Louis Michael Seidman -- Another
Evil Man Pushing for Enslavism in
the United States of America


Victor Edward Swanson,

The Hologlobe Press
Postal Box 5263
Ferndale, Michigan  49721
The United States of America

copyright c. 2013

January 28, 2013
(Version 1)
(Draft version)

    Since January 20, 2009, Barack Obama has a number of times violated the basic law of the United States of America--The United States Constitution, which is a document that sets up the general structure of the country and puts limits on what a federal politician, especially a U.S. President, can do against the citizens of the country, which can be bad and be rules that would by tyrannical.  To date, Barack Obama has only been challenged in court for violating The United States Constitution by a few entities--there that rule of life, if no one challenges a bad person for doing bad things, the bad person can get away with doing the bad things.  In the country, people exist who care not that Barack Obama is acting like a dictator and is in violation of The United States Constitution, and, for example, it is commonplace for members of the Democratic Party, such as the members of the "black caucus" of the U.S. House of Representatives, to push Barack Obama to purposely violate The United States Constitution more, and it is commonplace for members of the media and members of universities and colleges to uphold Barack Obama's bad actions, and some professors while working with the media go on television programs to push the idea that The United States Constitution should be gotten rid of.  On Sunday, January 27, 2013, a professor called Louis Michael Seidman did a commentary about getting rid of The United States Constitution as the document is on a weekly television program called CBS Sunday Morning, and, in essence, the host of the program--Charles Osgood--even sided with Louis Michael Seidman by letting the man speak such blasphemy.  Here is what Louis Michael Seidman said in the commentary:

    "I've got a simple idea.  Let's gives up on The Constitution.  I know--it sounds radical.  But it's really not.  Constitutional disobedience is as American as apple pie.  For example, most of our greatest presidents--Jefferson, Lincoln, Wilson, and both Roosevelts--had doubts about The Constitution, and many of them disobeyed it when it got in their way.  To be clear, I don't think we should give up on everything in The Constitution. The Constitution has many important and inspiring provisions, but we should obey these because they are important and inspiring not because a bunch of people who are now long dead favored them two centuries ago.  Unfortunately, The Constitution also contains some provisions that are no so inspiring.  For example, one allows a presidential candidate who is rejected by a majority of the American people to assume office.  Suppose that Barack Obama really wasn't a natural-born citizen.  So what?  Constitutional obedience has a pernicious impact on our political culture.  Take the recent debate about gun control--none of my friends can believe it but I happen to be skeptical of most forms of gun control.  I understand, though, that's not everyone's skew, and I'm eager to talk with people who disagree.  But what happens when the issue gets constitutionalized?  Then, we turn the question over to lawyers, and lawyers do with it what lawyers do.  So instead of talking about whether gun control makes sense in our country, we talk about what people thought about it two centuries ago.  Worse yet, talking about gun control in terms of constitutional obligation needlessly raises the temperature of political discussion.  Instead of a question of policy, about which reasonable people can disagree, it becomes a test of one's commitment to our foundational document and so to America itself.  This is our country.  We live in it.  And we have a right to the kind of country that we want.  We would not allow the French or the United Nations to rule us, and neither should we allow people who died over two centuries ago and knew nothing of our country as it exists today.  If we are to take back our own country, we have to start making decisions for ourselves and stop deferring to an ancient and out-dated document."

    Yes, this Louis Michael Seidman, who happens to teach Georgetown University, is an evil man, and I can prove my statement by showing up what the evil man said in the commentary.  The United States Constitution was designed and is designed to stop a few people from becoming dictators over the citizens--such as for decades--making laws on the whim of the moment and making changes often and making changes that ultimately hurt the citizens, which has been the way of such countries as Cuba and North Korea and China, all three of which are slave states or military states.  In addition, The United States Constitution is designed to state outright what freedoms from the federal government that the citizens have--by the way, in the United States of America, the citizens own the country and the politicians are employees (or are supposed to be the employees of the citizens).  The United Statesof America is the most unique country of the world, and it has become great because The United States Constitution has helped block people who become politicians from screwing up the lives and playing with the lives of the citizens, and it is supposed to help block the citizens from insane men and crazy men who take up being politicians because they know it is a way to, for example, have fun hurting people--people have existed as politicians throughout the time of man who like to hurt people (and I contend that Barack Obama, who has used illegal mind-altering drug, the effects of which never fully go away, is one such man, evidence of which exists in documents that I have available on the Internet).  So if The United States Constitution is a blocking document, why does Louis Michael Seidman want to make big changes.  One reason that The United States Constitution does have a "Second Amendment," which allows the citizens to have guns, is to make sure the citizens can fight back against evil politicians--dictators and tyrants, who exist in on the planet today and always will.  Louis Michael Seidman seems to be unhappy with the "Second Amendment" really.  A person has to ask--Exactly what does Louis Michael Seidman dislike about The United States Constitution in total?  The man offers know clear idea in the commentary.  Early in the commentary, Louis Michael Seidman notes that U.S. Presidents in the past have violated The United States Constitution, which is truth makes them traitors, and, for instance, Woodrow Wilson really spoke out about how he hated The Constitution, and Woodrow Wilson showed his nature to be that of a dictator type through his writings, such as those in 1918, and, in essence, Woodrow Wilson, who called himself a "progressive" (which can be called a code word for a "communist" today) was a socialist, and the Roosevelts were highly socialistic.  Socialism (which is nothing more than temporarily restrained communism) is bad for the individual citizens of the country, because it is nothing more than "enslavism," in which a few persons ultimately get to make decisions of life and death for the citizens.  Woodrow Wilson, like a few other U.S. Presidents, did not and do not like that The United States Constitution puts limits on them and limits them as to what they can do to the people, such as the harm that they can bring on to the people.  Remember--Politicians, who are not good general knowledge people, being at best specialists about laws and the making of laws and on becoming politicians, are very likely to make bad laws since they cannot and do not want to see the consequences of their actions and since they have not enough information about all the things in life to make good laws.  Louis Michael Seidman takes up the issue of the "Electoral College System," which members of the Democratic Party (which is in this day and age a communist party and a party that promotes enslavism for the people), dislike the "Electoral College System," which is important in determining who becomes a U.S. President--the "Electoral College System" makes it possible for people in smaller states (with smaller populations) to have a voice in the voting process and makes it possible that larger says (those with large populations) do not always control presidential elections.  It must be noted that Louis Michael Seidman barely touched on the "Electoral College System"--he jumps right away to a new subject, which deals with whether or not a person born in this country can become the U.S. President; one reason that the Founders of the nation made the provision that only people born in this country could become the U.S. President is they did not want a person to be able to simply show up from another country, who has no history of upholding the values of The United States Constitution and the non-enslavism ways of the country, and become the leader of the country.  Louis Michael Seidman passed along some flap doodle and then got to a big topic--he put down the Founders of the United States of America, men who had spent many months debating and talking about how to make a founding document for a country that would block for the sake of the children yet to be born a person from becoming too powerful in the country and becoming like a king over the country or becoming a dictator over the country, especially if the man is a bad man.  In the commentary, Louis Michael Seidman was pushing for some other type of document to set the rules for the country, and he never hinted at what the document could be.  If the constitution for a country does not put limits on what politicians can do to the citizens and if the constitution for this country has to be changed, as Louis Michael Seidman suggests, what can only result is a constitution that allows politicians to have more power over the people and act like kings and queens and dictators and tyrants.  The people of the United States of America live in the country and they can have whatever country they want, but they either have to use proper procedures, which are stated in The United States Constitution, to make changes to The United States Constitution or throw it away and make something else, which, given the type of people who are pushing for the abandonment of The United State Constitution, will be something that cannot be as good as The United States Constitution is and would very likely lead to unrest in the country and fighting and worse, since the document would very likely not be for the people and by the people and would very likely be for the politicians and by the politicians.  "...If we are to take back our own country, we have to start making decisions for ourselves and stop deferring to an ancient and outdated document...."--this line from Louis Michael Seidman is a real killer of minds.  A good person has to wonder--We have to take the country back from whom?  Today, it is the citizens who own the country, as has been the rule since The United States Constitution was created and adopted in the 1700s.  Most certainly, a good person must wonder again--What person or entity has taken the country away from the people?   Yes, Louis Michael Seidman spoke nonsense and crap, and he is a teacher of ignorance and enslavism!  The nature of man never changes--there will always be bad people--and The United States Constitution is designed for the ages of man from now till whenever, and it will never be outdated in the way that it is supposed to block evil men from practicing their evil ways.  And what Louis Michael Seidman does not hint at in the slightest is--If the United States of America abandons The United States Constitution, it is enslavism for caucasians, blacks, Asians, Hispanics, Native Americans, et cetera, since the enslavism will cover all peoples.


    Note: This document was originally posted on the Internet on January 28, 2013.

    Note: This document is known on the Internet as www.hologlobepress.com/seidman.htm.

For further reading, you should see the
    document entitled Conservatism for
    Children and What Conservatism Means,
    which can be reached by using this link:
For further reading, you should see the
    document entitled Conservatives and
    The United States Constitution Versus
    Enslavers and Enslavism (Communism,
    Sharia, Socialism, et cetera), which can
    be reached by using this link: Enslavism.
For further reading, you should see the
    document entitled The "Enslavers" Want
    Your Retirement Plan or Pension Plan,
    which can be reached by using this link:
For further reading, you should see the
    document entitled Nonsense Statements
    and Quotations of Barack Obama, which
    can be reached by using this link: Quotes.
For further reading, you should see the
    document entitled Madness in a President
    and Other Matters of a Defective Mind,
    which can be reached by using this link:
For further reading, you should see my
    document entitled Sharia Law, Shariah-
    Compliant Finance, Radical Islam, and
    Barack Obama, which can be reached by
    using this link: Sharia.
For further reading, you should see the
    document entitled Never Forget These
    Media "Darlings" ?: A Guide for the
    Individual in the United States of
    America, which can be reached by
    using this link: Media.
For further reading, you should see the
    document entitled A Little History of
    Barack Obama Events: A Show of
    Deconstruction, which can be reached by
    using this link: History.
For further reading, you should see the
    document entitled Lessons for Children
    about Politics and Dangerous People,
    which can be reached by using this
    link: Children.
For further reading, you should see the
    document entitled The Next Elections:
    What Has to be Done to Protect the
    United States of America, which can
    be reached by using this link: Elections.
For further reading, you should see the
    document entitled World Tyranny:
    Warnings about  the Insane Who are
    Trying to Create a Communist World
    Country, which can be reached by
    using this link: World.

Note: Many other documents exist at the
Web site for The Hologlobe Press that will
give you information about the bad that Barack
Obama and his associates are doing to the
United States of America, such as the Michigan
Travel Tips documents and the T.H.A.T.
documents that have been published since
the fall of 2008.

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    Press, you may use this link: Summary.
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