(The 68th Edition)


Victor Edward Swanson,



    The reports and stories contained on this Web page have been put together with information taken from "The Victor Swanson Fabulous Files of Places to See in Michigan and Wisconsin" and with information obtained from operators and staffers of tourist attractions and from press releases, Web sites, and other sources.  The reports and stories are provided as a public service by Victor Swanson and The Hologlobe Press.  Almost all persons and entities, such as staffers of radio stations, may freely use the materials; neither AAA Michigan nor any employee of AAA Michigan may use, distribute, download, transmit, copy, or duplicate any of the material presented on this page in any way or through any means.

- - - Travel Thoughts for Everyone - - -

    I have always thought that manmade global warming has been a hoax, and people--evil and dangerous people--were using manmade global warming to do evil and dangerous things to the country, and I have talked about the subject in connection with tourism in Michigan, which will be hurt if the country adopts the all-electric car, which will be a failure, and make wind power a major source of electricity for the country (as I show in my document entitled The Power and the Power Killers: Energy in the United States of America, which can be reached by using this link: Power).  On November 19, 2009, and the days following November 19, 2009, people in the world were learning how the pro-manmade-global-warming community has worked to suppress information that shows the evidence of manmade global warming is a lie and worked to push false information about manmade global warming.  The story broke because someone had obtained 1,000 emails and more than 2,000 other electronic documents associated with the Climatic Research Unit of the University of East Anglia, Norwich, the United Kingdom, and posted all the documents on the Internet for the world to see; the Climate Research Unit of the University of East Anglia has been feeding politicians around the world and bad politicians around the world, such as Barack Obama, with its bad information for years, and it has led to countries working to reduce the emissions of carbon dioxide and such and led to countries thinking about adopting "cap-and-trade" rules (you should see my document entitled "CAP AND TRADE" and Carbon Dioxide Facts and Nonsense, which can be reached by using this link: Carbon).  There is other evidence that manmade global warming is a hoax and a lie, yet Barack Obama is pushing for "cap-and-trade" legislation for the country and for the country to become a part of a U.N. climate-change treaty, which would make The U.S. Constitution subservient to the treaty, which would truly be bad, bad, bad (you should see my document entitled World Tyranny: Warnings about the Insane Who are Trying to Create a Communist World Country, which can be reached by using this link: World).  So, while you travel in Michigan, I do hope you will pass along information about the hoax of manmade global warming being exposed.

    On Monday, December 7, 2009, I made a long-distance trip through the lower peninsula of Michigan, going, generally speaking, north to south.  Much of the trip was taken on southbound I-75, and I had no slowdowns.  At one point during the drive, I saw a lighted billboard ahead--off to the right--and it was one of those continually changing electronic signs that has several advertisements that are displayed in a regular rotation.  While I was approaching the sign, the message was "Hopenhagen."  I became angry, knowing it referred to "Copenhagen" and, unbeknownst to many people around me on the roads, was where by communists, Marxists, dictators, and such from countries all over the world, such as China, were hoping to begin the real creation of a new international government that would make, for one, The U.S. Constitution subservient to international law, and I wondered what entity paid for the commercial that was trying to persuade people that the "Copenhagen" meeting to was good, since people were working to save the world from carbon-dioxide emissions, which is all nonsense.  The next day, when I was back in the Detroit area, I heard an interview hosted by Frank Beckmann of Lord Christopher Monckton on WJR-AM, Detroit, and Lord Monckton noted that for the first time he had come across evidence that China had been using a front group to come up with fake information about manmade global warming as part of a campaign to make people in America feel they are hurting the planet through their industrial ways and make them work to cut back in what they are doing, which will cause America to become a less developed nation (I have a text version of the interview available in my document entitled World Tyranny: Warnings about the Insane Who are Trying to Create a Communist World Country).

    So, while I write this, I am back in the Detroit area, and I wish to talk about Detroit again, following up on a topic that I had started in the previous edition of Michigan Travel Tips.  In Michigan Travel Tips #67, I told you about a man who lived in the Detroit area in the 1920s, when Detroit was expanding and business was booming--a little before the crash of the stock market in 1929, and since then I have been able to obtain the materials from the wardrobe trunk that I had had to leave behind, and I want to talk about what I found--and what more I found out about Donald L. Weber.  In essence, this edition of Michigan Travel Tips is another trip back in time.

    I begin by noting that I found a group of insurance policies in the wardrobe trunk.  On July 13, 1921, Don Weber got an insurance policy (No. 89532) from The Lincoln National Life Insurance Company of Fort Wayne, Indiana, and it had general face amount of $2,000, and it had a $4,000 amount for special cases, such as loss of limb, and the potential beneficiary was Georgia Weber, who was reported to be his mother.  I discovered, around early 1927, the Detroit Free Press was involved in a venture in which regular readers of the newspaper could buy a life insurance policy sort of through the newspaper from Continental Life Insurance Company, and. on Jan. 31, 1927, Donald Weber got such a policy (No. 147518), and the policy (a travel and pedestrian accident policy) was scheduled to run one year and was designed to have a face value of $7,500.  It was on December 29, 1927, that Don Weber got an insurance policy (a "Limited accident and sickness policy") from North American Accident Insurance Company, which was located in Chicago, Illinois, and the value had a range--from $1,000 (for loss of foot) to $10,000 (for loss of life)--and because of the information on it, I learned Don Weber, who was living at 3933 St. Clair Street in Detroit, was now 27 years of age, weighed about 152 pounds, and was five foot seven and a half, and Don Weber now worked as a credit manager (an accountant), and the beneficiary was Mrs. Georgia W. Davis (of Rising Sun, Indiana).  In April 1928, Donald Weber got a "Certificate of Insurance" from General Accident Fire & Life Assurance Corporation, Ltd., of Philadelphia, Penn. No. 30., related to his 1927 Chrysler "70" Brougham, and it was scheduled to be in effect from April 17, 1928, to April 17, 1929, and, for instance, it was a liability policy with a limit of $10,000 for one person and a limit of $20,000 for one accident, and, at the time, Don Weber, who lived in Detroit, was working at Commercial Miling Company.  "Donald Louis Weber" was the name on an insurance policy (No. P418751) that was taken out on him for the amount of $1,000 from The Great-West Life Assurance Company, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, and was dated April 2, 1929, and, at this time, he was living in Detroit, and the listed beneficiary was P. H. Davis, who was called his "mother" (and that means I found two documents with two different women who were called his mother).  Another policy was associated with a car (a 1927 Chrysler Brougham), and the policy was from National Liberty Insurance Co. of America (which was based in New York, New York), and it was designed to cover, for instance, theft or other peril, and it was dated April 6, 1929, and the amount was $700.00, and he was expected to pay 12 installments of $54.00, and, at this time, Donald Weber was living at 830 West Euclid Avenue, Detroit.
    I could not get a clear and perfect picture of where Donald Weber lived during the 1920s, much of which was spent in Detroit, but I know some locations that he used.
    Here are places that I can state were places that he lived.  On March 10, 1923, Donald Weber was living at 1604 Jonquil Terrace, Chicago, Illinois, and, by the way, on November 26, 1924, he was a student at Northwestern University in Chicago, Illinois. I found that on January 28, 1926, he used the address of 319 Dempser.  On December 27, 1927, he was living at 3933 St. Clair, Detroit, and he was there till at least January 1928, when he was going to the College of the City of Detroit and when he had a 1922 Chevrolet Coupe.  From March 8, 1928, to July 11, 1928, he was living at 830 West Euclid Avenue, Detroit.
    Here is some information for you to consider.  I found that from March 20, 1928 to November 1928, he would use the address of "203 Randolph Street, Detroit," such as when he bought investments, and it seems it was the location of Henkels Flour Company (or Henkel Flour Company), where he seemed to work.  I found that he used the address of 746 Collingwood Avenue, Detroit, Michigan, from November 12, 1928 to February 18, 1929, and that address may or may not have been a place where he lived (I did find he bought stock in Federal Mogul on February 14, 1929, and he used the address of 746 Collingwood, the Wilshire Hotel, Detroit).
    Look at other facts that give hints about who Donald Weber was.  The wardrobe trunk had a report card from the College of the City of Detroit, and, in "Business Law," he got a "B" and a "C" and, in "Credits and Collections," he got an "A," and the address used on the card for him was 203 Randolph.  In 1928, he bought investments in a number of companies, and, during the year, he had investments in these companies (as shown in statements that I found)--Chrysler, Westinghouse Electric, Hudson Motor, Packard, Tide Water New, Hupp Motor, National Grocer, Greham Paige, Loriallard, Airway Electric, Michigan Steel, Ross Geer & Tool, and General Motors.  He held on to a sample patch of cloth for suits, which was associated with Benson & Rixon Co., Chicago, Illinois, which had five stores in Chicago when the patch was put together.  There were three photographs--a young woman in one photograph, another woman in another photograph, and four persons (a man and three women in yet another photograph.  The trunk had fifteen good photographic negatives and four bad photographic negatives.  I found the "By-Laws" for, as it was listed on the document, the "Commonwealth Edison Post No. 11, The American Legion, Department of Illinois" and an accompaning letter that was dated March 10, 1923, and the letter was from Charles J. Hughes, Commander, and the letter seemed to be a generic letter that was sent to everyone of the organization, since the heading was "Dear Comrade:" and not "Dear Donald" or "Dear Don."  Other items contained in the trunk were four small hooks, three screws, a sewing needle (which was in a small envelope), several business cards, some cards (like business cards) that had the addresses of persons, a few articles from newspapers, a two-cent stamp that had not been used, a receipt from the Good Housekeeping Shop (which was a store in Detroit, which was at 1415 Broadway, that sold electrical appliances), a membership card (dated February 10, 1927) for the Detroit Young Men's Christian Association, and two letters from Dorian Literary Society (Dorian House, East Lansing, Michigan)
    There were a few other items, and most will go unreported, but I will only talk about one more group, focusing on one of the group.  There were eight little address-type books in the wardrobe trunk, and they could be called "little black books," though they had the names of men and women--mostly women--and most of the books had black or dark covers.  One book, which was for 1922, noted on one page the name of a gal, "Anna," and he described her as an "Auburn Haired Beauty on 9th floor."

    Through two editions of Michigan Travel Tips, you have learned about a man who once lived in Detroit, such as at 708 West Euclid, the house where I found the wardrobe trunk.  Yes, there is much about the man that you will never know, such as his real appearance, where and when he was born, and where and when he died.  Yet, by reading all the information that I have presented about Donald Weber, you can probably say that you know more about the man than you knew about Barack Obama on November 4, 2008, a national election day.  Of course, now, you should know, if you have read the other documents of mine at the Web site of The Hologlobe Press, that Barack Obama is a communist and a perpetual liar, has an ill mind, and is working to destroy the United States of America as it was founded and destroy the economy of the United States of America, and since he seems to be pushing for an international climate treaty related to the United Nations, it is obvious Barack Obama wants the United States of America to come under the rules of an international communist country of some type that--he might be hoping--will have him as the head.

    Advertisement: The commercial this edition of Michigan Travel Tips urges you to get a copy of Liberty and Tyranny: A Conservative Manifesto, which is a book written by Mark R. Levin . This book will help you understand better what Barack Obama, who is purposely hurting the country, even though he is the president of the country, is, but the book is really about enslavers--politicians--who do not believe in the values of The U.S. Constitution and how The U.S. Constitution is designed to limit the power of the government, especially a dictatorship, over the individual (the citizen).  Remember: In the United States of America it is the individuals who own the government and not the government that owns the citizens, the latter of which is what Barack Obama wants and is pushing for.

    Promotional announcement: The Landmark Legal Foundation is made up of lawyers, such as Mark R. Levin (of The Mark Levin Show, a nationally syndicated radio show), who fight in court cases against those who do not uphold The U.S. Constitution and the rule of law for the country, and the Landmark Legal Foundation fights for the rights of the individual and against Marxists, communists, and the like.  In this day and age when Barack Obama, who I am convinced has a truly highly ill mind, is going against the rules of the country while pursuing a goal--I believe--to hurt the country and remake it or destroy it, I believe the Landmark Legal Foundation needs your help desperately; for example, retired lawyers who want to protect the country should consider donating time to helping the Landmark Legal Foundation.  I urge you to avoid making any donations to entities to promote manmade global warming or climate change and make a donation to the Landmark Legal Foundation instead (by the way, you should look into supporting the Heritage Foundation).

    Since this document is supposed to talk about places to see in Michigan, I had better put in some places to see in Michigan--as they are now, which means I have to pull you back from being in Detroit in the 1920s, but I am going to talk about two places to see this coming summer in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, and, if you are like me, you are hoping summer comes soon since it means the election of November 2010 will be closer.  Engadine is a town in Mackinac County, and it is the location of the Engadine Historical Society Museum, which is a little museum that is located in a building that was once the home of the Engadine Bank, which was closed down in the Great Depression, which, in essence, is the period of time that follows the period of time that I have information about Donald Weber (in essence, Donald Weber disppears at the start of the Great Depression), and this museum can give an impression of what a home was like in the early 1900s, such as around the time Donald Weber was in Detroit.  Generally speaking, the Engadine Historical Society Museum is open to tourists in the summer tourist season, which is the rule for many little museums around the country, another of which is Tahquamenon River Logging Museum and Nature Study Area, which is located at Newberry (in Luce County in the Upper Peninsula).  The Tahquamenon River Logging Museum and Nature Study Area focuses on logging in the 1800s, but it is also a place that can be used as a rest stop, since a person can get out of a vehicle and walk along a boardwalk and a nature trail (which is near the Tahquamenon River).

    P.S. #1: Remember: While you travel in Michigan, remind your children or grandchildren that they should never pledge to be a "servant to Obama" or a servant to any politician or sing the praises of Barack Obama, and to help you remember other matters that you should teach children about bad politicians, such as Barack Obama (who can be described as an "enslaver"), see such other documents of mine as Conservatism for Children and What Conservatism Means (which can be reached through this link: Conservatism) and Lessons for Children about Politics and Dangerous People (which can be reached through this link: Children).  (Note: I first passed along the subject of not being a "servant to Obama" and the like in the publication entitled T.H.A.T. #58, which can be reached through this link: T.H.A.T. #58.)

    Your travel tips of Michigan in this edition of Michigan Travel Tips are:

    The Engadine Historical Society Museum, Engadine, Mackinac County, the Upper Peninsula.

    Tahquamenon River Logging Museum and Nature Study Area, Newberry, Luce County, the Upper Peninsula.

- - - Public Service Copy for Broadcasters (four pieces) - - -

Number One:

[Canceled for this edition.]


Number Two:

[Canceled for this edition.]


Number Three:

[Canceled for this edition.]


Number Four:

[Canceled for this edition.]


- - - Contact Information - - -

The Hologlobe Press
Postal Box 20551
Ferndale, Michigan  48220-0551
The United States of America

copyright c. 2009
File date: 10 December 2009

To see the next edition of Michigan Travel Tips,
    click on: Travel #69.
To see the previous edition of Michigan Travel Tips,
    click on: Travel #67.
To see the catalog page for Michigan Travel Tips,
    click on: Travel.
To go to the main page of The Hologlobe Press,
    click on: www.hologlobepress.com.

For further reading, you should see THOUGHTS
    AND PIECES OF LOGIC for the individual
    woman and the individual man, which can be
    reached by hitting this link: Logic.
For further reading, you should see THOUGHTS
    STATES OF AMERICA for the individual
    woman and the individual man, which can be
    reached by hitting this link: Thoughts.
For further reading, you should see Political
    Lessons for the Individual Woman and the
    Individual Man in the United States of
    America, which can be reached by hitting
    this link: Lessons.
For further reading, you should see my document
    entitled Nonsense Statements and Quotations
    of Barack Obama, which can be reached
    through this link: Quotes.
For further reading, you should see my document
    entitled Madness in a President and Other
    Matters of a Defective Mind, which can be
    reached through this link: Madness.
For further reading, you should see T.H.A.T. #55,
    which has important television information and
    which can be reached through this link:
    T.H.A.T. #55.
For further reading, you should see the monthly
    publications known as T.H.A.T., the catalog
    to which can be reached through this link: T.H.A.T..
