Mitt Romney -- Another Bad Choice
for the U.S. Presidency


Victor Edward Swanson,

The Hologlobe Press
Postal Box 5263
Ferndale, Michigan  49721
The United States of America

copyright c. 2013

November 5, 2013
(Version 4)
(Draft version)


    The first version of this document was put on the Internet on June 3, 2011, and the next version--an updated version--was put on the Internet on January 12, 2012, and now this version exists on the Internet.  I leave this document on the Internet so that people can look back and see reasons why other Republicans, such as Michele Bachmann, would have been better choices to be the Republican nominee for the U.S. President related to the election of November 2012; Mitt Romney may have done well in business, but he is not a good thinker, and he is a man whose commonsense about life and big issues is not without major defects.  Yet, Mitt Romney is not a bad man, as Barack Obama is; Barack Obama is truly a man with a defective mind, and, in fact, I believe he is quite mentally ill, having, for one, self-preservation instincts that are so off the scale that all other persons are expendable to him, and Barack Obama also is so self-centered that he feels the world is his and he can run it the way he wishes, which, as good people can see, is through corruption, violence, and intimidation, and his way of life is for him to be served by others and to promote "enslavism" for all others (which keeps other persons suppressed and keeps him seen as higher in stature than all others are).  So, it is imperative that citizens vote for Mitt Romney over Barack Obama at all costs in November 2012--Barack Obama has to be crushed forever--and citizens who normally avoid voting must get out and vote for Mitt Romney over Barack Obama at all costs in November 2012.  Maybe, for the election of November 2016, a person even better than Mitt Romney is will be a candidate for the U.S. President.  Sometimes in life, you have to put up with a not-so-great man--or not-so-great thinker--and vote for that man so that you can destroy a truly evil man, who, in this case, is Barack Obama.

Announcement 2

    So, before I show you the document proper, which was supposed to be old news on the date that the Republican Party chose its candidate for U.S. president in 2012, I have this note, which covers an event that took place on Sunday, November 3, 2013.  On Sunday, November 3, 2013, Mitt Romney was one of the guests on Meet the Press with David Gregory, (a weekly television program shown by NBC-TV), and one thing that Mitt Romney said was, responding to a question about how he would have dealt with Obamacare if he would have been chosen to be the U.S. president--"...But my own plan was to say to each state--You've got a requirement to move to a point where all your people are insured and where you cover pre-existing conditions, we're gonna give you flexibility from the federal-government level to help you do so...."  A person who sees those words or even hears those words can easily understand, Mitt Romney showed off his intention to never be involved in repealing the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010.  Yes, Mitt Romney, who may be good as a business man, is not good enough or smart enough about life to be a good U.S. president, and, in fact, if he would have been elected to the office of the U.S. president, he would have been rotten, helping to keep a rotten law in existence, but I do have to say that he would not be as rotten as Barack Obama, who is an evil and rotten man.

Mitt Romney -- Another Bad Choice
for the U.S. Presidency

    Since January 20, 2009, Barack Obama has been pushing to enact socialistic and communistic policies for the government of the United States of America, and he has surrounded himself with all types of deviants and radicals and communists and socialists and lawbreakers, et cetera, and Barack Obama has been able to put deviants and radicals and communists and socialists and lawbreakers into high-level governments jobs, such as judgeships, and since January 20, 2009, I have come to learn that Barack Obama is truly a bad man, and besides that, I can say that Barack Obama is nothing more than an "enslavist," a type of person who wishes to be nothing more in life than an "enslavist," who is a type of person who lives off the work of others and expects to rule the ways of others, and I show proof that my statement about Barack Obama is true through many documents that exist at the Web site of The Hologlobe Press.  Barack Obama is a type of man who has to be defeated and isolated--kept out of government--at all costs.  To defeat Barack Obama in an election, a man or woman must be a good person and must be a mentally tough person and must be a thinker, none of which Barack Obama is, and to defeat Barack Obama in an election, the person must be everything that Barack Obama is not and must believe in a way of life for individuals that are not rooted in the beliefs of Barack Obama's, which are those related to communism and socialism, and to defeat Barack Obama in an election and head the country in the right direction--away from communism and socialism and toward the ways of The United States Constitution--a person will have be willing to call Barack Obama what Barack Obama is and show up all the bad the Barack Obama believes in, such as a national health-care system for the country, which is controlled by only the federal government and cap-and-trade and the manmade-global-warming idea.  This document, though short--and it need not be long--shows why Mitt Romney should not be allowed to try to defeat Barack Obama in an election as the "Republican" nominee, such as in November 2011, and should never be allowed to become the President of the United States of America.

    The idea that manmade global warming or manmade climate change is happening and is hurting the planet is nonsense and a lie, as I show through my document entitled "CAP AND TRADE" and Carbon Dioxide Facts and Nonsense, which can be reached through this Carbon link.  For decades, at least since 1970--the first year for Earth Day--environmentalists, specially those Marxist-based environmentalists, who have no real motive to save the planet, have pushed the idea that man is killing the planet, either by causing it to warm (as they are pushing on the public today) or causing it to cool (as they pushed on the public around the 1970), and they have even within the last ten years predicted there will be millions of "climate refugees," people forced to move because of what man has done over the decades to the planet, such as by using fossil fuels, and it has all been nonsense, but even if there is some global warming, man is not big enough or smart enough to stop the planet from warming.  The Environmental Protection Agency--under the control of Barack Obama--has worked to block the drilling for oil in land or water related to the United States of America, and Barack Obama's administration has blocked the coal industry from developing, and Barack Obama has even publicly said, that under this cap-and-trade plan, energy costs would significantly increase, and it has all been done and is being done under the supposed reasons of manmade climate change or manmade global warming, as has Barack Obama's support for the cap-and-trade idea, which is bad, and anyone who supports these things that Barack Obama supports is bad.  On Thursday, June 2, Mitt Romney (the son of a former governor of Michigan, George Romney) officially announced that he was running to become the next President of the United States of America, which was his second run to be the President of the United States of America.  This man--Mitt Romney--who is defined or described as a man with good business sense or as a good businessman--which will not be discussed for whether it is true or not within this document--said on Friday, June 3, 2011: "...I believe the world is getting warmer, and I believe that humans have contributed to that...." and "It's important for us to reduce our emissions of pollutants and greenhouses gases that may be significant contributors....."  The two quoted pieces show that Mitt Romney cannot be trusted to block or shut down those who are pushing the manmade-global-warming or the manmade-climate-change laws and rules on the United States of America, especially on the energy-producing industry.  In addition, Mitt Romney has supported what has been called the cap-and-trade pact related to states in the northeastern region of the United States of America, and, really, cap-and-trade is nothing more than a boondoggle money scheme, which, for example, is designed to tax companies for producing more than given amounts of carbon dioxide--which is not a deadly or harmful gas, as is carbon monoxide--and create a carbon-credits trading industry, which would bring revenues to traders in carbon credits, which will produce nothing useful.

    For some time, the federal government has been pushing for the use of "ethanol" in fuels or has been pushing for "ethanol," which, for one, comes from corn--which would be better used for food--to be made a part on gasoline, and around 2011, it was commonplace to find that gasoline was made up of ten-percent ethanol (I will not get into a discussion within this document how gasoline containing ethanol can be bad for small engines, such as chain saws).  Using ethanol in gasoline has ties to the manmade-global-warming idea or the manmade-global-warming idea, and ethanol is being used since, for one, it is supposed to be helping reduce the dependency on imported oil from other countries.  It is more nonsense.  On Friday, May 27, 2011, Mitt Romney was in Iowa, which was about a week before he would officially announce that he was running to be the President of the United States of America, and Mitt Romney said: "...I support the subsidy of ethanol...."  That statement that I have within the quotation marks shows that Mitt Romney supports the idea of giving federal money--which comes from taxpayers and companies--to boost the use of ethanol in the country, such as in gasoline, and that is bad.

    When something is put together by defective people and bad people through bad means, the result is something bad, and in March 2010, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010, which was put together through unethical means and unlawful ways used by Democrats in the Democratically controlled U.S. Congress, was signed into law by Barack Obama, and it is truly a bad, bad law (as I show in my document entitled National Health Care and Mass Failure: The Reasons it is a Dead Issue, which can be reached by using this Health link).  Let me make it clear--For a country to be good, the federal government or no government entity should have a monopolistic control over the health-care system.  The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010 is a law that in a short time--if it is not defeated--will put politicians and bureaucrats in charge of what health care you may or may not have, and that is a bad way of life, given that politicians and bureaucrats are not smart people and do not own other people and should not have the ultimate say so in the matters of people's health and lives.  From January 2, 2003, and January 4, 2007, Mitt Romney was the governor of Massachusetts, and on April 12, 2006, Mitt Romney signed into law a monopolistic health-care system--controlled by the government of Massachusetts--for the people of Massachusetts.  Even though it has been shown that the health-care system has become worse in Massachusetts since the health-care law for Massachusetts was signed into law, Mitt Romney still supports the law as a good idea, and, in fact, on Thursday, May 12, 2011, Mitt Romney was still defending the Massachusetts plan.  Since Mitt Romney supports government-controlled health-care system, what are the odds Mitt Romney can be persuaded to not sign a law that would cancel out or make null and void or repeal the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010?  I say that the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2011 must--must--be killed!

    On Wednesday, January 11, 2011, Mitt Romney was a guest on CBS This Morning, and Mitt Romney made a statement that showed once again why he would be a bad choice to be the U.S. President.  Around January 11, 2011, the Republican nomination process for the U.S. Presidency was underway, and Mitt Romney was taking heat for having recently said that he liked firing people when he was involved in taking on the job of trying to correct or make viable economically distressed companies, and the statement is useless information here, but on January 11, 2012, Mitt Romney said some words that must never be forgotten: "...Well, of course, they tried the same line, here, in New Hampshire and it fell extraordinary flat.  People here in the state know in the work that I had we started a number of businesses and invested in many others and that overall created tens of thousands of jobs.  So I'm pretty proud of that record.  By the way, in the general election, I, I'll be pointing out that the President took the reigns of General Motors and Chrysler, closed factories, closed dealerships, laid off thousands and thousands of workers--he did it to try and save the business.  Ah, we also had on occasion to do things that are tough to try and save a business...."  Mitt Romney passed along and taught ignorance.  When Romney was involved in working to make businesses profitable by buy into them, it was a private entity getting involved in another private entity--he had no government clout behind him, such as the ability to put people in jail or bastardized the bankruptcy rules.  In 2009, when Barack Obama got involved in the bankruptcy proceedings of General Motors and Chrysler, Barack Obama used his clout and used coercion to bastardize the bankruptcy process and laws and he gave some management to control to those who had not worked for it and did not deserve it, and Barack Obama gave some ownership of the businesses to government entities, such as the United States of America.  Barack Obama "nationalized" the companies!  You do not want the federal government owning what should be private companies, and one reason for that is the federal government can then end up subsidizing companies, no matter how bad the product is, forever, which leads to waste (such as waste taxpayer dollars) and the bastardization of the marketplace, leading to unfair competition between the federal-government-backed companies and private companies, the latter of which end up on bad end of the situation.  Mitt Romney, by making his statement to make himself look good, which was the reason for his making the statement, gave credibility to Barack Obama's actions and made Barack Obama's actions look good--and they were not--and a comparision between what Mitt Romney did and what Barack Obama does not exist.  Mitt Romney's judgment to make his statement showed he is a bad thinker.  In addition, the idea that Barack Obama did what he did to save Chrysler and General Motors is suspect, since Barack Obama has shown in the past his dislike for business people.  In essence, Mitt Romney gave praise to a communist and such--Barack Obama, who has violated The United States Consititution and lied regularly to the citizens of the United States of America and done more that is bad.

    I have shown through this short document four big--big--reasons why Mitt Romney should not be the President of the United States of  America, especially in this day and age when communists and socialists are gaining control of the United States of America, which, in essence, is a big prize in their eyes--it being something that they can plunder and exploit and control and own at the expense of the lives of millions, as has happened in the past in such communist countries as the Soviet Union, China, North Korea, and Cuba.  You should see, since Mitt Romney supports some of what Barack Obama supports--big bad ideas of life and ways of living--either because he a panderer or stupid or nothing more than just another run-of-the-mill man--Mitt Romney is no real change from Barack Obama.  Mitt Romney might have a pretty face, but a pretty face will not save the country--the United States of America--it will take a mind that is tough enough to say--"You're ideas are crap, Barack Obama.  I don't negotiate on bad ideas.  Barack Obama, you are a screw up.  You have to be stopped, and I am doing to stop you!"  I do not think Mitt Romney is a man who will kill--without any hestitation--the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010, a sham of a law and a piece fill with corrupt ideas about life and death.

    P.S.: One of the more recent nonsense decisions from Mitt Romney was his decision to comment about the August National Golf Club, indicating he thought women should be admitted to the club as members--Mitt Romney should have kept his mouth shut about the topic, since not every place in the world has to be integrated, meaning private organizations should be able set their own policies about who may or may not be admitted as members and government should not be involved in the issue in any way.  (Note: I wonder what the members of an only female nude beach place--with wonderfully shaped women, by the way--would say to being forced by others in society, such as politicians, to take me on as a member).


"Mitt Romney.", 3 June 2011.

"Mitt Romney Panders To Iowa Over Corn Ethanol Subsidies."  Business Insider, 29 May 2011, 8:04 a.m.

Camia, Catalina.  "Mitt Romney kicks off 2011 presidential bid." USA Today, 2 June 2011.

Horowitz, Daniel.  "Mitt Romney Still Loves His Ethanol Especially in Iowa."  RedState, 27 May 2011, 5:21 p.m. EDT.

Martin, Jonathan.  "Mitt Romney's Iowa balancing act."  Politico, 28 May 2011, 7:12 a.m. EDT.

McClatchy--Tribune News Service.  "Republican Mitt Romney tries to explain his support for Massachusetts health care law.", 12 May 2011, 0:13 p.m.

Mother Nature Network.  "Mitt Romney's Environmental Record." Forbes, 3 June 2011, 3:42 p.m.

Roarty, Alex.  "Romney: Climate Change Real, Man Made."  National Journal, 3 June 2011, 4:48 p.m.


    Note: This document was originally posted on the Internet on June 3, 2011.

    Note: This document is known on the Internet as

For further reading, you should see the
    document entitled Jon Huntsman Jr. --
    His Run for the U.S. Presidency Should
    be Blocked, which can be reached by
    using this link: Huntsman.
For further reading, you should see the
    document entitled Are You Susceptible
    to Being 'Trumped' Again?: Be Wary
    of Donald Trump, which can be reached
    by using this link: Trump.
For further reading, you should see the
    document entitled Conservatism for
    Children and What Conservatism Means,
    which can be reached by using this link:
For further reading, you should see the
    document entitled Madness in a President
    and Other Matters of a Defective Mind,
    which can be reached by using this link:
For further reading, you should see my
    document entitled Nonsense Statements
    and Quotations of Barack Obama, which
    can  be reached by using this link: Quotes.
For further reading, you should see the
    document entitled Never Forget These
    Media "Darlings" ?: A Guide for the
    Individual in the United States of
    America, which can be reached by
    using this link: Media.
For further reading, you should see the
    document entitled A Little History of
    Barack Obama Events: A Show of
    Deconstruction, which can be reached by
    using this link: History.
For further reading, you should see the
    document entitled Nonsense Statements
    and Quotations of Barack Obama, which
    can be reached by using this link: Quotes.
For further reading, you should see the
    document entitled Lessons for Children
    about Politics and Dangerous People,
    which can be reached by using this
    link: Children.
For further reading, you should see the
    document entitled The Next Elections:
    What Has to be Done to Protect the
    United States of America, which can
    be reached by using this link: Elections.
For further reading, you should see the
    document entitled World Tyranny:
    Warnings about  the Insane Who are
    Trying to Create a Communist World
    Country, which can be reached by
    using this link: World.

Note: Many other documents exist at the
Web site for The Hologlobe Press that will
give you information about the bad that Barack
Obama and his associates are doing to the
United States of America, such as the Michigan
Travel Tips documents and the T.H.A.T.
documents that have been published since
the fall of 2008.

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