(The 228th Edition)


Victor Edward Swanson,



    The reports and stories contained on this Web page have been put together with information taken from "The Victor Swanson Fabulous Files of Places to See in Michigan and Wisconsin" and with information obtained from operators and staffers of tourist attractions and from press releases, Web sites, and other sources.  The reports and stories are provided as a public service by Victor Swanson and The Hologlobe Press.  Almost all persons and entities, such as staffers of radio stations, may freely use the materials; neither AAA Michigan nor any employee of AAA Michigan may use, distribute, download, transmit, copy, or duplicate any of the material presented on this page in any way or through any means.

Special Important Announcement

    Now I have a document at the website for The Hologlobe Press entitled A COVID-19 Document that Shows the Rottenness of the CDC, Many in the Medical Community, Many in the Media, and All the Democrats, such as Gretchen Whitmer, Andrew Cuomo, and Joseph Biden, and the document can be reached by using this COVID-19 link.

- - - Travel Thoughts for Everyone - - -

    This edition of Michigan Travel Tips is an extra special edition of Michigan Travel Tips, and it is the first to feature no particular place for you to see, though it does mention one place, which is Westwood Park of Inkster, Michigan.  This edition was put together after my having seen some news stories about climate change, which noted that because of climate change players of Major League Baseball are hitting more home runs than players did in, for example, 2010.  The first news report that I caught about the subject, which was when I was up north in Michigan, was a news report done at about 11:25 p.m. on Friday, April 7, 2023, on broadcast Channel 8.2 (which is associated with the WPBN-TV group of Traverse City, Michigan), and the story was read by a gal called Miya Ingle, who looked like a high schooler, and Miya Ingle pushed out the idea that, because the climate is getting hotter, baseball players are hitting more home runs because the warmer air is less dense, which allows baseballs to go farther.  It seems Miya Ingle may have gotten the story from The Associated Press, since on Saturday, April 8, 2023, I found that The Associated Press was pushing the issue out in stories, such as through a story for the public called "Study says climate change increasing home runs in MLB" ["Study says climate change increasing home runs in MLB."  The Associated Press, 7 April 2023.].  The text story noted that the information about climate change and home runs was put together in a study at Dartmouth College and that information from the study was published by the American Meteorological Society on April 7, 2023, and it was reported that two of the persons involved in the study were Justin Mankin (of Dartmouth College) and Alan Nathan (of the University of Illinois).  In the text story that I found from The Associated Press, one piece of text, which sort of came from Alan Nathan and was not a direct quote, was--"When air heats up, molecules move faster and away from each other, making the air less dense.".  Wow!  That is great news!  Hold it!  Let me stop a moment and pass along information.  Baseball fields--from home plate to the end of the outfield--are made so big, such as around 300 feet or 400 feet or something or other, and the distance can vary from local parks to professional parks, and the distances have not changed in decades.  Oh, let me get to Westwood Park of Inkster, Michigan, which was located in northeastern Inkster in the 1960s when I was a boy, and the park still exists today.  In the 1960s, the park had several baseball fields--at least two--and they had backstops, and the fields were used by some type of baseball league for older children, and children not in baseball leagues regularly used the fields, and I was one of the children, and I was in a baseball league of sorts for a little while when I was probably about 14 years of age, and I remember it became commonplace for me to play third base, and the first good hit I got, I ended up sliding into first--head first.  In the early and middle 1960s, the park offered things for children to do.  For example, there was an area with playground equipment for little children that was fenced off, and there was playground equipment for older children, such as those in their teens.  The place had one building, which had two bathrooms (one for boys and one for girls), and the place had a storage-like room, and the room stored some toys for children, such as basketballs.  It seems the place was funded by the government of Inkster, when the government was doing at least a little that was useful.  Oh, in the winter, an ice skater ring was set up--with a wooden border (involving sheets of plywood), and it often was divided up into two parts, and, one day, some boys were just messing around with hockey sticks and pucks in the northern section, and I was in the southern section with children not playing with hockey equipment, and a puck flew over the divider and hit me in the back of the head, and I ended up with six stitches.  Later in time, on the evening that was before the Detroit Tigers would win the 1968 World Series, I got my left collar bone broken while playing touch football at Westwood Park, and it got broken because it got kneed by boy on the opposite team when I was on the ground, and I got to see the Tigers win the seventh game of the World Series while sitting at a table in the J&Y Bar, which was located along Ford Road in Dearborn Heights, Michigan.  Back in the 1960s, the Tigers played at Tiger Stadium, which is gone.  Hey, I seem to be getting off the main subject.  Let me get back to the story from The Associated Press.  So since 2010 and maybe even 1968, the climate has been heating up (supposedly because of man), and based on the news story and, really, the study, more home runs have been getting hit.  The air is hotter (supposedly), and there is less resistance in the air because the air is thinner.  Hold it!  Since 2010, there has been no data collected on every home run that has been hit and every hit that that has been hit.  To prove that climate change allowed baseball players to hit home runs in 2023 over 2010 (at least), a study would have to know (for example)--the force involved in every hit, the height of every baseball hit, the complete direction and trajectory of every baseball hit, the temperature at the time of each hit, the actual density of the air for the full path of the baseball hit, the weight of the bat used, the spin or rotation of the baseball while it is traveling, the construction of the baseball and the flaws of the baseball (such as scuffed up areas cause by meeting the bat and weight distribution), the wind speed and wind direction along the entire path of the baseball, et cetera.  That is enough of that.  No information exists to make any study about home runs and climate change useful.  Since baseball fields are only so many hundreds of feet in length and since a baseball of a home run only flies so many hundreds of feet, which is what as been the rule for decades, it would really have to be a super big change in air conditions--the density or low of density--to affect a baseball enough in either way--to go farther or to go less far--for example, the air would have to noticeably be less dense, maybe to the point where baseball fans would have a hard time breathing (which would have nothing to do with, for example, women seeing the players as heartthrobs and getting breathless).  For decades, baseball players have hit home runs on dry days and cool days and hot days and humid days.  Think about that, while I take a break and go outside to see how heavy the air feels in the sunshine right now.

    Warning announcement!  Because of incidents at schools for children and incidents at other places for people in general tied to "Sharia" or "Islamic Law" or even the religion/political system known as "Islam," I now regularly have this paragraph as a part of each edition of Michigan Travel Tips.  The governmental system of the United States of America based on The U.S. Constitution and "Sharia" or, informally, Islamic law, are not compatible and cannot co-exist, and one reason is "Sharia" (et cetera) is a political system, in which there is one-party rule, and that one party is basically made up or controlled by religious leaders who base all the ways of their culture or society on "Sharia" or "Islamic Law."  Those who uphold and practice "Sharia" have no tolerance for the existence of Christianity or Buddhism or Hinduism or non-religion, and that is a fact, and "Sharia" is a political system in which women are second-rate human bodies and in which clergy can be involved in determining  business transactions, and there is no "freedom of speech" tied to politics in a society related to "Sharia."  When you travel around Michigan and in other states of the country, watch for signs that rotten people are trying to teach you or family members, especially children, that "Sharia" is good and "Allah" is good and teach you or family members that the United States of America is bad and that, for instance, Christianity and Buddhism and Hinduism are bad, which I have evidence is happening and which is being brought about by people who are clearly working to make "Sharia" a dominant political system in the world (it is a political system as rotten as socialism and fascism and communism are, since it promotes violence and thuggery and coercion, and it promotes killing of non-followers behind the face of religion and a god, Allah).  By the way, a society based on "Sharia" really creates nothing in the long run and does not advance the human society as a whole since it is too busy suppressing the ideas of people and keeping the ideas of the society based on ways of only a few minds up front (the political leaders), whose main purpose is to keep themselves enriched through the work of others, the many--it is a gang-run society really.  Yes, if you run across people pushing the idea that Muslim stuff--particularly the true The Quran and not the translations of The Quran that are faked to hide the true nature of Islam--is better than the U.S. is, especially to little children, go public and make it known to other good people and fight back against it.

    Hey, I am back to baseball and climate change.  In the article, there was no big mention of warm air picking up more moisture.  When air gets warmer, it often picks up more moisture, as can happen in Michigan, which is surrounded by some of the Great Lakes, and people can feel the air is heavy in such an event.  Often, the air can get more dense when the air heats up, but it can get less dense (a bit), as can happen in Death Valley.  For a person to say only that, when air heats up, it gets less dense is nonsense.  The air can get more dense or less dense depending on what has been happening recently where the air is.  It is unclear what the study really took into consideration in relation to players' hitting more home runs.  For example, have strike-zone borders varied over the years so that pitchers are forced to keep pitches more in an area where players can make hits, such as home-run hits?  Are pitchers less skilled at throwing balls?  Are baseball players more skilled at hitting 90-mile-an-hour balls?  Has the the science of baseball led to players being more perfect in making swings?  For instance, players are put on video, and every movement it studied, as sort of happens on a regular basis during golf program broadcasts.  Every day, baseball players try to be more exact in their swinging techniques.  By the way, you never see golfers wearing glasses.  I have noted for years that one reason some people are really good golfers is they have perfect eyes--no astigmatism and such.  I had crappy eyes for years--being nearsighted--and I was not really good at golf or bowling, being unable to see the pin or pins perfectly, and then in 1995, I got lucky and had recently developed cataracts removed, and now, if I had to, I could drive without glasses on on a sunny day.  Baseball players are much more perfect in body structure than they were in the 1960s, when I played at Westwood Park, because they work on the sport all year around, which did not happen in the 1960s.  By the way, a professional football player of the 1960s is probably no match for a player of today, the latter of whom is bigger and stronger and more toned.  Today, children are about the same as they were when I was going up. Yet, if the weather is allowing professional baseball players to hit more home runs or hit baseballs farther, non-professionals should be hitting baseballs farther, given the air all over the world is getting thinner or less dense, based on the theme from the guys and gals of the study put out by Dartmouth College.  So, baseball season is back for players of all types, from those at schools to those in various baseball leagues, and that means you can go to baseball fields again and see people playing baseball.  Okay, let me back up to last year.  If you saw a baseball game last year, did you see children hitting baseballs noticeably farther than those when you were younger?  Think back a bunch of years and compare that with recent times, have you been seeing children rocking those baseballs out of the park, maybe Westwood Part, in noticeably greater numbers recently?  Go to a baseball park!  Watch the baseballs being hit!  Are baseballs going farther?  How does the air feel?  Are you having a hard time breathing since the air is weak in density?  You might see girls having a hard time breathing when they see their boyfriends make good plays.  That is puppy love, I guess!  Hold it!  While the numbers of home runs have been going up (supposedly), have the numbers of other hits been going down?  Home runs are replacing other types of hits could be a reason for the change.  Yes, go to a baseball game.  See how the balls are flying.  Keep in mind some people tried to push crap in to your mind, and the crap is that climate change--supposedly caused by man--is resulting in your seeing more home runs.  The theme is crap and the study is crap and the news people who reported the story--without noting it is crap--are stupid or rotten!

    Enjoy your traveling in Michigan!

    And keep aware of the rotten people in Michigan.

    Stay well!


    Your travel tips in this edition of Michigan Travel Tips are:

    Baseball fields, such as at Westwood Park, Inkster, Michigan, the Upper Peninsula.


- - - Contact Information - - -

The Hologlobe Press
Postal Box 5263
Cheboygan, Michigan  49721
The United States of America

copyright c. 2023
File date: April 10, 2023

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    click on: Travel #229.
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    click on: Travel #227.
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    click on: Travel.
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For further reading, you should see Conservatives
    and The United States Constitution versus
    Enslavers and Enslavism (or Communism,
    Sharia, Socialism, et cetera), which can be
    reached by using this link: Enslavism.
For further reading, you should see THOUGHTS
    AND PIECES OF LOGIC for the individual
    woman and the individual man, which can be
    reached by hitting this link: Logic.
For further reading, you should see THOUGHTS
    STATES OF AMERICA for the individual
    woman and the individual man,
    which can be reached by hitting this link:
For further reading, you should see Political Lessons
    for the Individual Woman and the Individual
    Man in the United States of America, which
    can be reached by hitting this link: Lessons.
For further reading, you should see Nonsense
    Statements and Quotations of Barack Obama,
    which be reached through this link: Quotes.
For further reading, you should see my document
    entitled Madness in a President and Others
    Matters of a Defective Mind, which can be
    reached through this link: Madness.
For further reading, you should see T.H.A.T. #55,
    which has important television information and
    which can be reached by hitting this link:
    T.H.A.T. #55.
For further reading, you should see the monthly
    publications known as T.H.A.T., the catalog
    to which can be reached through this link:

Really, you are urged to go to the Site-Summary
    Page for The Hologlobe Press to see all the
    other documents that are available at the Web
    site for The Hologlobe Press and reach the
    links to all those other documents, since many
    of the documents can be defined as "proofs"
    that show the evils and defectiveness of
    Barack Hussein Obama, and the link to the
    Site-Summary Page is this link: Summary.
