(Television History and Trivia)




Victor Edward Swanson,


    The material provided on this page is a service of Victor Swanson and The Hologlobe Press.  The material may be used freely by a person, if the person does not use the material for commercial purposes.  The material may be used by persons employed in the media, such as staffers of radio stations, but persons employed in the media must announce that the material has been taken from the Web site of The Hologlobe Press, the main Internet address to which is www.hologlobepress.com.  Of course, the material is provided for fun or to teach.

A Good Announcement

It has become commonplace that when I have an
announcement positioned before the text proper of
an edition of T.H.A.T., the announcement shows up
bad.  This time, I have some good news.  Recent editions
of T.H.A.T. have had information about Edythe Fern
Melrose, such as about a former house that she
lived in, which a man named Ed Golick recently
visited.  Since I published the previous edition
of T.H.A.T., Ed Golick reported that the house
was one designed by Minoru Yamasaki and was built along
Lakeshore Drive in Grosse Pointe (Michigan) in 1955.  The
house is informally known as the "Hawaiian House."
I was able to find out that the building permit for
the house was taken out in 1955 by the Charm
Building Company and that somewhat recently it
was owned by the Josephs family (the husband
of which died in 2000 and the wife of which
died in 2013), and in September 2013,
there was an estate sale held for four
days tied to the Josephs family.  I note that
the house is located at 906 Lakeshore, and
someone else lives in the house.

An Announcement Showing Rottenness

On June 25, 2015, the U.S. Supreme Court made public
a ruling on the court case informally called The King v. Burwell case,
and the "high court" as a whole voted to keep the status quo
about the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010;
six rotten individuals, one of whom is a Spanish-type racist,
made it all possible (three good men (Clarence Thomas,
    Antonin Scalia, and Samuel Alito) lost, as did the good
Americans).  In essence, the six justices corrupted the
English language and the meaning of "state," and it can be said
that words have ever-changing meanings in the eyes of most of
the justices of the U.S. Supreme Court now.  Also, John Roberts
showed off how rotten he is as a thinker by writing, when
hinting why he had voted to keep the status quo--"...Congress
passed the Affordable Care Act to improve health
insurance markets, not destroy them....".  Judges in the
U.S. are not supposed rule based on what they perceive
intentions are, and, anyway, no judge can determine
the intentions of all those involved in making the
Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010
a law.  Evidence--which I have and have put
in documents of mine on the Internet--shows the
intentions of the makers was bad, aimed to
do harm to millions.  I report that two-thirds
of the members of the U.S. Supreme are shit!
And that idea you will not get from the favorite
television newscast.

Yet Another Announcement

I note, for those who are stupid, that Pope
Francis is a rotten and shitty man.  Pope Francis
is a pusher of communism and pseudo science
(such as the lie that manmade climax change
is leading to the death of the planet).  For instance,
Pope Francis is pushing the idea that global
warming is "disproportionately" the the fault of
of wealthy nations.  I say--Such shit that is from
Pope Francis!  Real science shows that the
planet is not warming right now.
 The Catholic Church is now promoting
lies about science and pushing communism
on the world.

And yet another announcement

This edition of Television History and Trivia
is loaded with information about rotten people
on television, and, to date, it probably is the
T.H.A.T. document that is most-filled with examples
of the rotten people on television or tied to it.

- - - T.H.A.T., Edition No. 135 - - -

    I have an old rule--You cannot call up what you do not know through the Internet.  What I mean by that is, for instance, you cannot call up information about "Ema Hayasaka" if you do not know "Ema Hayasaka" exists or if the words exist.  For instance, if you do not know that something called Men Into Space existed as a television series on CBS-TV during the 1959-1960 television season, you might not called it up to see what it was.  I have found out that episodes of Men Into Space are available on YouTube.  The first episode was and is called "Moon Probe," and it introduced the main character of the series Colonel Edward McCauley (who was played by William Lundigan).  In the first episode, Angie Dickinson (who would later be in the famous 1970s television series called Police Woman) played Colonel McCauley's wife, Mary (Joyce Taylor played the character in other episodes).  There were a few actors who appeared in several episodes, but, mostly, the show only had one regular performer--William Lundigan.   The half-hour series, which was filmed in black and white, was produced by Lewis J. Rachmil, and the series was produced in association with the U.S. Department of Defense (involving, for example, the U.S. Navy, the U.S. Air Force, and Air Research and Development Command).  The series was sort of realistic in that it was not about space monsters, like those in what would come in Lost in Space in the 1960s.  Men Into Space came from a company called Ziv Television Productions.  If you want something different to see and something that shows off old-time television, such as to a child, track down Men Into Space through YouTube.  It is a harmless series--it is good family safe.

    In the previous edition, I announced that some television programs broadcast by Michigan-based
television stations between May 10, 2015, and June 10, 2015, were going to be talked about in this edition of T.H.A.T.--it was a feature being postponing--and now I have that feature for you here.
    One program that I have to talk about is The Malik Shabazz Show of Tuesday, May 19, 2005, in the seven o'clock hour in the evening, which was shown on WHPR-TV, Channel 33, Detroit.  In that hour, the host was Billy E. Jones.  Malik Shabazz was nowhere to be seen.  There was a guest--it was a Grand Sheik related to the Moorish Science Temple, which has been around for decades in Detroit.  The program did not identify the man's name by showing it in letters.  It seems it was Faquabey or Brother C. Fagua-Bey (based on words that I saw on the Internet).  The two men were black, and they showed off their black racist natures and their ignorance.  At around 7:58 p.m., the Grand Sheik or "Brother" put forth this argument--Tell me what U.S. war was done for principle."  Right then, I thought of World War II, and I quickly thought of the "Tuskegee Airmen," some of whom were fighter pilots guarding U.S. bombers flying over Europe, such as Germany.  In essence, the "Brother" put down the Tuskegee Airmen and other guys and gals of the U.S. who fought in that war--fighting on principle, to beat down rotten people, like Hitler.  Yes, some of the Tuskegee Airmen probably wanted to be seen as "Americans," equal with whites, and that was part of their reason to fight, but you cannot sell the idea to me that that was their only reason.  By the way, although the Democrats, such as in the U.S. Congress, hindered the American soldier in doing right in the Vietnam War, I say that the war, which had, for example, "black" U.S. men as soldiers, was a worthwhile war, and it was fought on principle--the Democrats (or "communists") in the federal government blocked good Americans from winning, and now the country has Barack Obama, a communist and a defective man, as the U.S. president.  Oh, the Grand Sheik looked like a con man in the way he always smiled and tried to present the image that he likes everybody, and to me, he came off as the dictionary definition of or the poster image for a "snake in the grass."  I could say in jest--"Yes, those Tuskegee Airmen were just playing around, wasting time, zooming in and out of the clouds for fun....".  History notes that 68 Tuskegee Airmen died.  The "Brother"--that piece of black crap--probably thinks it was all for fun and had nothing to do with killing Hitler and other enslavists.  I state--the Grand Sheik and Billy E. Jones are stupid and rotten men who are teaching other black men to be rotten, heads filled with crap.
    Oh, I quickly looked in my television files.  WGN-TV (when it was considered a "superstation" or one of several "superstations") aired a program about the Tuskegee Airmen on February 29, 1992.  WGTE-TV, a PBS-affiliate, aired a program about the Tuskegee Airmen on February 3, 3003.  On August 26, 1996, HBO aired a made-for-cable movie called The Tuskegee Airmen.  (That is all that I will list.)
    Bad programs produced by Michigan-based television shows are not only broadcast by television stations in the Detroit area but also by television stations in areas of the northern half of the Lower Peninsula of Michigan. On Thursday, May 28, 2015, WGTQ-TV (which I had available to me on Channel 4.2 and Channel 8.1 where I was) gave viewers Town Hall: Your Voice.  Your Future. for one hour, starting at 6:00 p.m..  It was a program about legalizing marijuana in Michigan, and the program had a panel of four persons and had a studio audience, a few members of which asked questions, and the moderator was Mark Hayman, and Marc Schollett and Kristen Lowe presented comments and such from viewers using "social media."  The panel was made up of Bob Cooney (the prosecutor in Grand Traverse County), James Bosscher (the sheriff of Missaukee County), State Representative Jeff Irwin (of the Ann Arbor area), who is a Democrat (a "communist"), and Mark Marsden (of the Michigan Cannabis Coalition).  The program came off as a one-sided program, pushing for the legalization of marijuana.  The audience--in often over-the-top ways--regularly applauded and cheered the "pushers"--those pushing for legalizing marijuana.  Bob Cooney and James Bosscher, who came off as a little weak in their presentations, which was bad, were not the "pushers."  One of the pushers of State Representative Jeff Irwin.  Hold it!  I have to make a side comment here.  Jeff Irwin tried to appear to be a "patriot."  He wore a suit and red-white-and-blue socks.  I say--Such phoniness that was.  Hold it!  I have to make another comment.  Over the decades, "marijuana" has come to be called "dope."  There is a reason for that.  It does make people dopey.  The drug does affect the brain, and it can ruin the brain, despite what the "pushers" on the program might want you not to believe.  That is history!  One thing that Jeff Irwin pushed out was--No one has ever overdosed from using marijuana.  I state that maybe--maybe--no one has overdosed.  History proves that "dope" is not good.  It is "dope!"  Mark Marsden pushed out a big lie--he reported that statistics have not shown in increase in the use of marijuana in Colorado since it was legalized in Colorado in 2012, and he even hinted that use went down.  The federal government reported in a survey called "National Survey of Drug Use and Health" related to 2012-2013 that use of marijuana did indeed go up, and, for example, monthly use increased about 12 percent [Ingold, John.  "Marijuana use increases in Colorado, according to new federal survey."  The Denver Post, 26 December 2014, 06:32:16 p.m. MST.].  Mark Marsden also pushed the idiotic idea that growing and harvesting and selling "dope" (as I say it should be called) could become a good "cash crop" for people in Michigan.  I note--Since other idiots in other states are pushing to legalize "dope," how is "dope" going to be a big-deal cash crop unless more people get hooked on "dope"?  I have noted that Marc Schollett and Kristen--two low-level thinkers, under my rating system--passed along "social-media comments," and one person put forth the idea that fast-foods are bad for you so why worry about marijuana ("dope'), and I say that that person passed along idiot logic.  A telephone caller pushed forth the idiot idea that we should "...stop ruining people's lives over a plant."  I note that the telephone caller was pro-"dope."  A really rotten comment came from a man in the audience, who identified himself as the Reverend Steven P. Thompson, who is attached to a group of people called "Michigan Normal."  He noted that he was a good person--such as a productive citizen and not a criminal.  The big idiocy from the Reverend Steven P. Thompson was his idea that--God created the plant so it should not be bad.  That is crap!  If you want to put "God" into a push-for-"dope" argument--then you have to remember God create poison ivy, poison oak, toadstools, and other plants that can harm or even kill animals and humans, and God created other things, such as lions, that can kill humans (as happened to an American woman some weeks previously).  The "God" focus was Reverend Steven P. Thompson's main theme.  It was rotten thought.  I do have to note that Reverend Steven P. Thompson looked like a cliche--he looked like an aging hippie from the 1960s.  In addition, Reverend Steven P. Thomas, who noted that he has used marijuana, had ugly teeth, and it seems to me he had decided to use money on "dope" than on taking care of his teeth.  That means a man who does not care of himself--in order to have "dope"--wants to make "dope" more accessible--for him and you.  That is the sign of a rotten man.  I had the idea that Reverend Steven P. Thomas was pushing more rotten drugs for people so that he could get his fix.  Over the next several days--though I am not certain how many times--the station used the program in promotional announcements about what the station was doing for the community--I saw one advertisement one day.  Yes, WGTQ-TV was promoting to the public that the special--which was rotten--was important and shows how good WGTQ-TV is.  That is bullshit!

    By the way, State Representative Jeff Irwin is related to the Ann Arbor area, and Ann Arbor is one of two "sanctuary cities" Michigan and one of many dozen in the country (one of which is Los Angeles, California).  Such places are places were the local governments violate federal law by not enforcing federal immigration law, and they are places were illegal aliens (who are at least criminals for violating U.S. immigration law) have safe havens.  They are rotten cities.  San Francisco, California, is a sanctuary city, and it is where, on July 1, 2015 a Juan Francisco Lopez-Sanchez, an illegal alien, who had been deported several times to Mexico and came back to the U.S., shot--without sane justification--a woman named Kate Steinle while she was walking on a pier with her father and killed her.

    Let me show some other nonsense of 4.1-4.2-8.1-8.1 station group, based at Traverse City.  Around Sunday, July 5, 2015, all those broadcast channels (4.1-4.2-8.1-8.1) were off the air.  The station was having transmitter problems, which I found out by having to call the station group (on Monday, July 6, 2015)--particularly the news room (since the voice-mail system did not offer an extension number to, for example, ask general questions).  I had to telephone the station because the website had no information about what was wrong, which could have existed on a "news release."  Sloppy or worse--that is what the management of the station group is, not having the sense to note the problem on the website.  Yes, we are in "The Pseudo Information Age and the Age of Ignorance."  [Note: Actually, the station group is WPBN-TV, WTOM-TV, WGTU-TV, and WGTQ-TV.]

    Let me return to WHPR-TV, Channel 33, Detroit.  Blacks racists on the station are not only there in the form of men but also in the form of women.  On Fridays at 7:00 p.m., the station airs a program called Ask Welfare Rights, which is hosted by Maureen Taylor and Marian Kramer, both of whom are old black women.  They are supporters of Barack Obama and Michelle Obama, and, for example, Marian Kramer and Maureen Taylor would probably be fine with what Michelle Obama said (yelled out, really) as part of a speech to graduates at King College Prep High School, Chicago, Illinois, on Tuesday, June 9, 2015--"...Wherever you go, you will encounter people who doubt your very existence, folks who believe that hard work and families with strong values don't exist on the south side of Chicago or in Detroit or in El Paso or in Indian country or in Appalachia.  The don't believe you are real.  And with every word you speak, with every choice you make, with the way you carry yourself each day, you are rewriting the story of our community, and that's a burden that President Obama and I proudly carry every day in the White House....".  It is clear to any smart person that Michelle Obama through her words was promoting hatred for "whites."  Michelle Obama clearly showed herself to be a female black racist and an angry woman teaching young persons to hate.  And that is a woman that Maureen Taylor and Marian Kramer support.  By the way, in 2012, Marian Kramer received the Freedom and Justice Award the NAACP, which--I know--is a black racist communistic entity.  On Wednesday, June 10, 2015, I happened to catch roughly the end of a repeat broadcast of one of Maureen Taylor and Marian Kramer's shows (Ask Welfare Rights, a show designed to get people on welfare more easily), and it was about 1:56 p.m., and Marian Kramer noted about the M-1 rail project being built in Detroit that, when she goes by the construction area, all she sees is them on the job (the "them" is "whites"), and she pushed the idea that there is racism going on in choosing "blue-collar workers" for the project, and she even said--"They [meaning "whites"] have the jobs."  Let me show more of what the two ugly women support, given they support Michelle Obama.  On Tuesday, June 16, 2015, Michelle Obama was in London, England, and one thing that she said to some young women in a speech was--"...I'm here because when I look out at all of these young women, I see myself....".  Hold it!  The audience had Muslim women, and Michelle Obama is black.  Also, Michelle Obama said--"...I may come from a country that's an ocean way, but--...[I'm] a bit older than you all--but in so many ways your story is my story...." and "...For those of you who may not know much about my background.  I grew up in a working class neighborhood on the south side of Chicago, a neighborhood a lot like this one, and through it all, my parents fully expected us to do both--to achieve our dreams and be there for our family....".  The previous words show Michelle Obama was in bullshit mode, lying.  Also, Michelle Obama said--"...Maybe you'll read the news and hear what folks are saying about your religion....".  Guess what she was leading up to?  Michelle Obama said--"...You'll wonder if people will ever see beyond your head scarf to who you really are, instead of being blinded by the fears and misperceptions in their own minds....".  I state, basically, a woman who calls herself Muslin and regularly wears a head scarf is very likely to be a supporter of Sharia (that rotten political system masquerading as a religion) or Islamic law.  In essence, Michelle Obama was putting down people--such Americans--who well know Sharia is rotten and "enslavism" of the highest degree!
    [Note: Maureen Taylor and Marian Kramer support Barack Hussein Obama and what he does, and that shows the crap minds that exist in Maureen Taylor and Marian Kramer.  They even support Barack Obama's lying to black children--to keep them stupid--only one example of which was an event at Taylor Stratton Elementary School, Madison, Tennessee, on July 1, 2015.  To see only a bit of what Barack Obama said to poison the minds of black children, you should see the entry for "Wednesday, July 1, 2015" in my document entitled Nonsense Statements and Quotations of Barack Obama (Part Two), which can be reached through this Quotes2 link.  Logic shows that Maureen Taylor and Marian Kramer endorse Barack Obama's lying to black children, and that shows rottenness of the two women.]

    Since I published the previous edition of T.H.A.T., at least one rotten series has shown up on television, particularly in relation to this paragraph on cable television, and one highly rotten special showed up. On Friday, June 26, 2015, Showtime aired a program called Dennis Rodman's Big Bang in Pyongyang, and the program showed off the true nature of a number of people, one of whom is Dennis Rodman (who is a freak).  Dennis Rodman has shown himself to be a lover of dictators, such as the leader of North Korea, which is a rotten nation for people to live in (when you exclude the leaders), and the big fat leader of the country is a killer known as Kim Jon-un.  The program was designed to please Kim Jon-un through a basketball game, the setting up of which had much to do with Dennis Rodman.  I state that all the basketball players from the U.S. who took part are as rotten as Dennis Rodman is, and some of the basketball players were Darren Prince, Charles Smith, and Ken Robertson.  Yes, Dennis Rodman and a bunch or rotten men went to North Korea to make nice with a killer!  On June 16, 2015, TNT began to run the series entitled Proof, which features Jennifer Beals (a lesbian) as a main performer, and the series is about proving there is life after death.  The premise is idiocy!

    Let me back up in time.  On June 8, 2015, ABC Family (a network aimed mostly at children) began to air--and preach--to young people the goodness of the "transgender" idea.  On that day, young people and other got to see the first episode of Becoming Us.  Although transgender characters have been seen from time to time on television, transgender characters or people are really getting the push these days.  It is more rottenness on television.

    It is time for a break.

  Announcement for the novice again: To get useful television-delivered news or Internet-delivered news, go to Fox News Channel, WorldNetDaily.com, "The Drudge Report," and CNS News (which is on the Internet and which was launched on June 16, 1998), since the entities do not blindly support Barack Obama, as do CNN, MSNBC, NBC-TV, CBS-TV, and ABC-TV (to learn about bad journalism, you might tune in to CNN, MSNBC, NBC-TV, CBS-TV, and ABC-TV from time to time to see how they differ from the Fox News Channel and those mentioned with it in presenting political stories and events, and you should discover CNN, MSNBC, NBC-TV, CBS-TV, and ABC-TV avoid covering things that make Barack Obama look bad or show his true nature, which could harm you).  If you are unclear of my intentions, I say in different words that you should boycott CNN, MSNBC, NBC-TV, CBS-TV, and ABC-TV and hope they lose more ratings and advertising revenues, since they are expendable, and it is time for you to find the guts to be mean and heartless and cancel them--since they are hurting you.

    On June 16, 2015, a man named Donald Trump announced publicly that he was running in the political race (as a "Republican") to become the next U.S. President, and his announcement was short.  One thing that Donald Trump said is--"...When do we beat Mexico at the border?  They're laughing at us at our stupidity.  And now they're beating us economically.  They are not our friend.  Believe me.  But they're killing us economically.  The U.S. has become a dumping ground for everybody else's problems.  [Applause.]  Thank you.  It's true.  And these aren't the best and the finest.  When Mexico sends its people, they're not sending their best.  They're not sending you.  They're not sending you.  They're sending people that have lots of problems, and they're bringing those problems with us [Note: He, having a slip of the tongue moment, probably meant--"...to us....".]  They're bringing drugs.  They're bringing crime.  They're rapist.  And some, I assume, are good people.  But I speak to border guards, and they tell use what we're getting.  And it only makes commonsense, it only makes commonsense.  They're sending us not the right people.  It's coming from more than Mexico.  It's coming from all over South and Latin America, and it's coming--probably, probably--from the Middle East, but we don't know, 'cause we have no protection, and we have no confidence.  We don't know what's happening.  And it's gotta stop.  And it's gotta stop fast....". After Donald Trump said these words, people--supporters of communism and socialism and Barack Obama--began to come out in public to condemn what Donald Trump had said, saying the words were racist.  I state--Donald Trump's words had nothing to do with racism.  They were fact.  By the way, in relation to the topic of the "border," Donald Trump could have talked about how, when recently the big wave of children were entering the U.S. at the U.S./Mexico border, the federal government (the Barack Obama administration) kept reporters away from the check-in places so that they could not learn, for one, all the diseases that the children were bringing in to the country, which they would take with them to the places in the country where they were being shipped to live.  Some of the people or entities that came out in public to condemn Donald Trump were NBC, which cut business ties with Donald Trump, such as the tie related to The Miss USA pageant, Macy's (the store), Shakira (the musical performer), America Ferrera (the actress who has clearly shown herself to be a supporter of enslavism), and Grupo Televisa (a Mexican television entity).  Yes, the rotten people and entities showed themselves. I have learned that the next presentation of The Miss USA pageant will air on the Reelz network.  That is one point to the good for Reelz.

    Let me add to the story about The Miss USA pageant.  Before Donald Thump's statements about immigration were issued (on June 16, 2015), Cheryl Burke (of Dancing with the Stars fame) was going to be the co-host for the 2015 event, but she dropped out (as did Thomas Roberts of MSNBC, the communistic-based television news entity).  You might have  thought Cheryl Burke was a cutie and a great gal, guys.  Her dropping out of the hosting gig shows off her rottenness.  Guys, I suggest you get another dream girl.  Cheryl Burke, like Thomas Roberts, is rotten.

    Oh, for now, I shall stay with Ema Hayasaka, though she is around 44 years of age now and I have no idea if her brain has gone to crap, as Cheryl Burke's has.  (I hope Ema Hayasaka is yet a handsome woman--still shaped like a woman and not, like so many American woman today, a fat gal who looks like a really fat male plumber, whose butt crack often shows when bent down.)

    George Takei played "Sulu" on the 1960s television series entitled Star Trek, and since then he has shown himself to be a rotten man, such as by supporting communism and Barack Obama, as had Leonard Nimoy.  On June 30, 2015, George Takei showed off more of his rottenness, responding to words that had been written recently by Justice Clarence Thomas of the U.S. Supreme Court (Clarence Thomas is a black man, and George Takei is an Asian gay man).  Clarence Thomas wrote--"...The corollary of that principle that human dignity cannot be taken away by the government.  Slaves did not lose their dignity (any more than they lose their humanity) because the government allowed them to be enslaved.  Those held in internment camps did not lose their dignity because the government confined them.  And those denied governmental benefits certainly do not lose their dignity because the government denies them those benefits.  The government cannot bestow dignity, and it cannot take it away....".  Fox 10 (a television station called KSAZ-TV in Phoenix, Arizona) got a statement (on video) from George Takei for use starting on June 30, 2015, related to what Clarence Thomas wrote--"...He is a clown in black face sitting on the Supreme Court.  He gets me that angry.  He doesn't belong there.  And for, for him, him to say that slaves have dignity.  Does he know that slaves were enchained, that they were whipped on the back.  If you saw the movie 12 Years as a Slave, you know, they were raped, and he says that they had no, they had dignity as slaves or.  My parents lost everything that they worked for in the middle of their lives--in their thirties, his business--my father's business--our home, our freedom.  And we're supposed to call that dignified, and, marching out of our homes a gun point.  I mean this man does not belong in the Supreme Court.  He is an embarrassment.  He is a disgrace to America.  I'll say it on camera....".  (George Takei spoke in an angry tone.)  Examine the statement that George Takei made.  First, the movie to which George Takei referred, which was released in 2014, was actually called 12 Years a Slave.  Second, George Takei actually cited a movie as a source of history and something that is to be followed as a source of fact.  That is garbage!  George Takei thinks a movie should be used to back up a statement of history.  Third, in World War II, Japanese-type persons in America, many of whom were in California, were put in internment camps (detainment camps), and that imprisonment was at the hands of U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt--a Democrat or "progressive" or socialist.  By the way, George Takei supports the "Democratic Party" and the members of it, such as Barack Obama, a black racist and communist.  When George Takei was talking about "...My parents lost everything....", he was talking about the internment days for his family, and that had nothing to do with Clarence Thomas and it had nothing to do with whether or not his family had "dignity."  George Takei seems not to understand what "dignity" means and how the word should be used properly.  By the way, Clarence Thomas words were tied to the U.S. Supreme Court decision about gay marriage, and I state the the U.S. Supreme Court should have never even heard the case--since it was a cultural issue that should have been left to the citizens of the country (300,000,000 plus persons) and not to, in essence, a board of nine persons (where five voted for it and four voted against it).  And what do you make of George Takei's using--"...He [Clarence Thomas] is a clown in black face...."?

    Did you catch the showing of A Capitol Fourth on PBS on July 4, 2015?  I tried to avoid it, but I sort of got trapped into catching a portion of it.  This year, the show was hosted by a communist (a promoter of "enslavism" and rotten political ideas)--Bradley Whitford (whose video Bradley Whiteford for Obama still exists on YouTube).  On the program was Lang Lang (who was at a piano for Rhapsody in Blue), who has performed before Barack Obama at the White House (Note: I prefer Oscar Levant's doing Rhapsody in Blue).  Nicole Scherzinger did a "c"-grade singing performance for the show, doing at number from Oklahoma.  Robert Davi, who seems to be not so much a supporter of Barack Obama, was on the program, and his performance came off a little weak (some of the notes seemed off).  That is enough of that.

    Here is something new that is old.  On Friday, June 5, 2015, I happened to tune into a new broadcast network (a subchannel network) called Buzzr, which airs old game shows (it had been launched on June 1, 2015), and the network was showing an episode of Card Sharks, which was a series hosted by Jim Perry and which was originally shown from 1978 to 1981.  When I tuned into the old show, the time was about 9:35 a.m. (Detroit time).  The host asked the question (asking contestants Tomi and Roger)--What percentage of police officers in California think that marijuana should be legalized.  The answer was 13 percent.  I wonder what the figure is today.

    In the edition of T.H.A.T. #133, I reported that there was a device for television stations--in the early days--called a "Projectall," and that I had no idea what it was.  I now know what it was.  It was used in the very late 1940s and in the early 1950s, for example; and during that time, there were several versions.  Basically, it was a projector, and it would be used to show, for instance, slides (such as 35-mm film slides or glass slides), news reports, cartoons, drawings, time information, and temperature information, and it could show a moving ticker tape of news, and it had a small turntable with it that could be used to display an object, which could then be displayed on a television screen.  The device came from "INS" (or International News Service), which, in 1949, for example, had a syndicated newsreel show called Telenews INS, and the device could be used to air INS news-service product, such as news reports.  In 1949, some of the first television stations to acquire the device were WNBT-TV (New York City, New York), WNBQ-TV (Chicago, Illinois), WLWT-TV (Cincinnati, Ohio), and WJBK-TV (Detroit, Michigan).  I am a little unclear about how the device worked, since I have not seen one close up.  I note that Showman's Trade Review for April 30, 1949, under "SMPE Meet Spotlights Closing Gap Between Movies and Video" (page E-5) had--"...Projectall operates by reflection to project images of solid objects, including news photos and news reports, as well as models of merchandise, directly into aperture of television camera....".

    Oh, July 1, 2015, I noticed that there was a new sub-channel broadcast network airing on 20.3.  The network is "Escape."  I have mentioned a bit about Escape in the past.  I state that it is not much of a network, based on the programming, and I probably will not watch it much.  You might like it, however.

    Remember: The Prisoner with Patrick McGoohan was a television show that was produced across the pond and shown on CBS-TV in the late 1960s, and I urge you to find The Prisoner on DVD, maybe from a library, and watch it, and you should show it--all the episodes--to teenagers, or buy it as a present for teenagers.

    P.S.: I was thinking about talking about Willie Bryant--one of the early stars of Detroit television--in this edition of T.H.A.T., but I ended not doing that, finding other things that I had to present.  Sometime in the future, I will talk about Willie Bryant, but I know not when.  I report there that Willie Bryant had become a well-known black performer and more before he showed up in Detroit to be a television star.

Stay well!


copyright c. 2015
Date published: July 10, 2015

The Hologlobe Press
Postal Box 5263
Cheboygan, Michigan  49721
The United States of America

To see the next edition of T.H.A.T.,
    click on: T.H.A.T. #136.
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    click on: T.H.A.T. #134.
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    click on: T.H.A.T..
To see information about the news business in
    the country and its failures and its betrayal of
    the American public, click on: T.H.A.T. #55.
To go to the main page of The Hologlobe Press,
    click on: www.hologlobepress.com.
For further reading, you should see the document
    entitled Never Forget These Media Darlings ? --
    A Guide for the Individual in the United
    States of America, which can reached by
    using this link: Media.
For further reading, you should see the document
    entitled Film and Television Production
    Tax Credits: The Bad Side of the Issue,
    which can be reached through this link:
    Tax Credits.
For further reading, you should see the document
    AMERICA for the individual woman and the
    individual man, which can be reached by
    hitting this link: Thoughts.
For further reading, you should see the document
    LOGIC for the individual woman and the
    individual man, which can be reached by
    hitting this link: Logic.
For further reading, you should see the document
    entitled Political Lessons for the Individual Woman
    and the Individual Man in the United States of
    America, which can be reached by hitting this
    link: Lessons.
For further reading, you should see the document
    entitled Nonsense Statements and Quotations
    of Barack Obama, which can be reached at
    this link: Quotes.
For further reading, you should see the document
    about censorship, Fairness?: A Guide for the
    Individual Woman and the Individual Man
    in the United States of America, which can be
    reached at this link: Fairness.
For further reading, you should see the document
    entitled National Health Care and Mass Failure:
    The Reasons it is a Dead Issue, which can be
    reached at this link: Health.
For further reading, you should see the document
    entitled  A Collection of Words--Just Words--
    That Show Dangerous People, which can be
    reached through this link: Words.

Keep in mind: T.H.A.T. documents and Michigan
    Travel Tips documents published since the middle
    of 2008 contain more quotations and statements
    of Barack Obama's that you should see.  To see
    the editions of Michigan Travel Tips, you should
    go to the catalog page, which can be reached by
    hitting this link: Travel.
