A Necessary Mission for Your
Life and Freedom:
Take on the Enemies in the Media


Victor Edward Swanson,

The Hologlobe Press
Postal Box 5263
Cheboygan, Michigan  49721
The United States of America

copyright c. 2009

December 23, 2009
(Version 3)
(Draft version)

    In the 1700s, men of the colonies of North America gathered to create a new country, and the goal of the men in setting up the new country was to make a country based on "the individual" and not "an individual," and the goal of the men was to set up a country in which the main rules of the country would protect the individual from those you would wish to be dictators and tyrants over the people, types of people who had existed in history and would probably exist in history again--even in the new country--and the main structure of the government became The United States Constitution.  When people outside of the United States of America or within the United States of America try to displace The U.S. Constitution with another form of government, then those people can be deemed as enemies or even traitors to the country, whether they work in collusion with others or not, and those who abet people directly working to make The U.S. Constitution useless or nearly useless can also be deemed as enemies or even traitors to the country.  I have shown in a document entitled T.H.A.T. #65, which is available on the Internet that former U.S. Senator Edward "Teddy" Kennedy, who was a Democrat associated with Massachusetts, was an enemy to the United States of America as it was founded since he worked in collusion with the communists the Soviet Union in the early 1980s to undermine U.S. President Ronald Reagan, and that document shows how members of the main media would be enlisted to take part in the scheme to undermine U.S. President Ronald Reagan, and some of those persons were Walter Cronkite (who died recently) and Barbara Walters.  On January 20, 2009, Barack Obama became the President of the United States of America by winning slightly over half of the votes cast for President in the election that had been held in November 2008, and he had become President because many voters were unaware of what type of many Barack Obama truly was, and that was because, for one, many members of the media, especially those associated with big nationally known entities, such as members of NBC News and MSNBC and The New York Times, purposely did not report on who Barack Obama was and is, which was being reported by some people, such as Mark R. Levin (of the nationally syndicated radio show entitled The Mark Levin Show), Rush Limbaugh (of the nationally syndicated radio show called The Rush Limbaugh Program), and Sean Hannity (of the nationally syndicated radio show entitled The Sean Hannity Show), who also had television shows that was used to show what Barack Obama was and is, such as Hannity's America.  As shown in a number of document of mine that are available the Internet, Barack Obama is an enemy of the United States of America, and one reason is he is a perpetual liar (as shown in the document entitled Nonsense Statements and Quotations of Barack Obama), and other reason is he is a communist/socialist/Marxist/fascist/racist, which can be seen by the persons he has chosen to surround himself with (and a few of those persons can be learned about by seeing the document entitled THE CRUD AROUND BARACK OBAMA: My Rule--"Like Minds Get Together" and by seeing the document entitled A Collection of Words--Just Words--That Show Dangerous People), and Barack Obama has even called The U.S. Constitution a "flaw" document, in that the document does notes what the government can do to the people.  I know Barack Obama is an evil man and a man with an ill mind, and I have found it is hard to convince people Barack Obama is an evil man and a man with an ill mind, which is a mind that, for one, likes to hurt other people through intimidation of coercion (as is shown in my documents entitled Frank Beckmann Interviews Tom Lauria, an Attorney in Chrysler Mess and Madness in a President and Other Matters of a Defective Mind), since, generally speaking, Americans are nice people and good people and cannot believe an evil person could have been voted into the office of President of the United States of America, given that, for one, the media would have shown what Barack Obama was or is so that he could not have been voted into the office of President of the United States of America.  Of course, many Americans are unaware of how corrupt many members of the main media are today and how many are communists or socialists or Marxists or fascists, who are types of people who like to control other people, enslave other people, and, certainly, silence people who do not share their views about life and government.  Many in the main media are in collusion with Barack Obama, willing to spout Barack Obama's "talking points" to the public, willing to repeat the lies that Barack Obama spouts, and willing to keep quiet about the evil nature of Barack Obama, and it is event that many members of the main media are purposely not reporting the badness of political policies that Barack Obama is trying to make a part of daily life in the United States of America, such as a defective national health-care plan (as is shown in my document entitled National Health Care and Mass Failure: The Reasons it is a Dead Issue) and "cap-and-trade" (as is shown in my document entitled "CAP AND TRADE" and Carbon Dioxide Facts and Nonsense), and worst of all is many members of the main media are not reporting that Barack Obama is working to put the United States of America under the rules of a new international government, whose laws will supplant the rules of The U.S, Constitution (as is shown in my document entitled World Tyranny: Warnings about  the Insane Who are Trying to Create a Communist World Country).  My document entitled T.H.A.T. #55 and my document entitled Never Forget These Media "Darlings" ?: A Guide for the Individual in the United States of America give evidence about some of the well-known media people who are in collusion with Barack Obama, as do many of the monthly documents informally called T.H.A.T. that have been published on the Internet since the fall of 2008.  Yes, many of the members of the main media are enemies or traitors of the United States of America, and you have to take action against them, as you have never done before, so that the country will not fall into the hands of dictators and communists and Marxists and socialists and other dishonest and dangerous people for decades to come.
    There is no doubt, the American people who want the United States of America to be as it was founded--a place that puts the rights the individual citizen over the wishes politicians--will have to take up the cause to fight against many members of the media, and the American people who want the United States to remain as it was founded will have to go to war against the enemies in the main media, because the lives of millions of individuals, such as those who could call themselves "seniors" or "senior citizens," are at stake

    Most, the "main media" talked about in this document is the news media or news organizations, but performers are a part of the main media, especially when they use their fame and persona clout to influence political beliefs of people, especially young people, and when the political ideas are socialistic, communistic, Marxist, and the like.  One piece of evidence of performers involved with the media can be found in the section called "Rule Number One" of my document entitled Lessons for Children about Politics and Dangerous People, which talks about how Ashton Kutcher and Demi Moore put together a video that had performers pledging to do things in relation to Barack Obama, such as pledge to be "a servant to Barack Obama."  Another piece of evidence of performers involved in promoting bad politics for the United States of America can be found in an article published by the Detroit Free Press on Friday, October 30, 2009, that showed statements made by Sting (the former lead singer for  a British rock group known as The Police), and Sting made such statements (on Wednesday, October 8, 2009) as "In may ways, he's [Barack's] sent from God" and "I can't think of anyone better qualified because of his background, his education, particularly in regard to Islam" and "...found him to be very genuine, very present, clearly super-smart, and exactly what we need in the world," and that is evidence of Sting's hero worship of a politician, which no American child should ever take up (Moody, Nekesa Mumbi.  "Sting: Obama best hope for the world's problems."  Detroit Free Press, 30 October 2009, p. 7C.).

    So let us look at what actions are involved in war against the enemies who are in the main media.

    1. You will have to shun the enemy and the enemy's product--newscasts or news networks, and it will have to be done so that you will have to avoid making it known to advertisers that you use the product of the main media who are the enemies.  For example, you may from time to time, look in on the broadcast of a enemy media entity so that you are aware of what the enemy is doing, but you should not look in on the broadcast, if in any way, your looking in will become a statistic that gives the entity an increase in ratings, because when the ratings of an entity goes up, the entity can charge more for advertising.  During times of elections and short times before elections, you may watch the enemy media to see what incorrect information is being spewed by newscasters about good conservative politicians and good political candidates.

    2. Defend good political candidates and good politicians who are in office who are mistreated and lied about by the press and enemy politicians, especially when those enemies are well known to be communists and Marxists.  Write e-mails and letters of complaint, and state your case of why the press people are defectives.  Write e-mails and letters of support to candidates or politicians who do stand up for the good of the country and stand up for conservatism and stand up for The U.S. Constitution.

    By the way, you must understand that the enemy news entities really do intend to do you harm through their laws and pieces of legislation since they stand for political policies that oppress people, as is the case of communism, and that can be seen by how the enemy press sided, as did Barack Obama, with the leaders in Iran during the protests by citizens in Iran after a national election had been held in the summer of 2009, and one example of how the press wishes to do harm to individuals is when the bad press attacked in stories the character and honorableness of  "Joe the Plumber," who by asking an informal question in October 12, 2008, about taxes that Barack Obama was proposing on people was able to get Barack Obama to admit in public his socialistic tendencies--or worse tendencies--of spreading the wealth around, which is the taking of things from some people and giving those things to others.

    3. If broadcast news anchors show up your city to do broadcasts, such as a special newscast related to some special event, send e-mails and such to the station and the network associated with the anchors to voice your protest.  Give examples why you are not happy about them appearing in your city or town, such as because they support a candidate or political idea that goes against the rules of The U.S. Constitution, and, for example, you could protest the showing up of a media pundit to your town or city who clearly supports Barack Obama or his political policies or ideas.  Given that the supporters of the enemies protest against those that they dislike, do enjoy taking up the protesting of news anchors who have shown they are against the United States of America as it was founded, and display those protest signs well, and be proud.

    4. Do not go to see television news persons at seminars or speech events, unless you have to or unless you go to call them out on their defective reporting and the political stances that they take in their stories.

   Keep in Mind: What is good--and the only thing good--about Barack Obama's being President of the United States of America is it is drawing out into the public eye all the bad people who support the ways of Barack Obama, such as his communistic ways and his socialist ways, and it is allowing the public to clearly see what people employed in the press are the enemies of the country, and when Barack Obama really takes on the press people who are trying to show the world how bad Barack Obama is for the country and the world and how dangerous Barack Obama is, such as the Fox News Channel, you will discover what people in the press support Barack Obama's actions and will really know what people who work in the press are the enemies of free speech in the country.  (You should see my document entitled Fairness?: A Guide for the Individual Woman and the Individual Man in the United States of America, which can be reached by using the link at the end of this document.)

    5. Do not buy publications, such as magazines, that do articles on enemy media people, particularly when the publications try to portray the enemies as good (when they are not) or try to get you to sympathize with the enemies.

    Incidentally, what is happening in the United States of America is no game, and politics is not a game, since bad politicians can get people hurt or killed, as happens in communist and Marxist countries, but some people who can be reporters can have warped minds that are more concerned with winning, such as winning for their team, than with seeing that what they are doing, which is wrong, can lead to pain for others, tyranny for others, and death for others, and what is fascinating is reporters do not have to be bright or smart to do their jobs or have a wide range of knowledge about life and the world to do their jobs, but ignorance is no excuse in this case, since reporters who support bad politicians are dangerous.

    6. Send back articles written about enemies with letters of protest to magazines, especially if the magazines are those that you have been subscribing to and that are changing what you dislike or are starting to promote Barack Obama as good or promote policies of Barack Obama's as good, or even cancel your subscription.

    7.  Do not buy books that promote the enemies as being good or the books that are written by the enemies.  If you see one at a library, you may read and maybe must read it so that you can find material that you can write about in protest letters to the authors and publishers.  Point out the bad that they do and show your displeasure.

    8. When you see books written about enemies who are in the media, such as autobiographies or biographies, for purchase at stores, turn the books over so that the covers do not show, especially if the covers have images of the enemies, or hide the books behind other books.

    Remember: It is not only what lies at the bad reporter reports that hurts you, it is also what does not get reported that hurts you, and you can no longer sit bad and be abused and hurt by what, for example, big-name and highly paid reporter are doing or not doing.

    9. Do not acknowledge the enemies in public, such as through a nod or a hello, should they pass you by, since you must let them know you are on the attack and life will not be easy for them any longer.

    10. Refuse to sit next to the enemies, and be outspoken about your dislike at having to sit next to them, such as at a restaurant (ask for another table if waiters or waitresses attempt to sit you at a table next to enemies).

    11. You must become and be a thorn in the side of those radical liberal television newscasters and reporters.  If you happen to come across them, give them no help, if they should ask for help--from giving the time of day to giving the location of something.  If you happen to come across them, interrupt their recordings and live shots by walking in to the scenes and waving or smiling (walk in the background and not between them and the cameras).  If you happen to come across them, interrupt their work by shouting out things at opportune moments--except obscenities--so that they have to do their work again.  If you are standing somewhere--if you have the control of a piece of turf--and they want you to move so that they can get a better shot, refuse to move (as if you are a basketball player, who has taken a position first), and do not move unless you are told to by a police officer.
    Note: Do nothing that is against the law and be polite to police, who, by the way, are actually being helped by you, since the reporters and newscasters are doing things that are hurting good police guys and gals and their families in the long run by lying and to the American public--the police officers are a part of the American public (till Barack Obama makes them a part of his communist army, if he can).
    Remember: The news media has no rights above yours--stand your ground.

    By the way, you will have to fight against the destruction of talk radio, especially against the destruction of what is thought of as "conservative talk radio," a format which features radio hosts who uphold The U.S. Constitution and the ways of conservatism.  To let, you know liberals do better on television than on radio, though it does not mean they do great on television, as can be seen on CNN and MSNBC have small audiences when compared with the audience of the Fox News Channel, and the reason liberals can do better on television than on radio is they can use more flash and images on television than they can on radio, where clear thought and ideas become the main focus of attention over images and pictures and hyperbole--on radio a person's showing no thought or showing defective thought and ideas does not go over well with audiences because the nonsense can be analyze and found to be stuff that can be rejected.  Barack Obama and his associates are going to attack hard against talk radio that is not Marxist-based, communist-based, socialist-based, et cetera; in October 2009, Barack Obama was clearly at war with the Fox News Channel, such when he put out the idea that the Fox News Channel was not really a news entity.  You have to get involved in protesting against the Barack Obama wish to control almost all the news that gets presented to the public in the United States of America.

    12. When you learn a newscaster has been involved in driving drunk, cheating on a spouse, or doing some other illegal or immoral act, protest through letters and e-mail to the newscaster and the bosses of entity at which the newscaster works--make your displeasure well known.

    13. You must show children, friends, and associates why certain press people are untrustworthy and dangerous by using facts and data that show how the press people are hurting people or will lead to people being hurt or killed, as has happened when the press supported Barack Obama's dithering about sending additional troops to Afghanistan around October 2009 to help protect the U.S. troops that were already in Afghanistan.

    Remember: What you are doing is not censorship, which Barack Obama is working to accomplish and which is the when a tyrants and dictators and communists, but you are simply not buying defective product and subscribing to the thoughts of defective people--those people still have free speech, unlike what you will have if you do not work to make their efforts to promote Barack Obama, communism, Marxist, socialism, et cetera as useless.

    14. You must protest against the misrepresentations given out in words used by the enemy media--every time.  "Conservatism" is the basic underlying theme of what the country was founded as, and that idea--one feature of which is the right to freely speak against the government and politicians, as given in "The Bill of Rights" of The U.S. Constitution--and "conservatism" is good, and when a media worker puts down "conservatism" or makes the word sound as if it were a bad word or a bad thing, protest loudly and be willing to call out media worker in public for doing wrongly.  Some media people try to group "conservatives" under the category known as "right-wing extremists," but "conservatives" are not "right-wing extremists" as those people in the media would like to make it seem to people--actually, trying to make "conservatives" appear to be terrorists.  Although it has become commonplace for people to think of "conservatives" as on the "right" or based in the "right wing," I dislike that term or idea, and I say that conservatives are really at the hub of a wheel that has spokes and a tread, and the hub of a wheel is like the center idea of The U.S. Constitution, and people who are not conservatives are somewhere out on a spoke or out on the tread, which is where radicals like communists, Marxists, left-wing radicals, and even terrorist-type right-wing radicals are, but, unfortuately for me, society has come to embrace "right wing" to identify conservatives.  You need not protest when a media worker gives a "conservative" the right-wing label, but you should protest loudly when a media worker gives a "conservative" the right-wing extremist" label.  (You can learn about more of my thoughts about "right wing" and such in my document entitled Conservatism for Children and What Conservatism Means, which can be reached by using the link at the end of this document, and I add here that "moderates" are not "conservatives," since "moderates" are not clear about what they believe in or stand for or are not steadfast in their convictions and beliefs in matters related to politics, and moderates exist somewhere out on a spoke of the wheel that I use in my explanation about "conservatism.")

    This war against enemies in the country--who are enemies to the United States of America--the does not end when the elections of 2010 are passed, and this war does not end when the elections of 2012 are done, and this war does not end when the elections of 2014 are done, et cetera, because the enemies are deeply entrenched in their jobs, and many of the enemies are young or relatively young and could be around for years or decades to come, and that means they will not stop trying to attack you and enslave you, and it will only be when "conservatives" make big gains in news organizations that you will be able to relax--a little, maybe.  Then again, you must realize, in the United States of America, there are always people who are working to reconstruct the United States of America into something that it was not set up to be--a place of freedom for the individual--and that realization must be passed on to young people so that they will always be vigilant and aware that the enemy exists.  And you must realize your battle is really not only for the good people of  the United States of America but also for good people elsewhere around the world who look at the United States of America as a haven from tyranny and as a haven from politicians, such as dictators, who care nothing about doing harm to other individuals.

    Oh, you may be wondering where you can get political information, and you need not wonder anymore, since I now tell you about usual places.  Four places are CNSNews.com, Fox News Channel, Wall Street Journal (and the Web site associated with it).  And you should examine   U.K. Telegraph, which is based in the United Kingdom.

    P.S.: Those who have be in collusion--through purposeful means or through unknown means--must be punished for helping allow an insane man--Barack Obama--become the President of the United States of America, and you must enjoy or learn to enjoy beating up on the enemies of the country.


    Note: This document was originally posted on the Internet on November 2, 2009.

    Note: This document is known on the Internet as www.hologlobepress.com/mission.htm.

For further reading, you should see the
    document entitled Never Forget These
    Media "Darlings" ?: A Guide for the
    Individual in the United States of
    America, which can be reached by
    using this link: Media.
For further reading, you should see the
    document entitled Fairness?: A Guide
    for the Individual Woman and the
    Individual Man in the United States
    of America, which can be reached by
    using this link: Fairness.
For further reading, you should see the
    document entitled Madness in a President
    and Other Matters of a Defective Mind,
    which can be reached by using this link:
For further reading, you should see the
    document entitled A Little History of
    Barack Obama Events: A Show of
    Deconstruction, which can be reached by
    using this link: History.
For further reading, you should see the
    document entitled Nonsense Statements
    and Quotations of Barack Obama, which
    can be reached by using this link: Quotes.
For further reading, you should see the
    document entitled Lessons for Children
    about Politics and Dangerous People,
    which can be reached by using this
    link: Children.
For further reading, you should see the
    document entitled Conservatism for
    Children and What Conservatism Means,
    which can be reached by using this link:
For further reading, you should see the
    document entitled The Next Elections:
    What Has to be Done to Protect the
    United States of America, which can
    be reached by using this link: Elections.
For further reading, you should see the
    document entitled World Tyranny:
    Warnings about  the Insane Who are
    Trying to Create a Communist World
    Country, which can be reached by
    using this link: World.

Note: Many other documents exist at the
Web site for The Hologlobe Press that will
give you information about the bad that Barack
Obama and his associates are doing to the
United States of America, such as the Michigan
Travel Tips documents and the T.H.A.T.
documents that have been published since
the fall of 2008.

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    Press, you may use this link: Summary.
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