatives
    and The United States Constitution versus
    Enslavers and Enslavism (or Communism,
    Sharia, Socialism, et cetera), which can be
    reached by using this link: Enslavism.
For further reading, you should see THOUGHTS
    AND PIECES OF LOGIC for the individual
    woman and the individual man, which can be
    reached by hitting this link: Logic.
For further reading, you should see THOUGHTS
    STATES OF AMERICA for the individual
    woman and the individual man,
    which can be reached by hitting this link:
For further reading, you should see Political Lessons
    for the Individual Woman and the Individual
    Man in the United States of America, which
    can be reached by hitting this link: Lessons.
For further reading, you should see Nonsense
    Statements and Quotations of Barack Obama,
    which be reached through this link: Quotes.
For further reading, you should see my document
    entitled Madness in a President and Others
    Matters of a Defective Mind, which can be
    reached through this link: Madness.
For further reading, you should see T.H.A.T. #55,
    which has important television information and
    which can be reached by hitting this link:
    T.H.A.T. #55.
For further reading, you should see the monthly
    publications known as T.H.A.T., the catalog
    to which can be reached through this link:

Really, you are urged to go to the Site-Summary
    Page for The Hologlobe Press to see all the
    other documents that are available at the Web
    site for The Hologlobe Press and reach the
    links to all those other documents, since many
    of the documents can be defined as "proofs"
    that show the evilness and defectiveness of
    Barack Hussein Obama, and the link to the
    Site-Summary Page is this link: Summary.
